Annexure “B”

Conditions Precedent which must be achieved prior to the Sole Coffee Sponsor paying a $500 Sole Coffee Sponsorship Fee for an initial order of 50 cycle jerseys in the Sole Coffee Sponsor's nominated colours with the -

  1. Sole Coffee Sponsor's logo prominently displayed on the front and back;

  2. Team Muggaccinos displayed on the front and back; and

  3. Hornsby Cycles (bike shop) displayed across the top of the back

After Phil Johnston achieves, to Sole Coffee Sponsor's satisfaction, all of the following 5 Conditions Precedent, the Sole Coffee Sponsor would -

a)        hand over a cheque for $500 representing the Sole Coffee Sponsorship Fee (to Phil Johnston) payable to Muggaccinos cycle group; or

b)        make an electronic remittance for $500 to Phil Johnston's nominated bank account:


1.         Phil Johnston provides to Sole Coffee Sponsor the Proposed Jersey Design prepared by his Chinese garment maker (at 55% approx. the cost of Australian manufactured bicycle jerseys when incl freight) with a large Sole Coffee Sponsor's logo on the front and on the back, and the jersey in the Sole Coffee Sponsor's logo marketing colours. 

2.         Sole Coffee Sponsor provides written sign-off for the Final Jersey Design to Phil Johnston which naturally has to look stylish for cyclists to want to purchase and wear it.  Phil Johnston provides to the Sole Coffee Sponsor written acknowledgement of the Sole Coffee Sponsor's Final Jersey Design sign-off. 

3.         Phil Johnston pays his Chinese manufacturer/supplier in advance the full cost of the initial order of 50 Sole Coffee Sponsor jerseys. 

4.         Phil Johnston provides a written receipt to Sole Coffee Sponsor for the one-off $500 Sole Coffee Sponsorship Fee contemporaneous with receiving Sole Coffee Sponsor's cheque or electronic remittance.

5.         A large Sole Sponsor's logo to appear at top of the Home Page of for at least 2 years with reference to all other coffee brands removed from website.