
 Benefits to Lavazza Coffee 

I.           A minimum order of 75 Lavazza Coffee jerseys paid for ‘in toto’ (approx. $7,000) in advance by Phil Johnston, whereupon Lavazza Coffee cycle jerseys will regularly appear at over 40 cafés across Sydney.  

II.          If a bike shop's logo is on one sleeve, that shop would carry a supply of Lavazza Coffee jerseys and no doubt encourage sales because its name and primary bike supplier is shown on it.  That should increase the number of Lavazza jerseys purchased.

III.         You are able to purchase up to 10 of the initial order of 75 jerseys ‘at cost’ ie. approx. $80 for short sleeve and $90 long sleeve which includes GST - depending on manufacturer selected. www.valcorp.com.au/lavazza.html could sell the jersey at cost, thereby achieving free publicity. You could run a few magazine adds with a pic similar to the Saeco cyclist to cash-in on having your own jersey.  Unlike Saeco, your cost to achieve a nexus with cycling would be a pittance.

IV.        Seasoned Muggaccinos’ cyclists would politely distribute a joint Lavazza Coffee/Muggaccinos marketing (business) card to 40 different cafes across Sydney in next 12 mths and invite those café proprietors to obtain a quote from Lavazza Coffee if they are dissatisfied with their current coffee brand, thereby using up 200 cards allowing for average minimum of two visits per annum.  I would e-mail you an updated schedule of the 40 cafes we distribute marketing cards to whilst wearing your jersey.  The updated schedule would list when we lasted visited each café and name of staff we distributed marketing cards to.  Thereby perhaps securing up to say 5 new cafés which use Lavazza Coffee in 12 months. 

V.         Muggaccinos cyclists would enthusiastically distribute remaining 1,800 marketing cards per annum to other cyclists and prospective cyclists (some coffee lovers) inviting them to -
*         review www.Muggaccinos.com which would prominently displays a Lavazza logo on its Home Page; and
*         commence cycling with Muggaccinos. 

VI.        I update Nosh Stops to delete other coffee logos and insert a small Lavazza logo next to each café listed therein which uses Lavazza.  You could inform me the names of other cafes which stock Lavazza Coffee to enable me to add to Nosh Stops provided those cafes are convenient to cyclist routes. 

VII.       A jersey can be framed in between two clear slices of Perspex properly secured with clips for about $20 a frame.  These could be on display on a rotational basis at cafes using Lavazza that are frequented by cyclists

VIII.      Opportunity to display large photos (and a caption of the presentation underneath) of a cheque handover ceremony amidst 40 or so cyclists in Lavazza jerseys and bicycles –
§             in your office; or
§             on your website; or
§             at popular cafes which stock Lavazza that are frequented by cyclists.

IX.        Marketing benefits to Lavazza as sole sponsor of a unique/idiosyncratic cycle club - gaining popularity amongst Sydney’s endurance cyclists due to – 

(a)           an innovative website which provides challenging, arduous rides each w’end and promotes thru our weekly issue of the risqué Bullsheet

(b)           creative ventures such as this, and Adopt a Blind Cyclist. 

X.         The right for Lavazza to similarly negotiate with other cycle group(s) across Australia, without requiring consent from Muggaccinos, to use the same style jersey with other cycle group(s) name on the back, in lieu of www.Muggaccinos.com and www.KOMpm.com - the unit price per jersey should be lower if another cycle group/club ordered from the same manufacturer as my initial order of 75 items, because the one-off $500 template design cost would likely reduce to $100 approx to change the groups name.  I can assist you identify similar recreational ride groups in major country towns and interstate.  I disfavour you dealing with cycle race clubs, as some of their riders are arrogant and are unfazed about being noisy or eating their own snacks in cafés.  The average age of recreational ride groups is mid-40s.

XI.        If you saw merit in increasing the number of Lavazza Coffee cycle jerseys being worn around Sydney beyond the initial 75, say to 125, we could approach the cycle courier companies in Sydney incl Bonds Express, Fleet Flyers, Crisis Couriers, Mail Call, Fast! offering your jersey for say 25% discount off wholesale price eg from $80 for short sleeve to $60.  Contributing $20 towards the cost of a cycle jersey which would be worn for approx 700 working days, whilst delivering a zillion items to office addresses around Sydney’s streets, may be cheap publicity, as theses would regularly be seen by Sydney’s office workers who are notorious coffee drinkers.  I could advertise the 25% discount price on www.Muggaccinos.com for bona fide cycle couriers.  I could introduce you to a few long term cycle couriers, and the top half a dozen cycle courier companies incl Bonds Express, Fleet Flyers, Crisis Couriers, Mail Call, Fast!.  One of those companies may be interested in doing a deal with you.