Berowra to Spencer Wiseman's Ferry

LHS - A lass out training who passed by Scribe whilst he was shottin' the above pic on RHS of heap plenty cloud in Berowra Valley

 Matt and Katie aka Camel in Berowra station carpark pre-departure                        A crowd at Mt White 1st Nosh Stop

  The two Kate's at Mt White.                   Publican endeavouring to look Cool with someone over half his age, but what's wrong with that!!!

 Auckland 'n KoalaBear chewing the fat.                                         Amanda, Tony 'n Heineken at Peats Ridge


 Take 1 - Kate taking off from Peats Ridge in the BIG chainring.       Take 2 - Kate feeling a lot better in her smaller chainring.


 Simon aka RockSolid rolling out of Peats Ridge Sag Stop.                                Publican following him.






       Amanda rolling out.                                                                  Koala Bear not far behind.






Maria, Lisa 'n Samurai on the road to Spencer.





Arno aka Heineken, Kate H. aka Camel and Kate aka Flaxen also on the road to Spencer.