-----Original Message-----
From: Johnston, Phil [mailto:JOHNSTPH
Sent: Monday, 18 April 2005 8:40 AM
To: 'Ann Collins'
Cc: 'The Scribe'
Subject: RE: RED Roses Only for Muggaccinos promotion - 5 deliveries on Thursday

By now you are in Victoria cycling.   Hope weather is good.

As part of my integrity process, I have established a register on the web page for Cinderella Century which lists the names of all the recipients which links to a url of the e-mail “thank you”.

So you below e-mail will appear there soon.


-----Original Message-----

From:         Ann Collins [mailto:anncollinsAToptusnet.com.au]
Friday, 15 April 2005 8:32 PM
'Johnston, Phil'
RE: RED Roses Only for Muggaccinos promotion - 5 deliveries on Thursday

Dear Phil

The dozen red roses are beautiful …….my thanks to you and the Muggs.  I appreciate riding with the group and the friendship and bonhomie it gives.  Keep up the sterling work.

Regards from Ann

PS: yes the bridge photo was great…  I always love cycling over the Hawkesbury; it has so many seasons  and to me is quintessentially Australian!!
From: Johnston, Phil [mailto:JOHNSTPH
Sent: Thursday, 14 April 2005 8:12 AM
To: 'Ann Collins'
Subject: RE: RED Roses Only for Muggaccinos promotion - 5 deliveries on Thursday


My pleasure.

I hope you ride lots more qtly CCs.

And I hope you liked the picture of a cloud ridden Waterloo Bridge in this week’s Bullsheet which raps-up last Sunday’s ride.

Phil Johnston
From: Johnston, Phil [mailto:JOHNSTPH
Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 3:20 PM
To: 'Arno Roosink aka Heineken'; 'Julie Gardiner'; 'Ann Collins - ToothFairy'; 'Frances Dunne'; 'Deborah Rose aka Debs'
Subject: RED Roses Only for Muggaccinos promotion - 5 deliveries on Thursday


Sorry for all the e-mails, but this has been a learning curve fore me.

Below is an e-mail from Roses Only informing all deliveries will be on Thursday

Phil Johnston

-----Original Message-----

From:       Tanya Gomes [mailto:tgomesATrosesonly.com]
Wednesday, 13 April 2005 2:40 PM
Johnston, Phil
RE: RED Roses Only for Muggaccinos promotion - 5 deliveries this week

Hi Phil,

I have processed the 5 ladies' orders for you.

The order numbers are below for your reference. Each order was charged at $63.20 (after the 20% discount).

Sarah Roosink RO279395. Del. Thurs by 7pm processed

Julie Gardiner RO297393. Del. Thurs by  7pm processed

Frances Dunne RO297391. Del. Thurs by 5pm processed

Deborah Rose  RO297390. Del. Thurs by 5pm processed

Ann Collins RO397385. Del. Thurs by 5pm processed

When should I expect the next deliveries for?

