Tories call for financial scrutiny amid claims of ‘wasteful’ government spending -  -  9 Jun 2022

Fierce debate in Scottish Parliament sees opposition ministers criticise the Finance Secretary's latest plans






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Finance Secretary Kate Forbes was forced to defend her spending plans 

The Scottish Government has urged the introduction of a new financial scrutiny procedure amid claims of “wasteful” spending and “savage” cuts to the public sector.

The Scottish Conservatives led a parliamentary debate on Wednesday to scrutinise the Scottish Government’s spending review, which could see tens of thousands of public sector jobs cut.

It follows Finance Secretary Kate Forbes’ Spending Review last week, where she admitted “difficult decisions” would need to be taken.

But Liz Smith, the Tories’ finance spokeswoman, said the government’s mismanagement of public money was the reason why public services such as early years learning, police and the fire and rescue service will see their budget frozen over the next five years.

“I’m sure the public will find it very difficult indeed to understand why on earth such substantial real terms cuts to our police, who are on the front line of keeping our communities safe, to local government services, to trade and enterprise, to tourism and our universities.”

“And this is exactly the same public who will see the profligacy of the SNP Government wasting vast sums of money on ferries that don’t sail, BiFab, Prestwick Airport, the malicious Rangers prosecution, the list goes on.

“And of course, there is the £20m preparing for a second independence referendum.”

The “waste of public money”, she said, could have been used to cover vital public services.

In response, Forbes said only the UK Government has the “macro economic levers” to fully address the cost-of-living crisis.

“They have spectacularly failed to manage our economy in a way that works for businesses and works for households.”

In the midst of rising costs and rising energy prices, Forbes said Westminster was doing an “absolutely appalling job running the economy”.

She continued: “The piecemeal package that (the Chancellor) announced makes it highly likely that more support will be needed later when energy prices rise significantly in the autumn.”

Meanwhile, she said the Scottish Government was “doing all that we can” to help with the cost-of-living crisis by prioritising issues such as child poverty and the climate crisis.

Forbes added: “I strongly believe that the priorities that we have set out as part of this resource spending review are the priorities for the people of Scotland.”

Labour MSP Paul Sweeney accused Forbes of “burying your head in the sand” by choosing to deflect the issues on to the UK Government.

He said: “Rather than address the failures that you have presided over, the Scottish Government have done the usual.

“Pointing the finger at Whitehall, highlighting the failings of the Tories - rightly in that case - but it also attempts to distract from the myriad of failings that they themselves as a government have presided over.”

He described the proposed cuts to public sector jobs as the “most scathing” consequence of the spending review.

Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said the government’s “fiscal incompetence is plain for all to see”, adding that it “has its priorities all wrong”.


