Derek Mackay breaks silence on CalMac ferries scandal and deflects blame to SNP government – Scottish Daily Express – 24 June 2022

The disgraced former SNP minister gave damning evidence to MSPs over the two botched ferries being built at Ferguson Marine.

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The evidence from Derek Mackay was published on Friday 

Derek Mackay today broke his silence over the CalMac ferries fiasco in damning Holyrood evidence.

The disgraced former SNP minister blamed Scottish Government civil servants for the signing off of the controversial deal to Ferguson Marine.

The saga has seen costs to the taxpayer soar from £97million to at least £240m with two vessels - the MV Glen Sannox, right, and the unnamed Hull 802 - five years behind schedule.

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Both ships are being built at the Ferguson Marine shipyard in Port Glasgow, which was saved by the Scottish Government from administration in 2019.

SNP ministers awarded the contract in 2015 to the shipyard despite Scottish Government ferry procurement agency CMAL raising significant risks and concerns.

In evidence to Holyrood’s Public Audit Committee, Mr Mackay was asked about what assessment of the risks he undertook as transport minister of awarding the contract to Ferguson’s.

Mr Mackay wrote: “Ongoing CMAL concerns in the event of failure were about the risks ‘to the company’ and therefore the Scottish Government should give further reassurance on risk transfer to CMAL, which is covered in detail in the submission.

“There was a high level of confidence in the yard, which had successfully completed other vessels for the CalMac fleet.

"There was also an expectation that there would be sufficient monitoring and oversight.”

Nicola Sturgeon faced questions at Holyrood over the Ferguson shipyard deal
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It comes after a report by Audit Scotland released several months ago said there was “insufficient documentary evidence” to explain why the contract was given to Ferguson's without a full refund guarantee.

When asked if documentary evidence exists to explain the decision to proceed with the contract, Mr Mackay said he was not aware of “any such documents” apart from his submission sent on October 5, 2015, awarding the contract on behalf of Transport Scotland.

Mr Mackay also stressed the first concerns about the ferry contract were raised in December 2016 by Humza Yousaf, who succeeded him as transport minister.

The later finance secretary who resigned in February 2020 after bombarding a 16-year-old boy with inappropriate text messages finally addressed accusations Fergusons was nationalised apparently without a full understanding of “the costs and challenges”,

In the evidence, Mr Mackay wrote: “With the yard in public ownership further analysis could be conducted and decisions taken, but the alternative of walking away would not have achieved the stated objectives of the government.

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·         Nicola Sturgeon face questions over ferry fiasco from Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross
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“The option of finding another commercial buyer was also not ruled out, but the public ownership option was the best outcome at the time and the right thing to do in the circumstances.”

The former MSP has offered to appear before the Holyrood Committee in person.

Alex Cole-Hamilton, leader of Scottish Lib Dems, said: "I am sure Nicola Sturgeon was keeping everything crossed that Derek Mackay would stay silent but it is clear you can only throw someone under the bus so many times before they came back to tell their side of things.

"The First Minister must now come to Parliament as a matter of urgency to respond to these revelations."

A Holyrood spokeswoman said: “The committee will consider the content of the letters, and next steps, when it meets on Thursday.”