Kudos to journos who exposed Berejiklian’s misdeeds - SMH -

Let’s also give a shout-out to the media for reporting the shenanigans of Gladys Berejiklian and Daryl Maguire (“A corrupt liar; ICAC”, June 30). Without it, we the public would have been completely in the dark about the corruption that took place. Journalists help keep those in power accountable and honest. That’s why we need to continue supporting journalism and the media. Con Vaitsas, Patra, Greece

Gladys Berejiklian Daryl Maguire ICAC report

Gladys Berejiklian Daryl Maguire ICAC report 

As noted by Peter Hartcher (“To halt the rot, stop the rorts”July 1), the response from previous Coalition governments at both federal and state levels when accused of pork-barrelling was the response “it’s not illegal”. This was met with understandable outrage by the then oppositions, both of whom are now in government and have the power to pass laws to make pork-barrelling illegal. Albanese and Minns: what’s the hold-up? 
Ian Rewell, Longueville

Berejiklian would do much to restore her reputation if she would withdraw her endorsement of pork-barrelling, which is the double enemy of democracy because it rewards government electorates while punishing non-government ones. That is not good government “for the people of NSW” but a descent into tribalism, whose features are rampant corruption, political instability and mayhem. ICAC is our strongest bastion against politicians indulging their self-interest. Present and past politicians, premiers and ministers especially, should be able to see beyond their own privileges and entitlements. Accountability is the bedrock of democracy. Howard Dick, Toronto




