Core Functions of the Productivity Commission

Core functions

How does the Commission contribute?

The Productivity Commission is an advisory body. It does not administer government programs or exercise executive power. Its contribution hinges on the quality of the independent advice and information it provides to governments, and on the communication of ideas and analysis.

The Commission is an agency of the Australian Government, located within the Treasury portfolio. However its activities cover all levels of government and encompass all sectors of the economy, as well as social and environmental issues.

The core function of the Commission is to conduct public inquiries at the request of the Australian Government on key policy or regulatory issues bearing on Australia's economic performance and community wellbeing.

In addition, the Commission undertakes a variety of research at the request of the Government and to support its annual reporting, performance monitoring and other responsibilities.

The Commission also acts as secretariat to the inter-governmental Review of Government Service Provision, under the auspices of the Council of Australian Governments. And it has a role in advising on the competitive neutrality of Commonwealth Government business activities.

The Commission's four main 'output' streams

  1. Public inquiries and research studies requested by the government.

  2. Performance monitoring and benchmarking and other services to government bodies.
  3. Self-initiated research and annual reporting on productivity, industry assistance and regulation.
  4. Competitive neutrality complaints.