Community Consultation

Engaging the public on infrastructure decisions helps ensure projects meet the needs of local communities, builds public trust and makes successful delivery more likely. Getting it wrong can result in costly delays to much-needed infrastructure – whether transport, energy or digital projects.

Greater transparency can strengthen both the quality of decision making and public trust in the process.  Local communities affected by infrastructure projects, academics and other stakeholders can act as auditors, refining assumptions, providing additional data and identifying issues that may have been missed by officials. Making greater use of the expertise that lies outside of government departments and agencies will help to expose dubious early cost estimates in early-stage business cases, improving project design and selection.

Unlike too many recent State Infrastructure projects, North Sydney Council actively encourages Community Engagement Over recent years, North Sydney Council provided a welter of planning information to residents (on its website) re the various redevelopment options for the famous North Sydney Council Swimming Pool.

City of Sydney - Community engagement
"We offer a range of opportunities for residents, workers, community groups, business, government and industry stakeholders to share ideas, insight and feedback on our projects and policies."