Central Business District and South East Light Rail (CSELR) project

Cost doubled the initial provision/construction forecast and took a year longer than predicted with lengthy disruptions to local small businesses that successfully litigated the NSW Govt due to lost sales

CSELR project involved constructing a 12km, 19 stops, light rail service from adjacent to Circular Quay Station along George Street passing Wynyard and Town Hall stations to outside Central Railway Station, through Surry Hills to Moore Park, then branching to:

  • Randwick via Alison Road and High Street  - L2. or
  • Kingsford via Anzac Parade  -  L3

Conventional trains have run between Circular Quay station and Central Railway station for eons of Sydney's history (since 1964) that adequately satisfied patronage demands. 





Two Fundamental Questions:




1.      Why did TfNSW duplicate that existing train service over the 3.2km from Circular Quay station passing by Wynyard station and Town Hall station to outside Central Railway station? 





2.      Why did TfNSW build a parallel, juxtaposed train line that involved one of Sydney's most famous streets, namely George St Sydney, being lost to NSW Govt buses?  George Street’s car-free zone extended to near Circular Quay.


Refer Annexure A


