Danielle Wood - CEO - The Grattan Institute

Grey corruption’ cuts our living standards, so it’s a shame they shelved the integrity commission  -  Danielle Wood   CEO, Grattan Institute    February 15, 2022

156. New politics Preventing pork-barrelling - Grattan institute - Aug 2022 - Danielle Wood, Kate Griffiths, and Anika Stobart

161. New politics - Depoliticising Taxpayer Funded Advertising - Grattan Institute - Danielle Wood, Anika Stobart and Kate Griffith -  Oct 2022

162. Back in black? A menu of measures to repair the budget - Grattan Institute - Danielle Wood, Kate Griffiths, Iris Chan -  April 2023

Could Danielle Wood be the country’s most influential economist? 
-  AFR  -  12 May 2023


