Post night e-mail comments from some attendees

-----Original Message-----
From: Muddy w []
Sent: Thursday, 26 November 2009 11:50 AM
Subject: RE: Class of '69 I will be sending out a group e-mail to all attendees, within 48 hours...................

Hey Phil,

Thank you for everything. Your efforts certainly paid off. Your project was like herding cats, but somehow it all happened without a hitch. Everyone was delighted with exceeding expectations and coming away with a hell of a good time.

Seems it was a little therapeutic too - for students and teachers - Stan's request for forgiveness -  wow.....a real human being. Sheely saying he regretted the strap....I guess those were real milestones for me - given the experience I had with Des....I can figure that by now he would be having regrets about his actions by now too if he was still with us....which makes it easier for me to move on. I more than forgive them all. I thank them for insight, integrity, tenacity, and the ability to cross the floor politically without guilt based on my own sense of an issue after I have fathomed it out. We were in Stalag 17 - but we also had the privilege of getting a great education.

I am at work today wearing the purple and gold tie on a grey shirt. Reason is a guy I have coffee with in the morning is from Chatswood (knew Br. Garrity) and I had to get a rise out of him this AM....but it is fun to sport.

Cranking out for the end of the day - then I will be starting on Stan's film...hope to get some posting done tonite.

Again Thanks for all your efforts and help - it is truly appreciated in this camp, and I'm pretty sure everyone feels the same way. You did a great job!

John W.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bernie Bessenyei []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 November 2009 4:19 PM
To: 'Phil Johnston'
Subject: Images of SLOB 40th Class Reunion.


Please find attached the images I took at the class reunion. I hope they are of interest. I am not a very good photographer. The reunion is the most enjoyable night I have had for years. My brother, Zsolt, & I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.

Bernie Bessenyei


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 8:14 AM
Subject: A great night.

Thank you for ALL the planning.

Saturday's reunion went very well.  A great night.



-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Holmwood []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 9:41 PM
To: Phil Johnston
Cc: Philip C Walker
Subject: Re: I will hold off sending out another group e-mail to my 'classmates and teacher' list until John Waters sends me URLs to the final two sub sections therein


As soon as I've worked out how to compress my photos I'll send them to you as well if you want them?

Thanks again for all your efforts re last Saturday night. I think everyone enjoyed themselves greatly.



-----Original Message-----
From: Christopher H. Bregenhoj []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 10:24 AM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: RE: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes

Thank you Phil for all of your efforts in making what was a great night to catch up.

Kind regards


Christopher Bregenhoj 
Executive Director - Corporate Strategy & HR


-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Burke []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 9:04 PM
Subject: RE: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes


Congratulations and thanks for organising a fantastic night. Cheryl enjoyed herself much more than expected and I had a wonderful night catching up with everyone there.  Well done.




-----Original Message-----
From: Philip Walker []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 10:43 AM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: RE: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes

HI Phil,

Congratulations and thank you for a terrific evening. I know how much work goes into something like this and you did an amazing job.

I’ve put some photos up on a web site

I’ve also put the same photos up on a Flickr site It’s a bit more of a pain as you have to register.

It would be good to find a place where we could have a password protected site to put information (forum or blog type thing) up about ourselves for future reference. I seem to remember such a place. I’ll see if I can find it and come back to you. We could post general news associated with the Class of 69 – maybe open up some opportunities for networking also.

Finally could you send me John Sheely’s contact information. I said I’d look him up when I’m next in Melbourne.

Thanks again Phil.

Best Regards



-----Original Message-----
From: Grace Mooney []
Sent: Sunday, 22 November 2009 10:14 PM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: Re: Who ever trains all you 'guys and gals' to be so helpful, time-efficient and considerate is a capable Head Honcho


So glad it all went well and all enjoyed themselves!

It was a pleasure helping you to put together your function!

Grace Mooney
Function Manager, Blue Gum Hotel


-----Original Message-----
From: Graeme Foote []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 9:12 AM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: RE: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes

Dear Phil

U are to be congratulated on what really was a back to Woolcott Av – anyone who did not enjoy the nite missed something special

Best Regards / Graeme


-----Original Message-----
From: Sue and Steve []
Sent: Tuesday, 24 November 2009 9:59 AM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: Re: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes

Hi Phil , congratulations on organising a fabulous night. It was great to catch up with some "old faces" especially John Sheely . What a great bloke. It makes you realise that they don't make dedicated teachers like him any more. Can't wait for the photos to come through . Hope to see you again in the not to distant future.

Regards, Steve McDermott

P.S. My wife Sue thoroughly enjoyed the evening  as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Power []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 9:10 AM
To: Phil Johnston; Stan Cusack
Cc: Annie and Peter Szacsvay
Subject: RE: '69 Forty Year Class Reunion Lunch with Pat Lynch in late Jan / early Feb

Hi Phil, Peter & Stan.

Yes Saturday night was fantastic! Couldn’t have been better – except the chief organiser was a bit reluctant to take his reward medicine (of the red variety), but we prevailed and he succumbed. It was great to catch up with you Stan. You joined in the spirit and the fun of the night pretty well for an old bloke, as did Sheely & Nicholson, not to mention all the 58 year olds.

Linda & I are away at Pacific Palms for 2 weeks in January, returning on the 23rd. Count us in for the lunch with Pat Lynch. Looking forward to it.


Greg Power
Business Development Manager
ACCESS Programs Australia Ltd
Level 1, 36-38 Clarence St
Sydney NSW 2000


-----Original Message-----
From: Maurice Butel [mailto:BUTE1MAU@POLICE.NSW.GOV.AU]
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 8:46 AM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: RE: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes

Hi Phil

Congratulations, it was a great night.  Having an informal venue like the 'The Blue' help promote the congenial atmosphere. Thanks again for the lion's share (ie 99%) of organising.  

Cheers Maurie


-----Original Message-----
From: Lindsey Sherrin []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 6:47 AM
Subject: Reunion

Hi Phil,

Well done, it was a great night and good to catch up. I was wondering whether it may be possible to get Barry Doyle's contact details so I can catch up with him.

Thanks again.

Kind Regards

Lindsey Sherrin


-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Cusack []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 8:14 PM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: Re: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes


Isn't John Waters a wonderful person buying those ties and now taking "shots" of our talks.

Anthony, my chauffer back to Strathfield, and I had a marvellous chat last night. He came into our house for a cup of tea and we solved all the problems of the world.

Thoroughly enjoyed Phil Walker's photos.  

I look forward to John's video. It shows what can be done with some IT skills.

NB:    Do you realise these reunions are a great source of satisfaction on we teachers as we sometimes regret our past mistakes and hope for forgiveness?



-----Original Message-----
From: Stan Cusack []
Sent: Monday, 23 November 2009 5:08 PM
To: Phil Johnston
Subject: Re: SLOBs of '69 Forty Year Class Reunion on 21st Nov To all accounts the night, with 57 attendees, was an outstanding success - Can you e-mail me pics and any blog notes

Hi Phil,

I can hardly wait or those pictures. Many thanks for the promise of the video which John Waters took.  I never really thought of myself as worthy of such greatness. However, one has to accept the good with the bad.

Talking about the "bad" what a fool  I made of myself calling our distinguished and impeccable guests "bad boys".  I hope they realised no one ever believes "half "of what I say! However, I was not going to let the wives off the hook. They were a real adornment to the evening and I presume you agree it was a brilliant move to have them there.



-----Original Message-----
From: brian []
Sent: Sunday, 22 November 2009 4:11 PM
To: scribepj@bigpond .com
Subject: Fw: Garden

Dear Philip

                            Thank you for organising last evening, Sat 21st Nov. I enjoyed myself and I have also found the meeting of the many has provoked reflection and a re-evaluation of others and my previous estimations of them.  To some are due congratulations and to others apologies and amends, some of which I was unable to render personally on the evening. I have found the event quite spiritually testing, but also very wonderful, too bad last night was not a practice run.

                           I suspect the next whole of class re-union will be need to be in 5 years to cope with the expected drop out as we age. Please pass on my thanks to John Waters for his energy and dedication to come and for the tie as a memento.

