Construction Certificate Checklist


An itemised statement of compliance with all relevant conditions of your Development Consent. The conditions of your development consent will specify what additional information is required to lodge a Construction Certificate application.

PLANS (3 copies)

  • Plans must be drawn to scale in ink and on A4 or A3 size paper. (Larger plans will only be accepted on prior agreement of Council) Free hand, single line or illegible drawings will not be accepted.

  • Three coloured copies of all plans must be submitted with your application

  • Two A4 copies of each plan and diagrams must be supplied

  • The following information should be included on all plans and documents:

    • Applicant’s name, block/house/shop/flat number, street/road name, town or locality

    • Lot Number, section number, DP number. (Found on rate notice or land title)

    • Measurement in metric

    • The position of true north

    • Building, or parts of building to be demolished to be indicated in outline

    • Draftsman/Architect name and date

    • Coloured on elevations/sections as colour code below:
      Brick – Red; Rooftiles – Orange; Concrete – Dark Green; Tile – Purple; Fibre
      Cement Sheets/Cement Render – Light Green; Glass & Glass Bricks – Light Blue;
      Sandstone – Light Brown; timber – Yellow; Steel, Galvanised Iron – Dark Blue.

SURVEY PLAN (3 copies)

Information should include:

  • Plan to scale preferably 1:100.

  • Plan to show all existing structures.

  • Plan to show all trees greater than 5m in height &/or 3m in canopy spread. The exact location of any such tree, the RL at their base and their height and canopy spread.

  • Location/position of all buildings/structures on adjoining land (showing street number and street address) and ridge heights of those buildings or structures at the boundary.

  • Show the levels of the lowest floor, and of any yard or unbuilt on area belonging to that floor, and the levels of the adjacent ground.

  • Levels – contour and spot levels (drawn at Australian Height Datum).

  • Easements and rights of way (Council & Private).

SITE PLAN (3 copies)

A site plan is a birds-eye view of the existing and proposed development on the site and its position in relation to boundaries and neighbouring developments.

A site plan should include:

  • Drawings to scale preferably 1:100.

  • Location of the new and existing buildings in relation to site boundaries.

  • Location/position of all buildings/structures on adjoining land (showing street number and street address).

  • Location of any existing and proposed fences and landscaping features such as

  • swimming pool, retaining walls, paved areas and driveways.

  • Relative location of adjoining building.

  • Location of any adjoining owner windows facing your development.

  • Levels – contour and spot levels.

  • Easements and rights of way including common or party walls.

  • Existing stormwater drainage location.

  • Location of vehicle access and car parking (indicating extent of cut and fill and

  • gradients). Engineering details may be required.

  • Zone boundaries if multiple zoning apply.

  • Site safety and security fencing during construction.

Measurements including:

  • Length, width and site area of land, both existing and proposed.

  • Width of road reserve.

  • Distance from external walls and outermost part of proposed building to all boundaries.

  • Approximate distance from proposed building to neighbouring buildings.


If you are going to carry out work to do a subdivision (eg building roads or a stormwater drainage system):

  • The details of the existing and proposed subdivision pattern (including the number of lots and the location of roads)

  • The details of the consultation you have carried out with the public authorities who provide or will increase the services you will need (like water, road, electricity, sewerage)

  • The existing ground levels and the proposed ground levels when the subdivision is completed

  • Copies of any compliance certificates on which you rely

  • Detailed engineering plans (3 copies). The detailed plans might include the following:

  • Earthworks

  • Roadworks

  • Road pavement

  • Road furnishings

  • Stormwater drainage (including onsite detention works/ water quality control ponds)

  • Water supply works

  • Sewerage works

  • Landscaping works

  • Construction

  • Management run

  • Traffic management plan

  • Soil and water management plan

  • Stormwater or on-site detention drainage plans in accordance with Councils “on-site stormater detention specification” Ilsax or drains model.

FLOOR PLAN (3 copies)

A floor plan is a birds-eye view of your existing and/or proposed layout of rooms within the development. Floor plans should include:

  • Drawings to scale preferably 1:100.

  • Outline of existing building/development on site (shown dotted).

  • Room names, areas and dimensions.

  • Window and door locations and sizes.

  • Floor level and steps in floor levels. (RL’s)

  • Access for persons with a disability (if in a new public building).

  • Location of plumbing fixtures (where possible).

  • Wall structure type and thickness.


Elevation plans are a side on view of your proposal. Drawings of all effected elevations (north, south, east and west facing) of your development need to be included in your application. Elevation plans should include:

  • Drawings to scale preferably 1:100.

  • Outline of existing building/development on site (shown dotted).

  • Location/position of all buildings/structures on adjoining land (showing street

  • number and street address).

  • Exterior cladding type and roofing material/colour.

  • Window sizes and location.

  • Stormwater drainage pipes (downpipes and gutter).

  • Chimneys, flue exhaust vents, duct inlet or outlet.

  • Reduced levels (AHD) for Ridge & Floor as a minimum.

SECTION PLAN (3 copies)

A section(s) is a diagram showing a cut through the development at the most typical point. Sections should include:

  • Drawings to scale preferably 1:100.

  • Outline of existing building/development on site (shown dotted).

  • Section names and where they are shown on plan (ie A/A B/B etc).

  • Room names.

  • Room and window heights.

  • Details and chimneys, fire places and stoves.

  • Roof pitch and covering.

  • Site works, finished and proposed floor & ground levels in RL’s (indicate cut, fill

  • and access grades).

  • Stormwater or on-site detention drainage plans in accordance with Councils “onsite stormwater detention specification” Ilsax or drains model.


A specification is a written statement that should include as a minimum:

  • The construction of the building to specific BCA standards and materials to be used.

  • Type and colour of external finishes.

  • Whether the materials will be new or second-hand, and if second-hand materials are to be used, particulars.

  • The method of drainage, effluent disposal and provision of water supply.

  • Any other details relevant to the construction of the building.

Note: Three copies of the specification must be supplied.


If you are planning on erecting an advertising structure or sign you will need to supply the following:

  • Details of the structure, materials to be used and how it will be fixed to the building.

  • Its size, colours, lettering and overall design.

  • The proposed location shown on a scale plan and building elevation.

  • The amount and extent of light spill.


  • Proposed alterations to existing building (BCA Classes 2 to 9) to be accompanied by a fire safety measures schedule listing all existing and those proposed to be installed in the building including the standard of performance.

  • For a new development (BCA Classes 2 to 9) a fire safety measures schedule listing all those proposed to be installed including the standard of performance.


  • Provide a design verification from a qualified designer in which the Development Application was required under clause 50 (1A) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment, Act, 1978. The design quality principles set out Part 2 of State Environmental Planning Policy No - 65 Design Quality of Residential Flat Developments.


In the case of an application for a construction certificate for residential building work (within the meaning of the Home Building Act 1989) attach the following:

  • in the case of work by a licensee under the Act:

  • a statement detailing the licensee’s name and contractor licence number, and

  • documentary evidence that the licensee has complied with the applicable requirements of the Act, or

  • in the case of work done by an other person:

  • a statement detailing the person’s name and owner-builder permit number, or

  • a declaration signed by the owner of the land, to the effect that the reasonable market cost of the labour and materials involved in the work is less than the amount prescribed for the purposes of the definition of owner-builder work in section 29 of the Act.

A certificate purporting to be issued by an approved insurer under Part 6 of the Home Building Act 1989 to the effect that a person is the holder of an insurance contract issued for the purposes of that Part, is sufficient evidence that the person has complied with the requirements of that Part.