by Coach Carl
First, take a look at the picture below. I
will refer to this picture throughout this article.

Red, blue & green cyclists
are taking a
right hand corner |
Gravity, Kinetic &
forces on a rider thru a RH corner |
For reference purposes concerning the
cornering sketch titled "Riders in Corner", the
red cyclist is the one on the
far left, the blue cyclist
is the one in the middle, the green
cyclist is the one on the far right, and the lines
represent their lines they take through the right hand corner.
The picture represents three cyclists taking a
right hand corner.
The drawing with the arrows
or vectors titled "Forces When Cornering" is to help you
understand the basic forces involved in cornering with the
bottom line (of the RH picture) being the ground or road.
I will refer to the horizontal (pointing left), vertical
(pointing down), and diagonal (pointing lower left) vectors.
Remember that the length of a vector shows the speed or amount
of force while the direction of the vector shows the direction
of the force or object. Please familiarize yourself with the two
drawings before continuing.
This Chapter teaches you a
scientific and common sense approach to cornering. I am
going to stress the does and don'ts of cornering along with
common mistakes I have seen in cornering.
Please pay close attention
to the details. This lecture is crucial to everyone in cycling
even if you believe you know all about cornering. You may be
making mistakes without knowing it and even little mistakes can
put you down.

Let's start with the picture in the lower
right corner. The vertical vector represents the force of
gravity pulling you down. When you are riding in a
straight line on flat ground, there are only two basic forces
acting on your bike (this is excluding wheel turn etc.)
Those two forces are
gravity pulling you down
toward the ground
and the kinetic energy
keeping you moving forward.
When you are riding in a
straight line on flat ground you keep your center of gravity
over the centerline of the bike to keep the bike vertical and
going in a straight line. If you move your center of
gravity to either side of the centerline of the bike, the bike
will lean in that direction. If you place a pedal at the
bottom of its stroke and place all your weight in that pedal,
the leverage of the pedal will cause the bike to lean and turn
in that direction.
Most people mistakenly
believe that you control the direction of your bike with your
handlebars but the truth is that you move your handlebars very
little except at very slow speeds when you cannot lean much.
You actually control the
direction of your bike with your saddle. By causing your
saddle to move left, you cause the bike to lean left, which
causes your bike to turn left.
You should know this from
walking with your bike and only holding it by the saddle. You
can make your bike go where you want by leaning the bike with
your saddle. When you are racing, you do the same thing except
instead of leaning the bike with your hand, you are leaning it
with your center of gravity.
THEREFORE, (and this is
a big therefore) the control of your bike during a race is
determined by your center of gravity (placement of your weight)
in relation to the centerline of the bike. Don't forget that.
At this point it is
important to understand a basic principle of physics which
states that an object in motion will remain in motion at a
constant direction and speed unless acted upon by another force.
Don't forget that either.
When you lean the bike to
the right, the shape and rotation of the side of the tire brings
into play another force acting on your bike, which causes it to
turn to the right. The geometry of your tires rotating downward
in relation to the surface of the road brings friction force
into play. This friction force comes into play PUSHING your bike
to the right.
Suddenly, you have two
different forces acting on you and your bike other than
kinetic energy.
You have gravity
pulling you down, the vertical vector, and centripetal force
pulling you to the left (while you are turning right), the
horizontal vector. Any time you have two forces acting on
an object, in this case your body, the combination of those two
forces creates a third vector, the diagonal vector.
The length and direction of
this vector is determined by the relative lengths and directions
of the other two vectors. Since gravity remains constant
on flat ground, then the
variable is the centripetal force but it will only vary in
As the centripetal force increases in intensity, it causes the
diagonal vector to increase in length and become more
horizontal. As the centripetal force decreases, the diagonal
vector shortens and becomes more vertical or in line with
gravity until it equals gravity when you are riding in a
straight line.
If you find this confusing,
read it again and again until you understand it. It is important
that you understand this so you can figure out when someone is
telling you something wrong about cornering.
The diagonal vector
represents the combination of the other two forces which,
to make it easier to remember,
I call it your racing
gravity. I call the direction that this vector is
pointing your racing down, or the direction in which your racing
gravity is pulling you.
Common sense should tell
you that you must keep the center line of your bike in line with
your racing gravity and you must keep your center of gravity or
weight placement so that the center line of your bike is
directly between your center of gravity and your racing down. If
you move your center of gravity to either side of the centerline
of your bike, your bike will move in that direction.
While cornering to the
right, if you move your center of gravity to the left, either
your bike will set up and you will stop cornering or you will
flip off of your bike to your left.
If you move your center
of gravity to your right, either your bike will lean more
causing the bike to turn harder or the bike will lean too far
causing the tires to lose traction, you will go horizontal with
your bike, and crash.
I regularly hear and read
riders being told that they should put their weight in their
outside pedal when cornering. By this point you should
understand that if you put your weight in your outside pedal
when cornering, it will cause your bike to set up (become more
vertical) and you will either stop cornering or crash.
Then why are you being told
to put your weight in your outside pedal when cornering?
It is very simple. These
people, when cornering, feel pressure on the bottom of the
outside foot when cornering and mistakenly take this to be their
weight being shifted to that foot. Actually, they are keeping
their weight over the center line of the bike and putting
pressure on their outside pedal.
There are two proofs that
you are not putting your weight in your outside pedal when
(1) Lean your bike in a standing position
against something while standing next to it. Put your foot on
the outside pedal with the pedal at the bottom and push down
hard with your weight but not too hard (you don't want to hurt
yourself.) Your bike will quickly slap upright against your leg.
(2) If you are pedalling
through a corner, how can you be putting your weight in your
outside pedal? It should be common sense that you cannot pedal
with all your weight in one of your pedals.
you think about what is happening while cornering in relation to
physics, you will find that you are instinctively doing
something interesting. You are keeping your weight over the
centerline of the bike in relation to your racing down and
racing gravity to hold it in the proper position for cornering
AND you are torqueing the bike tires into the ground to increase
your traction to keep it from sliding out.
Pay close attention to BOTH
your hands and feet.
You will find that you are
pulling up on the inside handle bar and pushing down on the
outside handle bar to force your front tire hard into the
ground. The pressure on your outside pedal is meant to help
force the rear tire into the ground.
Therefore, the proper
cornering technique is to sit on your saddle, relax, torque the
bike just a little to cause the tires to bite, and let the bike
arch through the corner.
Your upper body and head should drop lower and toward the inside
so that your head will be just about over the inside brake
lever. This is to better position your center of gravity
on the bike in relation to the centerline of the bike. It is
also important to keep a smooth arching line through the corner.
Bobbing and weaving will
throw your line off. It is just that simple.
Oh, did I say relax?
Yes, because tensing up will cause you to pull the bike to the
outside, losing control, and forcing yourself to brake to regain
Remember what I told you
about the word relax being one of the most important words in
cycling? That is very true in cornering.
If you tense up while
cornering, you tend to push your center of gravity away from the
corner or toward your outside. This causes you to pull
hard to the outside and can easily cause you to crash.
Therefore, it is crucial
that you practice cornering until you learn to instinctively
relax while cornering.
It is the single most
important thing most people can do to improve their cornering.
In a later chapter, I will
teach you drills you can practice to teach your subconscious
mind to gain the confidence required for you to be able to relax
while cornering. You should practice these drills on a regular
basis for the rest of your racing career.
you do, you will reach a point to where cornering feels great
and is fun.
Let me teach you a
technique for helping you relax for corners. You will find that
when you tense up, you grip the handlebars very hard. This
causes your forearms to tense up because the muscles, which
control your fingers, are in your forearms.
In order for your forearms
to tense up, you have to brace them by tensing your upper arms
and to tense your upper arms you have to brace them by tensing
your shoulders. Just grab anything really tight with your hand
and feel the muscles up your arm to your shoulder with the other
hand. You will see that all the muscles are tense.
This tensing action causes
you to straighten your arms and push away from the corner which
causes your bike to pull toward the outside causing you to lose
control. Therefore, to relax for corners, you simply relax your
grip around your handlebars, which permits all the other muscles
to relax.
Before you commit to the
corner, let your fingers hang until the muscles up your arms
relax and then gently wrap your fingers back around the bars
just tight enough to have a firm hold on the bars. You will find
that this little trick will make it possible for your entire
body to relax which will improve your cornering.
Clearing the Corner
As you are approaching a
corner, there are several things you need to do. First,
you need to do what I call 'clearing the corner'. What you are
doing is looking as far into the corner and at the road surface
to see if there is anything that can cause you to crash. You are
looking for irregularities in the road surface, sand, water,
rocks, and other objects like the bodies of racers who have
crashed ahead of you. You should visually 'clear the corner'
before you lean into the corner.
After you have 'cleared the
corner' and just before you lean into or commit yourself to the
corner, you look as far through the corner as you can. You will
find that you and your bike will follow your eyes through the
corner. If you are looking at the road in the corner, you will
tend to pull to the outside and lose control of the bike because
it is too close to you to set the right line through the corner.
If you can't see all the way through the corner, look as far as
you can as if you can see all the way through it.
At this point, it is
important for you to remember the lessons I taught you about how
to use your eyes in a bike race.
Remember that you will use
your center vision for what you want to be your main focus and
use your peripheral vision to watch other things. When
cornering, use your lower peripheral vision to monitor the
ground searching for something you may have missed such as
rocks, water, and sand while keeping your main focus through the
This is particularly
important when riding a blind corner you can't see all the way
through. You keep your focus through the corner while constantly
clearing the road with your lower peripheral vision as the road
comes into view. This way, you don't lose your line in a blind
You are committed to a
corner, part of the way into it, you suddenly find yourself in
trouble. What do you do?
First, it is important to
understand what happens if you don't react right. Your bike will
lose traction with the ground, you will suddenly lose all that
nice friction force which is pushing you through the corner, you
and your bike will suddenly go horizontal,
and you will immediately
move in a straight line towards the outside of the corner at
high speed.
This will happen so quickly
that the riders on your outside will not have time to react much
less get out of your way. You will cut under them, taking their
bikes out from under them, and crashing them. This all happens
in a split second.
The proper reaction is to
set the bike up in a straight line, slam on your brakes, and
bring the bike to a stand still or back under control. This
sounds drastic but is the best thing to do when you have just
had something happen which is causing you to crash because it
keeps the bike under you and the people on your outside will
keep their bikes under them, it also permits all of you enough
time to straight line your bikes and grab your breaks, and it
keeps you reasonably under control. Watch the pros. They often
use this technique with not one person hitting the ground even
with a rolled tire.
How do you do this? Just as
soon as you feel the bike start to go,
you kick your hips to
your outside in one quick move. This stops the cornering by
straightening the bike up and brings you back on top of your
bike with your wheels down.
By the time your bike has
straightened up, you have had more time to react to braking than
it would have taken for you to knock down the first rider to
your outside. This has permitted the rider on your outside to
have enough time to react, straighten his bike up, and hit his
brakes. You just saved two or more riders a lot of skin.
It is very important that
you not use this technique as an out for panic. If you are not
comfortable in a Peloton while cornering, you didn't do your
cornering drills and should go to the back of the Peloton to
practice following the pack through the turns until you feel
comfortable leaning through the corners.
Now, let's say you are on a
fast down hill in a blind curve. Suddenly, you see sand in the
corner. DON'T PANIC!!! First, lightly hit your brakes just
enough to feel your weight shift forward a little bit. This will
decrease your speed enough that you can take a sharper line
through the curve, which you will need after your next move.
Second, just before your
front wheel hits the sand, release your brakes and set your bike
up in a straight line until after your rear wheel has cleared
the sand and had enough time make one revolution after passing
through the sand, then lean back into the curve on a slightly
tighter line to continue the curve at the now slower speed. If
necessary, resume braking by caressing your rims.
If you remain leaned in the
sand, your tires will lose traction when they get on the sand,
they will slide out, and you will crash. If you don't release
your brakes before hitting the sand, your wheels will lock up
when you get on the sand, you will lose traction, and crash.
Understand? Good. If not, read it through again and think about
The main thing is to keep
control and keep the wheels down. This requires remaining
relaxed as much as possible and the only way you can do that is
to practice your cornering drills.
Inside ? Outside
Over the years, I have
often heard discussions between racers who were concerned more
about crashing than winning. They would tell less experienced
racers that you ALWAYS want to be on the inside when taking a
corner because, if someone crashes on your inside, they will
carry out into you causing you to crash.
If not crashing is your
primary concern in a bike race, then they are partly right. What
if you are cornering slowly enough that a rider doesn't carry
outside when he crashes? This is especially true with 180-degree
turns. When you crash when going too slow, you just drop and
stick because you are going too slow to have enough centripetal
force to carry you outside.
In slow corners, it is
safest to be on the outside so you have an out in the event the
rider in front of your crashes. If you are going really fast in
a corner and the rider in front of you crashes, you tuck inside
of him just a little because he will carry out from in front of
But, in a slow corner, the
rider will just drop where he is, therefore, you must set the
bike up and go to his outside because you will have riders or a
curb to your inside. I always taught my riders in the lower
categories to take really sharp and slow corners on the outside
so they could set up and get around crashes. I got thanked more
than once after a race.
Proper Racing Line
I have reproduced my
wonderful little graphic - I'm a cycling coach, not an artist :)
- at this point so you don't have to scroll back up to refer to
it. We are now going to refer to the upper left graphic. We are
going to talk about the red, blue, and green riders so review
the picture again paying close attention to their lines through
the curve.

Basic physics teaches you that the proper
line through the corner above should be from the outside to the
inside back out to the outside like the blue and red riders are
doing. The reason for this is because it "flattens out" your
line through the curve. The flatter your line through the curve,
the faster you can take the curve.
Look at the line for the
green (right) rider in comparison to the line of the other two
riders. He is setting up on the inside and going straight to the
outside. His line is much sharper which means he won't be able
to take the corner as fast as the two other riders.
This is true for almost all
corners even for down hill curves. You should always go from
outside to inside to outside in order to flatten out and open up
the curve.
The exception to this is
the complex corner where you have to set up for one curve to
come out of the first curve in proper position for a second
curve immediately following the first curve. This takes practice
because you have to be able to see the line for the second
curve, the required entry point for the second curve, and then
trace that back to where you have to exit the first curve. This
permits you to establish where you should enter the first curve.
It helps if you practice riding figure 8's.
Crossing Lines
Look at the green and blue
riders in our picture. They are crossing lines in the curve. If
they go into the curve at the same time, either one will have to
break hard and let the other go or they will both crash. Riders
should never take different lines into a corner.
So you ask, "How do riders
go through a corner two or more at one time?" Look at the red
and blue riders. They are not crossing lines but are taking
PARALLEL lines through the corner. This means that the outside
rider has to either travel a little faster than the inside rider
or he will lose ground. As you can see, there is a huge
difference between crossing lines and taking parallel lines in a
corner. The parallel line is how the pros will even attack to
the inside of another rider in a corner.
This brings about a very
important matter I have seen with increasing occurrence in US
bike racing. Riders who don't understand this basic principle of
physics try to keep passing on the inside just before a curve
after the outside riders have already leaned or committed to the
Because the inside riders
are still going straight when the outside riders have committed,
they are taking crossing lines and the inside riders are almost
always "cut off" in the corner and forced to hit their brakes.
They, in their ignorance, blame the outside riders but the truth
is that the inside riders were in the wrong.
The rule is this. You
should always be merged with and running a parallel line with
the other riders in a pack at least 10 meters before the outside
riders commit to the corner. If you are not, you will cross
lines in the corner and either get cut off forcing you to brake
hard and lose ground or you will crash. You cannot violate this
rule because it is basic physics and you cannot change the laws
of physics just because you want to move up one more position
before the corner.
Therefore, it should be
common sense that, if the pack is not going all the way out for
either the entry or exit or all of the way in at the center and
they are not braking for the corner, then the corner is wide
enough for them to take the corner at full speed without using
the full width of the course.
This means that, as long as
you ride a parallel line, you can pass the pack on the side
where they are not going all of the way to the curb.
Understanding these basic principles makes it possible for you
to develop tactics based on the way the Peloton takes a given
corner as long as you obey the rules.
If you find that a pack
tends to over brake for a corner and is not going all the way
out to the curb on the exit, you can save energy by drifting
outside one bike width going into the corner, not braking and
letting your speed carry by passing people on the left, and not
having to accelerate every time out of the corner.
This is a risky move and
you must use your own discretion as to whether or not to make
this move because a rider could drift out at the exit and put
you into the curb. To help prevent this, it is best to estimate
your passing so you will be along side of the rider you exit the
curve with so he will know you are there before he exits the
curve and will leave room for you.
Of course, the opposite is
true. Let's say the pack is going into the corner at full speed
and not having to go all the way to the inside curve. If you
take a parallel line through the curve, you can attack under the
other riders into and through the curve to get a jump on them
before they exit. This is commonly used by pros for attacking
and going into the final sprint.
Cover the Rider on Your
I clearly remember Eddy Van
Guyse (the race announcer) teaching me how to corner in a pack
of 100+ riders when you are going through a curve side-by-side.
We were in the Second
Annual Summer Fest Criterium in the summer of 1970 (later it
became Super Week.) It was early in the race and we were taking
90-degree corners at full speed four riders wide. He told me a
very important rule that has stuck with me over the years.
Eddy said, "Always cover
down on the rider to your inside." By this, he was telling me to
always leave room for the rider on my inside to navigate the
corner because, if I don't and he crashes, he will carry outside
into me and we will both crash. It is a pretty good rule. Don't
forget it.
The way this works is quite
simple. You are both carrying kinetic energy into a corner and
using friction force to push you through the corner on just the
right line. This means that the two forces have to be balanced
just right or your line will change, possibly cause you to
suddenly lose control, and crash.
When any two objects, which
are in motion, collide, they exchange energy causing them to
change directions. If you don't leave room for the rider on your
inside in a corner, you will cross corners, collide, exchange
energy, change lines very radically, and possibly crash.
Rider Size & Cornering
I have heard a myth about
rider size and cornering which needs to be put away. We KNOW
that smaller riders corner faster than larger riders. The myth
has it that this is because the larger rider has a higher center
of gravity and is, therefore, less stable in the corner.
This is true for a
four-wheeled vehicle because it cannot lean to keep its
centerline in line with the vehicle's center of gravity.
But it is not true with
a two-wheeled vehicle because the vehicle can lean.
You see, as long as the
center of gravity is in line with the line of the vehicle and
its racing down, the vehicle is stable regardless of how high
the center of gravity is. Therefore, the center of gravity
cannot be the reason that smaller riders corner faster.
The reason smaller
riders corner faster is because smaller riders ride smaller
bikes, which have a shorter wheelbase from front to back.
On a racing car, there are two things to wheelbase, which affect
the cornering speed of the vehicle. These are the front-to-back
wheelbase (FB) and the side-to-side wheelbase (SS) of the
vehicle. We are not concerned with the SS wheelbase because we
only have two wheels and lean in the corner.
What you need to know is
that the shorter the FB wheelbase is, the faster you can corner.
This is because a shorter FB wheelbase permits the vehicle to
take a sharper line through a corner at a given speed or a
faster speed for a given line through the corner.
A really great example here
is a large truck turning in relation to a small car with the
same SS wheelbase. The large truck has the longer FB wheelbase
and has to take a longer line through the corner and/or a slower
speed through the corner. This is true with a bicycle.
This is very important if
you are a Criterium specialist and want a custom designed
bicycle to help you be faster in corners.
What you want is a bike
with steeper seat tube and head tube angles. The steeper seat
tube angel moves the seat tube farther forward making more room
to move the rear wheel forward. The shaper head tube angle moves
the front wheel backwards.
These two things in
combination decrease the FB wheelbase and make the bike faster
in the corners. As a matter of fact, you will notice that track
bikes have sharper tube angles and a shorter FB wheelbase, which
makes them faster and easier to handle in the turns.
Looking for more common sense advice on
professional riding? I devote 15 chapters to pro riding
techniques in my book
A Better Way To Train. |