3. Bike handling skills Before riding in traffic, a cyclist should be comfortable on their bike, even under emergency conditions. A large empty car park, local church or school grounds is an ideal place to practice.
Initially learn to – (a) ride while looking ahead, to the sides and over your shoulder (needed to check behind for traffic before turning or changing lanes) - bike control enhances confidence, so practice pedalling slowly and be sure you can take a drink (tilt the base of the bottle twds the sky so you are effectively pouring the contents down your throat), and replace your bottle in the cage whilst riding in a straight line - you will soon realise the need not to take your eyes off the path ahead for more than a few seconds, because even momentarily putting a bidon back can cause a cyclist to materially veer off a straight line which is something you don't want to happen; (b) shift gears - changing the gear ratio by rotating the front crank and associated rear wheel revs; (c) mount and dismount in various circumstances (especially at a traffic light or stop sign); (d) avoid stones, potholes, or glass on the road; (e) look back while cycling straight ahead (particularly necessary when cycling on a toll road where motorists enter and exit via "on" and "off" ramps); (f) climb out-of-the-saddle on steep hills to use different muscles and 'tap into an extra low gear'; and (g) descend step hills faster, with more confidence, by leaning into the corner with lots of practice to build up confidence through experience.