Park Vimiera Rd, Marsfield to enter M2 at East Epping entrance to M2

Vimiera Rd is perpendicular to Epping Rd and runs behind Macquarie Uni.  The Golf Driving Range is in Vimiera Rd.  If driving from Epping overpass, Vimiera Rd is 2km past Epping station overpass.  Vimiera Rd is a large cross street at the apex of a climb about 1km before Macq Uni.  Turn L and proceed 2km NNE crossing Waterloo Rd to the upper extremity of Vimiera Rd and park and cycle back to Epping Rd.  Turn right for 1km, another Right to East Epping entrance to M2.

If driving NWW along Epping Rd, pass El Rancho Hotel on LHS, and Macq Uni on RHS, and Culloden Rd on RHS, and turn R at next set of traffic lights into Vimiera Rd and proceed 2km NNE crossing Waterloo Rd to the upper extremity of Vimiera Rd and park and cycle 75m further NE to M2 entrance.

Shortly enter the above street map from bottom LHS on Yellow roadway.  After 700m cross Waterloo Rd heading NNE).  Continue along white section of Vimiera Rd (in above map) and park at northerly most point (at top centre of map) which is where the cars are parked in below pic.   

The egress that you will take about 5 hours later is directly opposite - see below pic.

The above exit is 30m before the large light tower in below pic.