Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint

The NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint for Reform 2016-2021: Safer Lives for Women, Men and Children sets out the directions and actions to reform the domestic violence system in NSW.

The Blueprint provides the framework for building an effective system that addresses the causes and responds to the symptoms of domestic and family violence. It includes strategies to -

1.    prevent domestic and family violence,

2.    intervene early with individuals and communities at risk,

3.    support victims,

4.    hold perpetrators to account, and

5.    improve the quality of services and the system as a whole.

In 2016-17, the NSW Government invested more than $300 million over four years to the specialist domestic and family violence response, more than doubling the investment in specialist domestic and family violence services and initiatives. This investment will also support the implementation of the Blueprint. In the 2018-19 Budget this commitment was extended to $390 million over four years.

The NSW Government is working in partnership with non-government organisations, the private sector and the broader community to build a more effective domestic and violence system that embeds primary prevention activities to change community attitudes, reduces re-offending, and ultimately stops domestic and family violence before it eventuates.

The Blueprint Annual Report Card – Year Two

The NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint for Reform: Annual Report Card 2017-18 - Year Two was released in February 2019. The Report Card outlines the significant achievements made in the second year of the implementation of the Blueprint, including:

  • commitment of almost $12 million for 13 new and innovative projects through the second round of the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Innovation Fund,

  • expanding Safer Pathway to 43 sites to provide increased safety supports to victims of domestic and family violence,

  • continued support for women through the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service,

  • expanding What’s Your Plan? to 46 local courts across the state to increase ADVO compliance for Aboriginal defendants,

  • continued roll-out of Police High Risk Offender Teams to two new regions to target recidivist offenders and investigate domestic and family violence incidents.

The Blueprint Annual Report Card – Year One

The Blueprint Annual Report Card – Year One was released on 26 September 2017. The Report Card outlines the significant achievements made in the first year of the implementation of the Blueprint, including:

Domestic and Family Violence Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy 2017-2021

The NSW Domestic and Family Violence Prevention and Early Intervention Strategy 2017-2021 (‘the Strategy’) sets out a direction for the way NSW Government agencies, non-government organisations and communities, design and implement prevention and early intervention strategies.

The Strategy is a commitment under the NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint for Reform 2016-2021: Safer Lives for Women, Men and Children and delivers on the focus areas of preventing domestic and family violence before it occurs, and intervening early to create safer lives for women, men and children.

The Strategy identifies priority areas to achieve change by shaping the environment to prevent violence from occurring in the first place; establishing a shared understanding and awareness of what constitutes domestic and family violence; responding to various experiences of violence; and strengthening the domestic and family violence system in NSW to support improved prevention and early intervention efforts.


