Judge for yourself: A Guide to Sentencing in Australia
Published by the Judicial Conference of
About this booklet
Public perception of crime
Our brutal past
The facts behind sentencing
The who’s who of sentencing
The crucial role of parliaments
Australia’s court system
An independent judiciary
The executive branch of government
Who decides how a sentence will be served?
Parole Boards
How does sentencing happen?
Laws that define the crime
When does sentencing happen?
The sentencing hearing
The purposes of sentencing
Balancing the reasons for a sentence
What sentencing laws require
The sentencing options
Putting it all together
Common criticisms of sentencing
The “soft on crime” perception
A case in point
Apparent inconsistencies in sentencing
Imprisonment rates in Australia
Specialist Courts
Mandatory sentencing
Problems with mandatory sentencing
The “blunt instrument” approach
A vital independence
Sentencing advisory councils
How you can become involved
The human face of sentencing...
Links for more information on sentencing:
This booklet is published by
the Judicial Conference of Australia as a free resource to members of the
public who wish to gain a better understanding of the system of sentencing
offenders in Australia.
The JCA is the national
representative body for Australian judicial officers. It has a membership of
some 600 judges and magistrates, and is a non-profit organisation largely
funded by its members.
number of courts, government departments and other organisations in each
state have very kindly provided photographs for use in this booklet. They
are acknowledged in the captions below each image.
publication was made possible by generous grants from the Victoria Law
Foundation, the Sentencing Advisory Council of Victoria, the Judicial
Commission of NSW, the Law Foundation of South Australia and the Law Society
Public Purposes Trust of Western Australia.
JCA is extremely grateful for the assistance provided by these
Reports and feature stories of
crime and punishment are constantly in the news. Criminal law, law
enforcement, criminal prosecutions and sentencing of offenders generate a
great deal of public interest.
Television, newspapers and
radio, thrive on reporting serious or emotive criminal cases, especially if
well-known people are involved, whether as offender or victim,
or even both.
Matters of crime and punishment fascinate the public because criminal
behaviour is often raw, startling and - for many people in the community -
extremely unsettling and disturbing.
and the way it is reported, can affect the psychological well- being of
people and indeed influence their everyday lives.
high level of interest may also partly reflect the community’s experience
with the fictional treatment of crime and punishment through television,
cinema, books and magazines. Australian television is saturated with “cops
and robbers” shows – Australian, American, British and sometimes even
European ones.
many people these programmes are pure entertainment, but they may also
affect people’s views about crime and punishment in the real world. Many
people are surprised to discover that the Australian judicial system does
not mirror the one they see on television and the movies. They have watched
American legal dramas on television and understandably think our courts
operate just like American ones. In fact, they are very different in many
Sentencing seems to attract
more interest than any other aspect of the criminal justice system. When a
person has broken the law and has caused harm or distress to others, the
community expects that the sentencing process will punish that person
appropriately - that “something will be done”.
Stories involving court cases are constantly in the news.
Image: JCA

reporting of sensational crime cases and “cops and robbers” shows on
television, particularly from overseas, can give an inaccurate impression of
the way the justice system really operates in
American courtroom drama. Image: JCA

used to torture prisoners with some of the harshest punishments imaginable.
We subjected convicts to hangings, brutal floggings, or solitary confinement
in chains and iron masks. One aim was to reform
criminals so they would never offend again.
But we slowly learned the inescapable truth; brutal punishment creates
angrier and more violent people.
sentencing laws are designed to be much more effective as well as humane.
They allow courts to impose financial penalties or loss of freedom ranging
from life imprisonment to having to complete unpaid community work several
hours a week. They may also provide for
offenders to be diverted to treatment or other programs designed to prevent
them from re-offending.
The Chain Gang – early historical drawing of Australian
convicts. Image: Allport Library and Museum
of Fine Arts, State Library of Tasmania.

booklet attempts to provide answers to some of the many questions people
have about how sentencing occurs in
What factors does the court
take into account? How much discretion does the judicial officer have?
what extent is the discretion limited? Why is a particular penalty chosen?
Why a non-custodial sentence rather than imprisonment? Why a minimum
sentence of three years for a bashing rather than, say, ten years? Is the
sentence going to be effective? How will we know?
These questions will be
considered from the point of view of judges and magistrates who daily impose
sentences in the courts. We try to explain in broad terms what courts do in
the sentencing process and why they do it. We also respond to some common
criticisms that are made about sentencing.
sentencing process is at the very core of the criminal justice system. Every
community needs to devote a good deal of time and energy to producing a
justice system that is as logical,
rational, sensible and effective as possible.
task is not simple and it is never finished. That is because the nature and
amount of crime changes over time, community attitudes shift
and new approaches to the legal system are
always being suggested. A constant process of monitoring and
up-dating the system is necessary.
Changes in sentencing laws and procedures can sometimes be influenced
by criticisms of courts from the public,
lawyers, police or those working in corrections, as well as the media.
criticisms of the system are well-founded and persuasive, while others
reflect a lack of understanding about what the system can achieve - or
disagreements about what it should be trying to achieve.
Magistrates’ Court. Image: Vic Dept of Justice

considering what a judicial officer does in sentencing, we first need to
look at the full picture of how a person gets to be sentenced.
it may appear that judicial officers are solely responsible for sentencing,
much of what they do is guided by laws set
by governments. In Australia sentencing is a shared
responsibility between three groups:
Create offences
Specify maximum penalties
Specify principles for the
courts to apply
Create the tools/sanctions
available to the courts
Apply the law within the
framework set by parliaments
Set specific sentences for
individual offenders
Higher courts also specify
principles for lower courts, as well as hear appeals against leniency or
severity of sentences
Have no control over an
offender once sentence passed
Correctional authorities –
run community corrections programs and the prisons
Controls movements of
offenders in prison
Parole boards - supervise
offenders while on parole
How everyone is involved
Sentencing reflects our sense of right and wrong and the kind or society we
want to live in. Every adult Australian
bears some responsibility for it.
decide what law and order policies to vote for,
and by letting politicians know our
attitude we help shape the sentencing laws that governments pass.
State Parliament. Image

Magistrates’ Court. Image: Vic Dept of Justice

Parliaments at federal, state
and territory levels:
Decide what kind of
behaviour will be treated as a criminal offence by passing new laws and
changing old ones.
Decide the nature and
range of penalties that courts can use when sentencing offenders
convicted of various offences.
Decide what kinds of cases
will be handled at different levels within the court system.
Parliaments usually limit themselves to specifying
the maximum sentence that can be imposed
for particular offences. The main purpose of a maximum penalty is to
indicate the appropriate penalty for cases falling within the worst category
of cases of that nature, for example in
Victoria 25 years’ imprisonment is the maximum penalty that can be imposed
for armed robbery - or 10 years’ imprisonment for theft.
some offences, parliaments have created mandatory penalties. Examples are
fixed fines for speeding offences and prescribed penalties for a driver who
exceeds a certain blood alcohol level. The Commonwealth and Western
Australian parliaments have set mandatory minimum prison terms for certain
serious or repeat offences. (See below for a discussion on mandatory
Parliaments also have a major role in creating and funding the
infrastructure and services that are necessary to implement the various
kinds of sentences available to the courts.
example the prison system, probation arrangements, hospital orders,
intensive supervision orders, drug treatment orders and home detention all
require laws to be passed as well as substantial funding to implement the
measures. Ultimately, it is the government
(through parliament) that allocates funding for the operation of the entire
criminal justice system – including the courts.
New South Wales
Parliament. Photo Andrew Taylor – courtesy: The Age

court system
is a federation, with a Federal Government, as well as state and territory
governments. Generally speaking, each jurisdiction has its own court system.
and territory criminal cases are heard in their respective state and
territory courts. Prosecutions for alleged breaches of federal criminal law
are also heard in state and territory courts.
Therefore, if a crime is
committed in New South Wales, the case will
be heard in a New South Wales
Each state and territory has
its own:
Criminal laws and
Court systems
Sentencing laws
Prisons and community
corrections systems.
are close similarities in the laws and procedures of most states and
territories, but penalty types and penalty ranges vary.
this booklet we discuss the practices generally adopted by courts.
Which court is which?
The High Court of Australia is
the ultimate court of appeal for the whole country.
It guides state and territory courts in interpreting and applying sentencing
principles. Larger states have three levels
of courts:
Supreme Courts – which
hear the most serious cases such as murder and manslaughter.
District or County Courts
– which hear serious cases, such as rape, armed robbery and culpable
Magistrates or Local Courts – which hear the vast majority of
prosecutions for less serious offences.
Smaller states and territories like
Tasmania, the ACT and the NT have only two levels of
courts – Supreme and Magistrates’ Courts.
The High Court,
Canberra. Photo: Steve Wray – Dept of Environment and

The judicial officers
who perform the sentencing function in our courts are part of the
judicial branch of government, which is separate from the legislative
and executive branches.
importance of separating the different branches of government in a modern
democracy is that it provides a series of checks and balances for the
protection of the community.
As a key part of this, the
judicial system is independent of the legislative and executive branches of
government, to ensure that criminal and civil cases are heard and decided
independently, impartially and fairly.
Another crucial element of judicial independence is that judges and
magistrates have security of tenure, which
means that they can’t be “sacked” or removed from their position by the
most courts, judicial officers are appointed until they are 70 years old,
unless they decide to take earlier
different arrangements operate for different levels of courts and
jurisdictions, elaborate procedures exist to ensure that judges and
magistrates can be removed from office only in very limited circumstances.
procedures are deliberately intended to protect the community by preventing
governments from getting rid of judicial officers for political reasons, or
because they decide cases against the interests of the government of the
Judicial officers are independent, not only from government, but also from
each other. This means that individual judges and magistrates are able to
hear and decide cases entirely on their merits and free from any
inappropriate interference - even from within their own court.
What makes a judicial officer?
Judicial officers are appointed by the Attorney-General of the Commonwealth,
or of the state or territory concerned. Judicial officers not only must be
actually unbiased, courts also see it as very important to be perceived as
sentencing offenders, Australian judicial officers are part of a strong
tradition of professionalism, independence and impartiality. They must
adhere to principles of fairness, justice
and the rule of law.
lawyers who are appointed to judicial office are knowledgeable about legal
principles. They usually have extensive practical legal experience and are
familiar with the workings of the courts.
have practised in the courts for many years as barristers or solicitors.
They are, in other words, accomplished professionals.
Three judges of the SA Supreme Court. Image: SA Supreme

executive branch – state and federal departments and statutory authorities
created by governments and usually headed by senior public servants –
has key roles to perform in the sentencing
Members of the executive branch of government advise the relevant minister
(usually the Attorney-General) on sentencing policy.
They also assist the government of the day
by proposing amendments to the criminal law and to legislation governing
some states, the executive employs court administrators who facilitate the
day to day operations of the courts. However, some courts are self-governing
and engage their own staff.
they perform important functions, the administrative staff of courts do not
play any direct role in the sentencing process.
main sentencing responsibility of the executive is to implement sentences
imposed by the courts, such as:
State Government department offices. Photo: Ivan Herman

Offenders cleaning a park under a community sentence
order. Image: Vic Dept of Justice

To know how Australia’s criminal justice system
operates, it is important to understand the different functions and separate
powers of the various branches of government involved in its administration.
Under the Australian criminal
justice system, judicial officers who impose a sentence have very little -
if any - control over the way the sentence is actually implemented.
The executive branch
determines, for instance, how many prisons there are, how they operate and
what programmes and services they offer. It is these authorities, and not
the courts, that decide whether offenders will be in a maximum, medium or
low security prison.
Similarly, government departments in each state are responsible for the kind
of work an offender must perform under a community sentence or the
conditions they will experience during a prison sentence.
Judicial officers cannot "order" treatment in prison: they can only
recommend it.
An offender removes graffiti under a community sentence
order. Image: Vic Dept of Justice

The Parole Board, whether
Adult or Youth, decides on the release of prisoners at the expiration of
their minimum or "non-parole" periods. Parole is a conditional release
before the end of a sentence of imprisonment.
boards are usually made up of serving or retired judges, victims'
representatives, behavioural experts of various kinds and members of the
general community.
It is
the task of these boards to decide whether a prisoner is ready to be
released into the community under supervision. Parole is a means by which
part of a sentence can be served in the community.
parole system allows the prisoner's suitability for freedom to be tested.
Breach of parole conditions can result in the prisoner being required to
serve the balance of his or her term in prison.
Construction of the new
Correction Centre. Image: NSWDC

Minimum security prisoners help refurbish the Rhino
enclosure at the Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo. Image: courtesy of the NSW
Department of Corrective Services

govern the sentencing of offenders. Judicial officers cannot sim- ply choose
a particular sentence because they think it is “a good idea” at the time.
must operate within the sentencing limits set by legislation and the
principles laid down by the superior courts. There are two main types of
legislation that have to be considered.
first is an Act of Parliament that contains guidelines about the sentences
courts should impose. A list of the sentencing laws in each state is shown
below. Generally such legislation contains things like:
The purposes for which sentences can be imposed
Factors a judge must take into account when sentencing
The types of sentences (for example imprisonment or community orders)
that can be imposed.
Sentencing legislation
across Australia
Australian Capital
– Crimes
(Sentencing) Act 2005
New South Wales
– (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999
Northern Territory
– Sentencing Act 1995
– Penalties And Sentences Act 1992
South Australia
– Criminal Law (Sentencing) Act 1988
– Sentencing Act 1997
– Sentencing Act 1991
Western Australia
– Sentencing Act 1995
An example of the guidelines set by sentencing laws that
judicial officers must operate within. The below shows a few of a long list
of principles set by just one sub-section of the Queensland Penalties and Sentences Act.
Similar legislation exists in each state.
Penalties and Sentences Act 1992
Section 9 (2) In sentencing an offender, a court must have regard to
principles that -
- a
sentence of imprisonment should only be imposed as a last resort; and
a sentence that allows the
offender to stay in the community is preferable;
the maximum and any minimum penalty prescribed for the offence; and
the nature of the offence and how serious the offence was, including any
physical or emotional harm done to a victim; and
the extent to which the offender is to blame for the offence; and
any damage, injury or loss caused by the offender; and
the offender's character, age and intellectual capacity; and
other type of legislation that controls how judicial officers sentence
offenders are laws that define the specific offences of which the offender
has been convicted.
Such laws are often contained
in the Crimes Acts of various states, and they usually stipulate the
available penalty options - including the maximum penalties - that judicial
officers can impose.
of this kind and the sentencing laws create boundaries within which a
sentencing court must operate. But they still allow the judicial officer to
exercise a discretion by imposing a penalty less than the maximum - if he or
she believes it appropriately reflects the nature of the offence and the
circumstances of the offender.
Australian Capital Territory the crime of 'Culpable
driving of a motor vehicle' which is contained in the Crimes Act 1900 (ACT)
specifies a maximum penalty of seven years imprisonment. A convicted person
must also automatically be disqualified from holding or obtaining a driver

One of the many books dealing with the complexities of
Australian sentencing. Image: JCA

Sentencing comes at the end of a long and complex criminal justice process.
In the majority of cases, the process may go a bit like this:
Firstly some apparently criminal behaviour is reported to the police. For
the behaviour to be considered a crime, it
must be defined as such in a statute or in "common law". The police
then investigate the complaint, and decide whether to charge someone with
the crime.
prosecution agency (either the police or an independent prosecution
authority) will then decide whether the case will proceed to court. Not all
cases go to court - sometimes there is not enough evidence to support a
If the
case proceeds, there will be a court hearing to decide if the person is
guilty or not guilty. This can happen in two ways:
The person charged with the crime pleads "guilty". Therefore the court
finds them guilty and proceeds to the sentencing process; or
The person charged with the crime pleads "not guilty". There will then
be a hearing, usually in front of a judge and jury (in a higher court)
or a magistrate in a lower court.
court will take into account all of the evidence presented by the defence
and prosecution and decide whether the person's guilt has been established
"beyond reasonable doubt". If so, the court proceeds to the sentencing of
the offender.
Jury trials are rare events
In 2003-2004, 95.9 per cent of
all prosecutions in the Australian criminal courts were initiated in the
Magistrates Courts, 3.5 per cent in District or County courts and 0.6 per
cent in Supreme Courts (AIC, Australian Crime:
Facts and Figures 2005).
figures exclude the millions of cases dealt with as infringement or penalty
notices, such as minor traffic offences.
In the magistrates courts, 85
per cent were found guilty, and 4 per cent were acquitted. (The rest were
disposed of in some other way.) Of those found guilty, about 80 per cent had
pleaded guilty.
In the
higher courts, 73 per cent pleaded guilty, 6 per cent were acquitted and 8
per cent were found guilty by a jury. Jury
trials take place in only about 0.3 per cent of all criminal prosecutions.
A jury sitting in the South Australian Supreme Court.
Image: Ben Searcy Photography

a sentencing hearing, much information is presented to the court to assist
it in deciding the most appropriate sentence in the circumstances.
there has been a trial, the judge or magistrate will have already heard
evidence about the offence and, generally, evidence at the sentencing
hearing will be about the offender’s background and circumstances.
court may also receive evidence about the effect on the victim(s) at the
sentencing hearing. When a person has pleaded guilty, the judicial officer
is usually given a statement setting out the facts constituting the offence.
All of
the issues that must be considered by the judicial officer are set out in
the sentencing legislation of the Commonwealth, state or territory
(depending on the particular offence).
Three main issues:
Put in
very simple terms, there are three main issues that a judge or magistrate
must consider. They are:
The purpose or purposes to be achieved by the sentence.
Any mitigating factors - generally these are matters that decrease the
culpability of the offender and therefore usually have the effect of
reducing the severity of the sentence.
Any aggravating factors – these are matters that increase the
culpability of the offender, and therefore usually have the effect of
increasing the severity of the sentence.
Supreme Court building, Darwin. Image: NT Dept of Justice

sentencing legislation in
outlines the purposes that may be considered when imposing a sentence. The
main purposes are:
– usually means imposing a sentence that inflicts some kind of pain or
loss on the offender.
Rehabilitation –
means imposing a sentence that will
help to change the offender's behaviour into that of a responsible
Specific deterrence
– means discouraging the particular
offender from committing more crimes.
General deterrence –
refers to the idea that potential
offenders in the community will be discouraged from committing a
particular crime when they see the penalty imposed for that kind of
Denunciation – is a
formal public expression that the behaviour is unacceptable to the
Community Protection –
means both protecting the community from the offender and from crime
Restorative justice –
means promoting the restoration of relations between the community, the
offender and the victim.
Magistrates Court. Image: Qld Magistrates Court

the purposes of sentencing overlap, and it is very rare for a sentence to be
imposed for only one purpose.
example, a prison sentence could be imposed for "specific" and "general"
deterrence, as well as for rehabilitative purposes. The court might think
that the convicted person should receive psychiatric treatment or be placed
in a drug or alcohol management program while in prison.
course, a prison sentence might simply be imposed to punish the offender by
depriving him or her of freedom for a period.
Different crimes
purposes of sentencing may differ for different crimes, depending on their
seriousness. For crimes like murder or armed robbery, the major purposes are
likely to be punishment and general deterrence. For less serious crimes such
as graffiti or malicious damage, the judicial officer might view
rehabilitation as the major consideration when imposing the sentence.
Different offenders
If the
offender is a young person, the judicial officer might see it as more
desirable to attempt to rehabilitate the offender, rather than punish him or
her. On the other hand, an older offender with a long list of prior
convictions might be considered suitable for a punitive or community
protection sentence.
Different purposes – similar result
young offender might be sentenced to a juvenile detention centre by one
judicial officer for deterrent purposes, while another might do the same in
the hope of rehabilitating the offender.
Statue at the Supreme Court building, Melbourne. Image: Vic. Dept of Justice

District Court with jury - Western Australia. Image: WA District Court

Sentencing legislation specifies the matters that courts must take into
account when passing sentence. These include:
The nature and circumstances of the offence.
Offences vary greatly in the way they are committed.
Some crimes are planned, others occur
on the spur of the moment; some cause great harm to the victim, others
very little; some are committed alone, others by gangs.
The degree of criminality.
The number of offences and their seriousness are relevant to the degree
of criminality.
The victim’s circumstances.
Some victims may be young or very old,
or more vulnerable to crime because they are physically or mentally
incapacitated or for other reasons. Such factors may warrant a more
severe sentence.
Any injury, loss or damage.
A judicial officer must weigh up the
degree of loss or the extent of injury to the victim in order to
determine how serious the particular is to be regarded.
Any mitigating factors.
These could include whether the offender
has shown contrition for the offence;
whether he or she has pleaded guilty; whether the offender has attempted
any form of restitution; and the extent to which the offender has
co-operated with law enforcement agencies investigating the particular
offence or other offences.
The offender’s personal circumstances.
The character, previous behaviour
(including any criminal record), cultural background, age, means and
physical or mental condition of the offender are also likely to be
An older offender with many prior convictions who has
failed to respond to previous court orders will generally be treated more
severely than a young first time offender who, if given a chance, might turn
away from a criminal career.
The offender’s family or dependants.
The judicial officer may consider the
effect that any sentence might have on the offender's family or
However only in cases of
exceptional hardship does the court take into account the effect of
imprisonment on an offender’s family.
Minimum security inmates doing forestry work. Image:

Avoiding unnecessary punishment
As a
general rule, a judicial officer should not impose a sentence that is more
severe than is necessary to achieve the purpose for which the sentence is
being ordered to do work in the community rather than being imprisoned can
adequately punish an offender, then the
judicial officer should require the offender to perform community service.
Court cells,
Adelaide. Image: Ben Searcy Photography

Imprisonment is the most
severe sentence available to the courts in Australia, as capital punishment has
long been abolished. Prisons are classified as high, medium or low security,
but a judge cannot direct the prison authorities where to hold a person
sentenced to imprisonment.
longer sentences of imprisonment will include a period of parole. Conditions
of release on parole include supervision. Offenders can be returned to
prison if they breach the conditions of their release.
Community based sanctions
orders may require an offender to perform unpaid work in the community,
attend educational or rehabilitative programs, be supervised by a
correctional officer or undergo assessment or treatment.
Home detention
detention requires an offender to remain in his or her house for a certain
period of time. The person may be allowed outside the house at times during
the day or at times in the week, and may be subject to supervision and
electronic monitoring. Home detention may also be a condition of bail, or a
condition of release from prison on parole.
A fine
A fine
can be imposed as an alternative or addition to a prison or community
sentence. Judicial officers take into account the financial circumstances of
an offender when imposing a fine. Courts are aware that a fine of $1,000 may
be less punitive to a wealthy person than a fine of $100 would be to a
person on a low income.
Furniture workshop, maximum security. Image: NSWDC

judicial officer's task is to determine the appropriate sentence after
taking into account all the relevant circumstances.
sentence may not fully satisfy anyone – the victim, the offender or the
public – but that does not necessarily mean there is anything wrong with it.
On the contrary, it may well indicate that the judicial officer has
appropriately balanced all the competing considerations (see Purposes of
If the
offender or the prosecution thinks a judicial officer has made a mistake in
sentencing – for instance if they believe a sentence is too harsh or too
lenient – they can appeal to a higher court.
Sometimes sentencing appeals go all the way
to the High Court in Canberra.
Usually, an appeal court cannot just substitute its own opinion on what is
an appropriate sentence. It can only change the sentence if it believes the
lower court has made a legal mistake in exercising its discretion.
Although many cases go through the courts each year, relatively few cases
are appealed.
example, in New South Wales
in 2005, 120,565 persons were found guilty in the Local Courts. There was an
appeal against the severity of sentence in 4.2% of cases, and against the
inadequacy of sentence in only 0.03% of cases.
Image: Vic. Dept. of Justice

fact that a criminal case is newsworthy does not mean that most people
consider the sentence imposed on the offender to be inappropriate. But media
interest in a trial often leads to the sentence receiving very close public
media may be interested in a criminal case for many reasons. The alleged
offender may be very well known, as with high profile business people
involved in corporate failures or sporting identities who fall foul of the
circumstances of the offence may be particularly horrifying or disturbing,
as with gruesome murders, "gang" rapes or sexual abuse of children.
Sometimes ordinary things we do – like driving cars – produce tragic
consequences that can attract widespread attention.
Left: Barrister John Doris is surrounded by media during
a high profile murder trial at
District Court. Photo Adam
McLean - courtesy: The Age

Criticisms are frequently made of particular sentences and of the sentencing
process generally. Usually the critics argue that sentences are too lenient
and that judicial officers are "out of
touch" with community opinion.
cases that attract this kind of criticism tend to involve particularly
brutal conduct by the offender,
particularly tragic consequences for innocent victims, or both.
Because the media concentrates on the more sensational cases, most people
have very little information about the much more typical cases that are
dealt with by the courts.
Of the more than 740,000
sentences imposed by Australian courts each year, the vast majority follow a
standard pattern for the particular offence.
than 95% of these cases are dealt with in the Magistrates or Local Courts.
These decisions are usually unreported and uncontroversial and generate
little or no public debate.
the most part, prosecutors, victims and offenders
accept the out- comes as reasonable and do
not appeal. Because these cases form the majority of sentencing
decisions in Australia,
it is fair to say that the system is working effectively and consistently.
Appeals against sentencing NSW 1996 - 2000
Defence appeals against sentence severity: 1,314
Appeals against inadequacy of sentence: 269
Victorian Chief Justice Marilyn Warren (pictured above)
said in a paper in April 2005: “Of the thousands of cases dealt with in
higher courts each year, most appeals against sentence complain that they
are too severe. .. Those cases are rarely reported in the media. It is not
surprising, therefore, that the public may gain a distorted impression of
sentencing practices in Victoria”.

One of
the by-products of media coverage of newsworthy court cases is an impression
that judicial officers are "soft on crime".
victims of criminal offences take an objective view of the sentencing
process and are satisfied with the outcome. However the views of satisfied
crime victims are not usually considered to be newsworthy.
Victims who are not satisfied that a sentence reflects their suffering and
pain are much more likely to be quoted – and their views are more newsworthy
because they generate controversy and conflict.
In other words, the public
hears about the few disappointed victims rather than many satisfied ones.
Police escort a prisoner charged with a violent crime
into the Mildura Magistrates Court. Photo
courtesy: The Age

Image created from news article posted on the Melbourne Herald-Sun’s
website at:
Story published on 29 August 2006.

Comparing the impression given by the newspaper story on the left with the
reasons for the sentence given by Justice Bernard Bongiorno in the Supreme
Court of Victoria is an interesting exercise.
story concentrates on the outrage of a victim’s family over a “soft
sentence”. However the reasons given by Justice Bongiorno when delivering
the sentence provide a much deeper insight into the case.
following are short extracts taken from the detailed reasons provided by
Justice Bongiorno when handing down the sentence:
7. ...Ben swung around quickly such
that you thought he was going to give you a “slight punch”. You reacted by
punching Ben in the face on the left hand side. This punch proved to be
8. As a result of the punch Ben fell,
landing heavily on the bitumen road and striking the back of his head. This
impact fractured his skull. It was this event, caused by your punch, which
caused Ben Francis’ death. It was then about 1.00 am on 4 September.
9. At the time you punched Ben
Francis you and he were both extremely drunk. You had both been drinking
whisky for some hours. Analysis of a blood sample taken from him at 2.20 am,
after he had been admitted to hospital, showed a blood/alcohol concentration
of 0.14 gram/100 ml. There can be little doubt that your blood/alcohol
concentration, had it been measured, would have been at least as high.
10. Perhaps because of your
intoxicated state, after Ben fell to the roadway at first you did not
realise what had occurred. When you did appreciate the seriousness of the
situation, you attempted to seek help. This resulted in the attendance of an
ambulance and police but only after some confusion as to where you both were
was allayed.
11. After treatment at the scene Ben
Francis was taken by ambulance to the Dandenong
Hospital and subsequently to the Monash
at Clayton where he died at 6.40 pm that evening.
30. The Crown has properly conceded
that, in this case, a sentence capable of suspension is within the range of
sentencing options open.
This concession does not, of course,
bind this court to impose any particular sentence. But it necessarily
implies that the Crown regards a custodial sentence of three years
imprisonment as being within the range of avail- able sentences in this
31. Unless there were very
significant mitigating factors present in a manslaughter case a sentence of
three years imprisonment would normally be regarded as very lenient, perhaps
too lenient. However, I am constrained to agree with your counsel that this
case is exceptional and that justice can be served by the imposition of a
gaol sentence which is capable of being suspended.
The law requires a court to impose an immediate custodial sentence only if
no other sentencing option can properly fulfil the objects for which the
sentence is to be imposed.
This sentencing principle applies
with particular force to young offenders with no prior criminal history and
the probability of effective rehabilitation. You fall into this category of
offender. The evidence is very strong that you will not offend again.
33. I propose to sentence you to
three years imprisonment and to order further that you serve a minimum of
two years before being eligible for parole.
That sentence will be suspended for three years.
However, before making this
sentencing order I must ensure that you understand that the imposition of a
suspended sentence carries with it the virtual certainty that you will have
to serve that sentence in prison if you commit a criminal offence within the
period of suspension.
It is only in exceptional
circumstances that a court could relieve you from serving the whole of that
sentence, subject to its minimum term, should you commit another offence
within three years.
Do you understand that?
common criticism is that there are disparities in the sentences imposed by
courts – that similar offences and offenders receive quite different
penalties from different courts or different judicial officers.
reality is that, even within the same category of offences, circum- stances
can vary immensely - leading to different sentences being appropriate for
individual circumstances.
One crime – different circumstances
of the problem is that the law places criminal behaviour into categories
that are easy to recognise. Virtually everyone would agree that murder is a
most serious offence.
the circumstances involved in murder can be vastly different. For example,
most people would regard a contract killer who kills another person for
money as being very different from someone who kills to relieve suffering
sentences will rightly differ - even though both cases involve the one
offence of murder.
One crime – different offenders
may also be great differences between offenders who appear to commit
precisely the same crime. For example two men may commit an armed robbery of
a service station.
On the
face of it, the offences are identical, suggesting that their sentences
should also be identical or, at least, very similar. But the offenders may
have very different backgrounds. One may be an older man with a long
criminal record, including offences of violence.
other may be much younger with no criminal record. The older man may have
been the ringleader; the younger a follower.
younger man may have confessed and assisted the police to apprehend the
older offender. It is likely in this situation that the older man will
receive a more severe penalty for the same crime.
examples illustrate that what might seem to be judicial inconsistency can
usually be explained by the very different circumstances of each offender.
available evidence suggests that, despite the discretion built into
the sentencing process, the courts do generally achieve consistency
and balance in sentencing.
Supreme Court,
Western Australia. Image: WA Supreme Court

The dock - South Australian Supreme Court, Adelaide. Photo: Ben Searcy Photography

Imprisonment rates vary widely
across Australia,
reflecting both different rates of crime and different judicial and
community attitudes as to how we should respond to crime.
Rate per 100,000 of adult population in 2005
Jurisdiction |
Imprisonment rate |
187.6 |
94.2 |
176.7 |
SA |
123.2 |
WA |
229.3 |
149.9 |
NT |
575.5 |
110.4 |
National rate |
162.5 |
purpose of specialist courts is to improve outcomes for those coming before
the courts and for the community as a whole. People brought before these
courts generally present with one or more underlying issues - such as social
or cultural disadvantages, mental ill health, a disability or substance
Specialist courts are an example of judicial officers and policy makers
responding to the special needs of people who have been identified as being
marginalised and whose problems leading up to an offence being committed
have been overlooked.
Specialist courts are also a response to the “revolving door” nature of
crime and punishment - that is, they are seen as an attempt to address the
issues that lead to anti-social behaviour.
Current thinking is that problem-solving rather than conventional sentencing
may be a better approach in these types of cases.
Specialist courts are generally less formal and more flexible than
traditional courts, and are designed to make the participants more
comfortable - and hence more compliant and responsive to the court’s
approach is more individual, personal, welfare and service focused - rather
than following the traditional procedures of the criminal courts.
types of courts that have been established include:
Neighbourhood justice courts
Drug courts
Indigenous courts
Neighbourhood justice courts
Victorian Department of Justice will open
Australia’s first community justice centre in
Collingwood, an inner suburb of Melbourne, in January 2007.
the Neighbourhood Justice Centre (NJC), it will work closely with the local
community to reduce the impact and incidence of crime, and will provide
on-site support services for victims, witnesses, defendants and local
NJC approach recognises that members of the local community are best placed
to understand the impact and incidence of crime in their own community.
NJC will work closely with residents, traders, police and support agencies
to improve safety in the local community, and to address the underlying
causes of offending.
will aim to provide opportunity, education and support for victims,
witnesses, defendants and residents; assist in preventing crime and to
increase community involvement in the justice system.
A Community
Justice Court in North Liverpool, England.
Image: UK

Drug courts
A drug
court is a court, or a division of a court, responsible for sentencing and
supervising the treatment of offenders with drug or alcohol dependency who
have committed an offence under the influence of drugs or alcohol or to
support a drug or alcohol habit.
courts or drug court programs operate in all states and territories except Tasmania and the ACT.
There are also youth drug courts in New South Wales
and Western Australia.
Drug Court
in session. Source: Qld Drug

Indigenous courts
Indigenous courts aim to reduce perceptions of cultural alienation, and
tailor sentences to the cultural needs or special circum- stances of
Aboriginal offenders.
are two kinds of indigenous courts in
Australia: those in urban centres that sit
a few days each month and those in more remote Aboriginal communities where
judicial officers travel on circuit.
courts currently operate in Western Australia
(Aboriginal Community Courts),Victoria (Koori Courts),
South Australia
(Nunga Courts), Queensland (Murri Courts)
and New South Wales (Circle
Sentencing Courts).
each case Aboriginal Elders assist magistrates in the sentencing process as
community cultural advisers. This contributes to an informal atmosphere and
enhances understanding by all participants as well as a greater commitment
to outcomes.
people expect sentencing to be an automatic process, free of any exercise of
discretion or judgment by the court.
It is
not impossible to imagine a system in which judicial officers mechanically
apply penalties set out in a statute, regardless of the facts of the case or
the circumstances of the offender.
example, for a very long time in
a murder conviction attracted a mandatory death sentence. The court had no
discretion, even in cases where mercy was clearly called for.
If the
ability to use discretion is removed, courts lose the flexibility which is
the key to achieving justice. It was for that reason that even in the days
of the mandatory death penalty, the government could commute the death
sentence in what were thought to be deserving cases.
difference between that system and the modern sentencing process is that the
Government made the ultimate decision, rather than the courts.
Image: Vic. Dept. of Justice

Ryan, the last per- son to receive the death penalty in
Australia, was hanged at
Melbourne’s Pentridge Prison in 1967.
Widespread public protests against his execution led to the abandonment of
capital punishment in
Pentridge Prison. Image: JCA

Critics of sentencing often claim that there is a need to limit judicial
discretion – and the most common proposal is to introduce or extend
mandatory sentencing.
Mandatory sentencing schemes
fall into two broad categories. One is where the penalty is literally
mandatory, in the sense that the court has absolutely no choice but to
impose the specified penalties.
example is a law that demands a specific penalty for trafficking in more
than a prescribed quantity of an illicit drug. It was a law of this kind
that recently led to the execution of a 25 year-old Australian who was
arrested in Singapore carrying 14 ounces of heroin - an
amount that automatically attracted the death penalty under Singapore law.
second category is “mandatory minimum sentencing”. For example, a conviction
for armed robbery might require the court to impose a minimum term of, say,
10 years’ imprisonment. This means that the court would have no choice but
to impose at least the minimum term of imprisonment. This form of mandatory
sentencing retains some element of judicial discretion, in the sense that
judges can impose sentences above the minimum.
However such a system does not allow a judge to take into account the nature
of the offence or the background of the offender, in order to impose a more
lenient penalty than the minimum.
Thousands of candles were lit in an “Amnesty vigil” held
in Mar tin Place, Sydney, in November 2005, as par t of a national vigil for
Nguyen Tuong Van, who received a mandatory death sentence after being
arrested with 14 ounces of heroin at Singapore’s Changi Airport. Photo: Ben
Rushton - courtesy The Age

Professional studies of mandatory sentencing regimes have identified serious
problems of injustice, which include:
Offenders whose
culpability is very different can receive the same sentence.
Discretion in sentencing is not eliminated, but is transferred to other
people in the system, such as police and prosecutors, who are far less
publicly accountable than the courts.
The schemes are biased against the poor and the marginalised including,
in Australia, indigenous people.
Some offenders receive lengthy terms of imprisonment for relatively
trivial offences, thereby undermining public confidence in the justice
The regimes overlook the nuances of situation, responsibility and social
harm that should properly determine the penalty for criminal conduct
(the “blunt instrument” phenomenon).
Mandatory sentencing is very expensive for the community and diverts
resources away from more effective programs, such as better education,
health and social services.
A cell in Katingal Prison NSW. Photo courtesy The Age

Governments are nearly always
looking at sentencing policy to see what refinements or adjustments might be
needed to ensure the system is effective and meets the needs of the
Politicians sometimes respond to sentencing issues as they arise, and try to
persuade the community, especially at election times, that they have the
right answers to the problems of crime and punishment.
response usually involves claims that their particular political party will
be tougher on crime than their political opponents, and that they will
provide the community with higher levels of protection from crime.
these political debates it is common for one side to accuse the other of
operating policies and practices which are “soft on crime".
One of the great advantages of
our legal system is that the courts remain free of political interference
from any government or political party.
courts can continue to make decisions about guilt or innocence, and to hand
down appropriate sentences in accordance with the guidelines set out in
But it
is fundamental to
Australia’s justice system that judicial
officers are independent of government and cannot be subjected to political
West Australian Supreme Court in Perth, built in 1903.
Image: Supreme Court, WA

There are some promising moves
to improve mutual understanding about sentencing between the community and
the justice system.
These include the
establishment in New South Wales
and Victoria of Sentencing Advisory Councils that include members of the
general public, lawyers and academics.
The stated purpose of the
Victorian Council, for example, is to bridge the gap between the community,
the courts and governments in relation to sentencing – by informing,
advising and educating.
The work of sentencing
councils is the latest in a series of initiatives designed to make the
sentencing process increasingly transparent and accessible to the community.
Sentencing Advisory Councils
act as a link between the community on the one hand, and government and
courts on the other. Members of the public are appointed to these bodies to
reflect community views, as well as bring different kinds of expertise to
the discussions.
In our legal system the public
is not directly involved in the sentencing process. There is scope, though,
for interested members of the community to influence sentencing policy at
the political level.
The most obvious way of doing
this is for people to contact their local member of parliament or the
responsible minister (usually an Attorney-General). In this way, people can
make their views known about sentencing policy and practice.
Another avenue is to take
advantage of the work of Parliamentary Law Reform Committees or Law Reform
Commissions, which are quite often asked to look at various aspects of
Members of the public can get
involved in these kinds of inquiries by making submissions or attending the
public hearings which are often part of the operational procedures of such
bodies these days.
In the
following pages, we ask selected judicial officers - who face decisions
involving crime and punishment as part of their daily working lives - to
give some information about their background and to express their thoughts
on the difficult task of sentencing.
Judge Roger Dive, Senior Judge of the NSW Drug Court
“Before my appointment as a judge I worked in city, country and children’s
courts as a magistrate for 15 years. In earlier years I had been involved in
the administration of courts, and also law reform issues, such as developing
new tenancy and credit laws.
My life experiences have
highlighted how many in our community, especially children, have chaotic,
even dreadful, lives before becoming involved in drugs and crime.
As the
Senior Judge of the Drug Court,
I lead a team with members from both justice and health agencies, who
together manage and enforce long-term change in the lives of drug addicted
This is a new and effective
way of protecting the public from crime. As the judge, my role is to lead
that team effort, develop a positive supportive relationship with each
participant, and impose prison sentences if participants are unable to
rehabilitate with our help.”
Judge Julie Dick, Queensland District Court
have been a judge of the District Court of Queensland since 2000, and before
that appointment I was Parliamentary Criminal Justice Commissioner for three
years. At the bar, I practised largely in the criminal jurisdiction as both
prosecutor and defence counsel.
of my court sentence for a very large range of offences. In addition the
facts and circumstances surrounding an offence are infinitely variable. The
personal circumstances of the offender and, where applicable, the victim
vary from case to case. Maximum penalties for offences differ widely.
Accordingly, the process of sentencing depends on a careful consideration of
the law and the facts and a proper exercise of a judge’s discretion. In all
cases, this calls for a balancing of the weight to be given to the various
factors and for a conscientious effort by the sentencing judge. ”
George Zdenkowski, Magistrate, Local Courts of NSW
practised as a solicitor and taught for many years in the Faculty of Law at
the University of NSW (specialising in criminal justice and
sentencing) where I was appointed as Associate Professor.
served as a commissioner with the Australian Law Reform Commission, and was
appointed a Magistrate of the Local Courts of NSW in 2000.
role of sentencing requires a judicial officer to be independent, impartial
and fair in the decision making process, to focus on the objective
circumstances of the offence and the subjective circumstances of the
offender within the framework of the law, and to communicate effectively
with all the participants in the process so that the outcome is understood
by all concerned, as well as by the community. ”
Justice Ann Vanstone, South Australian Supreme Court
began my career in private practice, then prosecuted for a number of years,
becoming Associate Director of Public Prosecutions and taking silk.
I then
spent five years at the independent Bar accepting a much wider range of
briefs, and was appointed to the Supreme Court - as its youngest member - in
2003. Outside the law, I study art history and enjoy tennis, golf and Thai
I see
my role in sentencing being to bring to bear an impartial and fair mind to
establishing the facts of the crime and understanding its impact, and then
imposing a penalty which is both consistent with principle
and does justice to all those concerned in
the crime. ”
Judge Margaret Rizkalla, County Court of Victoria
graduated in law from Melbourne University in 1975 and was appointed Victoria’s first woman
magistrate in 1985. I sat as a Member on the Small Claims and Residential
Tenancy Tribunal, and in 1988 was appointed President of the Victorian Equal
Opportunity Board and Vice President of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
I was appointed to the County Court of
in 1994.
Sentencing is one of the most complex tasks a judge undertakes because it
requires balancing a number of complex factors, both personal to the
offender and particular to the offence, in order to provide a just and
appropriate sentence, whilst at the same time providing justice to the
offender. It isn’t a mathematical equation – in the final analysis it does
require the individual Judge to make a subjective assessment of all the
relevant factors and to determine how they will be applied in fixing a
sentence. It is never easy. ”
Dr Kathryn Auty, Magistrate, Western Desert,
Goldfields and Esperance region,
Western Australia.
Kathryn Auty has been a solicitor with the Victorian Aboriginal Legal
Service, a lecturer at Deakin
University and a senior
solicitor to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
has written and co-edited books and articles on legal issues, and was a
Magistrate of the Victorian
Koori Court
before her appointment as a Magistrate in Western Australia.
have been many structural and procedural modifications in magistrates'
courts, including diversion programs and the provision of bail advocacy,
intellectual disability and psychological support workers. More recently,
magistrates' courts have been employing Aboriginal Justice Workers to assist
in Aboriginal Sentencing Courts.
Aboriginal Community Courts (WA), Koori Courts (Vic), Nunga Courts (SA),
Murri Courts (Qld) or Circle Sentencing Courts (NSW), senior Aboriginal
people now assume the role of assisting magistrates as community and
cultural advisers.
Sitting with magistrates, these senior community advisers provide advice
about the accused and his or her family and background and cultural ties,
counsel the accused about the impact of their offending and frequently
condemn offending behaviour for breaching Aboriginal codes of acceptable
conduct and for the impact the conduct has on victims.
knowledge and authority of these senior Aboriginal people provides enormous
assistance to magistrates. They help to gain an understanding about the
roots and causes of offending behaviour and also provide Aboriginal people
with a voice in the proceedings.
As a
magistrate, I have found that this innovation has been the most satisfying
and successful of any process in which I have been involved. It is
challenging, stimulating and confronting, but it is also has a palpable
impact on levels of alienation and anger amongst Aboriginal people exposed
to court processes.
courts do not provide a soft option. In the evaluations that have been
conducted (and all of these courts are being evaluated) we have found that
recidivism is reduced, levels of alienation from the court process are
lessened and that defendants leave court with a greater understanding of the
process and sentence and with a more serious commitment to completing
sentencing orders. ”
Dr Kathryn Auty (centre foreground) at the Shepparton Koori Court. The parties next
to her are Uncle Colin Walker and Aunty Rochelle Patten.

preparation of this booklet has involved a great deal of work by many
first draft of the text was skilfully prepared by Professor Peter Sallmann,
Honorary Professor, Faculty of Law, Monash University and Professorial Associate, Melbourne Law School,
The University of Melbourne. Ms Jenni Coady, the Community Engagement
Officer of the Sentencing Advisory Council of Victoria, kindly volunteered
to edit the draft into a form suitable for presentation in a booklet of this
kind. She performed that task most admirably and with considerable flair.
Iain Gillespie, Freelance Editor, selected the photographs included in this
booklet, laid out the material and carried out additional editing work. Mr
Gillespie contributed to the project in a most professional, thorough and
diligent manner.
project was overseen by a Steering Committee set up by the JCA. The
Committee consisted of the following:
Justice Ronald Sackville: Chair, Federal Court of
Justice Virginia Bell: Supreme Court of
New South Wales
Justice Kevin Duggan: Supreme Court of
South Australia
Justice Elizabeth Curtain: Supreme Court of
Magistrate George Zdenkowski: Local Courts of
New South Wales
Professor Arie Freiberg: Dean, Faculty of Law,
University. Chair,
Sentencing Advisory Council.
Mr Ernest Schmatt, PSM: Chief Executive, Judicial Commission of NSW
Professor Peter Sallmann
project would not have been possible without the guidance provided by the
Steering Committee. Particular mention should be made of the extensive
contributions to the project by Professor Freiberg. Not only did he bring
his great expertise in the area of sentencing to the project, but he went
far beyond the call of duty in ensuring that it remained on track for
successful completion.
Justice Sackville has steered this project from the outset. His energy and
enthusiasm have been instrumental in bringing this booklet into being.
behalf of the JCA, I express its deep appreciation to all those who have
contributed to the project.
Debelle, Chairman – Judicial Conference of Australia.
NSW Sentencing Council:
Australian Law Reform Commission:
Sentencing Advisory Council of
Judicial Commission of NSW:
The Judicial College
of Victoria:
Judicial Conference of
The JCA’s website offers a much more detailed version of the sentencing
information in this booklet.
Paperback 978-0-9581474-2-2, Online 978-0-9581474-3-9