HISTORICAL CRIME SURVEY: PUBLIC INTEREST AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS CRIME HISTORY (ETH18-2636)My name is Dr Alana Piper and I am an academic at the University of Technology Sydney. I research criminal justice history and am conducting a survey on the public’s engagement with crime history. The purpose of this online survey is to find out about public interest in and understandings of criminal justice history. This online survey is run through SurveyMonkey and should take 5-10 minutes to complete, and consists primarily of multiple-choice questions. The survey is completely anonymous. If you agree to be part of the research and to research data gathered from this survey to be published in a form that does not identify you, please continue with answering the survey questions. If you have concerns about the research that you think I can help you with, please feel free to contact me through the contact form provided on this website under the ‘About’ section. If you would like to talk to someone who is not connected with the research, you may contact the University of Technology Sydney Research Ethics Officer on 02 9514 9772 or Research.ethics@uts.edu.au and quote this number: eth18-2636. |