Beyond Blue  -  Topic: Depression & Single Parenthood

30 March 2015

So I have a thousand reason to be depressed and i have a list of diagnosis. i have tried so many medications. But to add to it all i am a single parent not newly single but going on 5 years now.

I don't have someone to help with the kids. i am their all and only. I don't get to stay in bed all day, i don't get to not make dinner or wash the clothes or clean the house. i don't get to not drive the kids to school even when i am suffering the side effects of a new anti depressant. i don't get to cry all the time. i don't get to lie on the floor in the fetal position when i suffer a panic attack. i don't get time to myself.

I do get to force myself every day to get up, clean up, make meals, get the kids to school, help with homework, try to hold fake smiles and try as hard as i can not to resent my children for existing (and then hate myself for thinking that). 

Trying to find a way out of depression is hard enough. trying to do it as a single parent of three kids is well feeling impossible.

Please if you are a single parent suffering from depression say hello. i need to know I'm not alone in this struggle that there are others out there trying try find a way out of depression as a single parent.


30 March 2015 in reply to BeyondBroken

I'm a sole parent too. I've been doing it on my own for 14yrs. My 2 kids are now 16 & 21. I thought it would get easier when they got older, but my 16 yr old has mental health issues. It's been tough. You are not alone. Being a single parent is tough. Try to have a support network to help you.

30 March 2015 in reply to LisaT

I know this sound stupid but i need to ask anyway. how do you build a support network? i don't have family and how do i make new friends between work, kids, house, etc.

Where did you met friends?

30 March 2015 in reply to BeyondBroken

I don't have many friends to be honest but maybe you can make them through your kids. I know it's hard to make friends, well it is for me but I made the 2 I have through my kids sport. I guess that's another reason why I joined ths site.

30 March 2015 in reply to BeyondBroken

I'm 42 and a single parent of 3 children under 10 and one has special needs. Been single parent for nearly 5 years and my ex had mental health issues. He took his own life 2 years ago so we've been through a lot. My daughter is ASD and has constant medical issues. I try to take one day at a time. I work part time which helps. One issue, one problem at a time. However, we have no quality of life. We can't go anywhere because of my daughter - we went on holiday but had to return as she kept melting down. My parents help but there is only so much they can do. I usually have two days off a week without the kids when I don't work and I do housework and shopping (wow - so exciting) but lately I've lost those days because my daughter is sent home from school for melt downs so.. I pretty much go nowhere and do nothing other than sit about the house. I'm bored, depressed and totally alone. This seems to be the standard life for single parents and especially if you have a special needs child - you have no life. Trying hard to see the good in every day and be thankful we don't have more problems.. but it's a bit hard sometimes.


