From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2017 5:28 AM
To: 'Lakhan, Gita' <>
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379




Thanks muchly for your assistance.  It is appreciated.


Based on the below info, I deduce that there are almost three times (2.9117 times) as many registered vehicles in NSW in 2017 than there were in 1972 – 45 years ago.


“Vehicle Registrations in Force. On 30th June, 1972 motor vehicle registrations had risen to a further record level of 2,208,216 - 108,385 (5.2%) more than the previous year.”


“…….the  total number of registration as at 30 June 2017 – highlighted in yellow as per the attachment  - 6,429,693.”


I am writing a second submission to the NSW Police Commissioner (c.c. NSW Minister for Roads) re deploying discrete mobile speed cameras.


The above stats will support my submission to further reduce road fatalities in NSW.




Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Lakhan, Gita []
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 2:57 PM
To: Philip Johnston <>
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379


This is  the  total number of registration as at 30 June 2017 – highlighted in yellow as per the attachment  - 6,429,693


Gita Lakhan

Librarian | Library & Research Services

Finance, Asset and Workplace Services | Transport Shared Services

People and Corporate Services

Transport for NSW


T 02 8745 6061

Unit C / 75-77 St Hilliers Road Auburn NSW 2144


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Tuesday, 10 October 2017 1:16 PM
To: Lakhan, Gita
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379




Below is an extract from page 16 of the Commissioner For Motor Transport Annual Report for 1971-72 that you provided in your below email:

“Vehicle Registrations in Force. On 30th June, 1972 motor vehicle registrations had risen to a further record level of 2,208,216 - 108,385 (5.2%) more than the previous year.”


The below URL appears to provide a welter of info that would only be of interest to a motor vehicle importer to ascertain recent consumer buying trends.


I question why RMS provides it so diversely with an abundance of categories.


Where can I find in the above URL, the total vehicle registrations in NSW for the –

1.    calendar year to 31 Dec 2016; or

2.    financial year to 30 June 2017?


If RMS can provide the myriad of categories in the above webpage, surely RMS can calc the total registrations for 1. or 2. above.




Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Lakhan, Gita []
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2017 11:47 AM
To: Philip Johnston <>
Cc: Lakhan, Gita <>
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379


Dear Phillip,


I have located for you on the Open gov website - the motor vehicle registrations from 1910-1979. Please check the bottom link and research for more data if you like.


The attachment in this email is a direct version of the registration data you are looking for.  The data was in the Annual report 1971-72.


Department of Motor Transport Annual Report 1971-72

Agency: Department of Transport and Highways (1952) / Department of Motor Transport (1952-1989)

Published: 1972-01-02--Type: Annual Report


I am hoping this suffices your request.




Gita Lakhan

Librarian | Library & Research Services

Finance, Asset and Workplace Services | Transport Shared Services

People and Corporate Services

Transport for NSW


T 02 8745 6061

Unit C / 75-77 St Hilliers Road Auburn NSW 2144


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Monday, 9 October 2017 4:47 PM
To: TSS.InfoServices
Subject: FW: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379




I understand that you work only a few days each week.


I have not rec’d a response to my below emails that seek aggregate vehicle registrations since 1970 circa either for NSW or Australia.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 3:15 PM
To: 'TSS.InfoServices' <>
Subject: FW: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379




Re your below email sent Tuesday, October 3, 2017 1:58 PM which attached two attached PDFs.


My below emails to you chronicle that I seek the number of vehicle registrations each year from around 1970 to today, either in NSW, or Vic, or Australia ‘in toto’.


Your 1st Attachment provides vehicle accidents (not registrations) up to 1981.


Your 2nd Attachment also relates to vehicle fatalities, not vehicle registrations.


I assume that if RMS can provide a variety of vehicle registration data (not limited to ‘types’, ‘year of manufacture’, ‘manufacturer’, ‘colour’, ‘shape’) on a qtly basis at the below URL, that RMS can provide a simple summary of all vehicles registered on an annual basis, hopefully dating back to 1970:




Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: TSS.InfoServices []
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 1:58 PM
To: Philip Johnston <>
Subject: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379


Dear Phil,


The senior staff came back without any data and have referred the Library, to the general RMS section for this enquiry.


I have managed to locate 2  pdf versions on our system, which I am forwarding to  you.


Please open the first pdf – table of contents to check your results.


If I locate any more data matching your request, I will email you asap.


Please keep us informed on the latest progress with your enquiry




Gita Lakhan

Librarian | Library & Research Services

Finance, Asset and Workplace Services | Transport Shared Services

People and Corporate Services

Transport for NSW


T 02 8745 6061

Unit C / 75-77 St Hilliers Road Auburn NSW 2144


From: Siu, Irene
Sent: Tuesday, 3 October 2017 12:48 PM
To: TSS.InfoServices
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379


Hi Gita, sorry I don’t have the data the customer is after and I understand Roger’s area does not deal with external requests like this one. You may have to refer this to RMS for their consideration.






Irene Siu
Manager Licensing Policy

Driver and Vehicle Policy

Transport Policy

Freight, Strategy and Planning
Transport for NSW

T 02 8265 7440 |  M 0402 329 052
Level 4, 18 Lee Street Chippendale NSW 2008

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From: TSS.InfoServices []
Sent: Tuesday, 3 October 2017 10:58 AM
Subject: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379


Dear Irene,


Can you assist this Library client researching regarding motor vehicle deaths in Australia post 1970.  He’s after a webpage or file that lists vehicle registrations since 1970, in aggregate registrations or in a line graph.

Can you assist him with the data he requires or alternatively he can make a direct request to RMS should there be rules not providing data to external parties, not connected to RMS or Transport?

This RMS website I directed to him did not seem to assist him -


Client original request --

I refer to my below email sent 4:59pm yesterday where I seek data on the increasing number of vehicle registrations annually since 1970.  List of motor vehicle deaths in Australia by year” evidences that since 1970 the annual fatality rate per 100,000 of population has fallen from 26.8 to 5.3 deaths.   The current annual fatality rate is amazingly less than one fifth of the 1970 fatalities.  There were 3,798 deaths from motor vehicle accidents across Australia in 1970 and only 1,290 fatalities in 2016.

Breathalyzers, better roads, better motor vehicles have no doubt contribute, but ‘prima facie’ speed and red light cameras appear the ‘standout’ contributor to such a material reduction in loss of human life.  Perhaps due to better ambulance services, better medical treatments etc more lives are saved, but too many of these lives are materially impaired and no longer tax payers, but receive social services welfare payments.


Has Transport NSW, or any national government agency, done any comparative analysis, between the reducing number of motor vehicle fatalities annually and the increasing number of registered vehicles?


Prima facie due to the increasing opportunities for trauma accidents due to increasing number of vehicles on our roads, the improvement in reducing fatalities seems to be down to 10% of 1970 deaths.


We were out of control back in the early ‘70s.  Drivers drank and then got behind the wheel to drive home.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


Any assistance given to this client, will be much appreciated.




Gita Lakhan

Librarian | Library & Research Services

Finance, Asset and Workplace Services | Transport Shared Services

People and Corporate Services

Transport for NSW


T 02 8745 6061

Unit C / 75-77 St Hilliers Road Auburn NSW 2144


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Tuesday, 3 October 2017 10:23 AM
To: TSS.InfoServices
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379




I should have ‘squizzed’ the thread that you sent me before sending my below email.


I have previously been referred to that webpage.


It contains a welter of information on a qtly basis seemingly of little benefit to most.


I simply want a webpage or file that lists vehicle registrations since 1970 or there about, either in aggregate registrations or in a line graph.


I expect that there could be up to three times of motor vehicles on Australian roads in 2017 that were on those roads in 1970 when fatalities peaked.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 10:10 AM
To: 'TSS.InfoServices' <>
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379




Thank you for your below response.


I will access that URL now.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: TSS.InfoServices []
Sent: Tuesday, October 3, 2017 10:02 AM
To: Philip Johnston <>
Subject: RE: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0041379


Dear Philip,


I will direct you to go to this website


And search for the fatalities and registrations statistics  post 1970.


Should you have any problems in navigating this website for your statistics, email me and I will direct you further.




Gita Lakhan

Librarian | Library & Research Services

Finance, Asset and Workplace Services | Transport Shared Services

People and Corporate Services


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Friday, 29 September 2017 11:11 AM
To: TSS.InfoServices
Subject: Research request - RE: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970 -Phil Johnston - Ticket AWS0044180


Attention: Transport Library

Refer Reference Librarian - Gita


I refer to my below email sent 4:59pm yesterday where I seek data on the increasing number of vehicle registrations annually since 1970.


List of motor vehicle deaths in Australia by year” evidences that since 1970 the annual fatality rate per 100,000 of population has fallen from 26.8 to 5.3 deaths.   The current annual fatality rate is amazingly less than one fifth of the 1970 fatalities.  There were 3,798 deaths from motor vehicle accidents across Australia in 1970 and only 1,290 fatalities in 2016.

Breathalyzers, better roads, better motor vehicles have no doubt contribute, but ‘prima facie’ speed and red light cameras appear the ‘standout’ contributor to such a material reduction in loss of human life.  Perhaps due to better ambulance services, better medical treatments etc more lives are saved, but too many of these lives are materially impaired and no longer tax payers, but receive social services welfare payments.


Has Transport NSW, or any national government agency, done any comparative analysis, between the reducing number of motor vehicle fatalities annually and the increasing number of registered vehicles?


Prima facie due to the increasing opportunities for trauma accidents due to increasing number of vehicles on our roads, the improvement in reducing fatalities seems to be down to 10% of 1970 deaths.


We were out of control back in the early ‘70s.  Drivers drank and then got behind the wheel to drive home.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Philip Johnston []
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2017 4:59 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: Increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia since say 1970


Attention: Transport Library

Refer Reference Librarian - Gita


I refer to my chat with Nick in the Library this afternoon.


Is there a webpage or a file that shows the increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia say since 1970?

Road fatalities have thankfully dropped materially since the 1970s.

However, I suspect that vehicle registrations have likely trebled since 1970, which further enhances the success rate of strategies to lower the road toll (eg. speed and red light cameras, breathalyzers)

Nick directed me to a welter of pages about qtly movements in all sorts of registrations and vehicle types.


I merely want to graph the increasing registrations to see if they are now double or triple the 1970s registrations.


Phil Johnston aka  Bank Teller
0434 715.861


From: Info@Service []
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1:23 PM
Subject: Statistics - Library [ ref:_00D90mEHW._5006F1TMJ73:ref ]


Dear Mr. Johnston


Thank you for your query.


The Library provides information services to Transport and the cluster agencies. The library includes information about roads, structural engineering, rail, maritime, transport, road safety, economics, management, human resources, strategic planning, and environment.


These subjects are covered by a variety of media including technical books, journals, reports, conference proceedings, CD ROMS, standards, annual reports and legislation.


·                        Mail: Unit C, 75-77 St Hilliers Rd Auburn NSW 2144

·                        Phone: (02) 8745 6065

·                        Email:


Click here, to visit the RMS Transport Library.


If you have any further questions or need help in the future, please visit our website at You can also reply to this email or call us on 13 77 88 (available 7am-7pm Monday to Friday).


Kind regards


Service NSW


Is there a webpage that shows the increase in motor vehicle registrations in NSW or Australia say since 1970?
Road fatalities have thankfully dropped materially since the 1970s.
However, I suspect that vehicle registrations have likely trebled since 1970, which further enhances the success rate of strategies to lower the road toll (eg. speed and red light cameras, breathalysers)

Contact Information:
Name: Philip Johnston
Phone: 0434715861
Address: 1305 12 Glen St, Milsons Point 2061 Australia



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