Fatal distraction: Pedestrians urged to ignore the phone and focus on the road ahead
The Age - Craig Butt -
Fatal distraction: Pedestrians urged to ignore the phone and focus on the road aheadThe Age - Craig Butt - Authorities are urging Victorians to pay attention around roads and avoid getting distracted by their phones. Transport Accident Commission chief executive Joe Calafiore said 196 pedestrians had been killed on Victoria's roads over the past five years, with distraction emerging as a major factor. Pay attention: Pedestrians are being told to watch the road, not their phones. "That number is far too high and we have to do something about it," he said. "Victorians are starting to get the message when it comes to the dangers of driving while on the phone but unfortunately too many people seem unaware of how dangerous distraction can be when you're on foot." Red light spells danger. If you notice it that is. Victoria Police and TAC want pedestrians to put away their phones when walking on the streets, especially around shopping centres and in the CBD, and in the evening between 6pm and 8pm, when most fatalities occurred. Victoria Police inspector for road policing Jason McGregor said pedestrians needed to take responsibility when they were around heavy vehicles. "We see these days people walking around on their phones or listening to music," he said. "They are just not concentrating on where they are walking." "If you step out in front of a tram or car the consequences will
be dire." Police are urging pedestrians to avoid distractions. Mr Hodges said he was in a coma for three weeks after the accident and has no memory of what happened but said he may have been distracted at the time. "I was lucky to even make it to the hospital," he said. He urged people to be careful around trams and to put the inconvenience of a $76 jaywalking fine into perspective.
"If you get into a tangle
with one of these vehicles, you will come off second best because
they don't leave the tracks," he said.
"It has had a tremendous effect on my life and that of my family and friends." "You only have to be hit once to have your life irrevocably changed." By the numbers Of the 196 pedestrian deaths in Victoria in the five years to the end of 2015:
Inspector McGregor said he did not know what proportion of the deaths were due to distraction. |