Section 3.    The human body is an exceedingly complex and efficient animal

It is created when a male injects sperm into the vagina of a female and approx. 9 months later a beautiful, complex, tiny, offspring is ejected from the mother's uterus.  It is necessary to appreciate the complexity of the human body, and the similar intricacy within most forms of life on Earth (animal, reptile, insect, fish and plant) to understand that life on Earth, and the vast uniqueness of Earth itself, was created by a highly intelligent and powerful 'Energy Force' that some Homo sapiens can only remotely comprehend.  Whilst the majority of Homo sapiens cling to the teachings they received during childhood and adolescence, the Writer ceased believing in Santa Clause when he was about four years old.  Some adults still believe in their Santa Clause because it is more comfortable to do so.

A tiny newborn child has two eyes to see, two ears to hear, a nose to smell, a mouth to taste and digest food and fluid.  It has arms to hold objects and legs to propel itself.  It has a digestive system to metabolically extract energy from foods and fluids and organs to sort and excrete waste. And most importantly, lungs to capture energy and a heart to pump blood and oxygen around their tiny body.  Earth contains thousands of similarly equipped, but less intelligent animals, as well as birds, fish and insects (eg bees and wasps) that support life on Earth.  The complex biology that grows with in the uterus of a human female over 9 months following fertilisation, and within females amongst other animals, fish etc is not 'an accident of nature' as most atheists seem to believe.  Creating Life on Earth for animals, birds, fish and insects might well have taxed the Energy Force more than creating The Big Bang 13.8 bil years ago.