Bicycle User Groups means "local groups involved in various cycling activities.  Some BUGs organise rides, while others campaign for better cycling facilities. A few do both. Many work with local councils. Best of all, they're a great source of information about where to ride in the local area."

    "The Board of Bicycle NSW realises that its most valuable resource are Bike User Groups and for some time the Board has been deliberating how best to harness the depth of knowledge and skills throughout the BUG network."

    Bicycle NSW is very aware of the important role played by BUGs. They encourage people to ride bikes, provide an invaluable source of information for people who are new to cycling and lead the way in campaigning for better local facilities” said Andrew.

    The local knowledge of the BUGs is critical for achieving a number of important initiatives that have been identified as part of the Bicycle NSW Strategic plan, initiatives such as the gathering of rider count data from around the State and providing information on issues relevant to their local area.


“As major stakeholders, BUGs are in a position to make a significant contribution to policy development at Bicycle NSW and with the formation of the BUG’s Committee there is now a clear means by which their voices can be heard at the Board level.”


    Some BUGs are involved in a broad range of activities, other than rides (fete stalls, public meetings etc), and the BUG’s Committee is framing risk management protocols for these other public activities of affiliated BUGs." .

See Bicycle User Group Manual.