From: Peloton Sports [] On Behalf Of Peloton Sports
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2012 12:03 PM
To: (name removed)
Subject: Peloton Sports Weekly News 19/03/2012


Peloton Sports Weekly News

Message from our Social/Media Committee - Matt Hou & Lauren Drysdale

Boy o boy, everyone has been very busy with all the riding this year and logging them on Strava! Every week, we check out the members on Strava and see PRs after PRs and we have been lifting our average speed on all the rides. See, Strava is a wonderful thing, pretty simple to upload via Garmin and we get to see secret training that goes on behind closed doors! Just make sure when you sign up to Strava to associate yourself with Peloton Sports Club and you get to see and compare yourself with other riding buddies!

We are also very excited about the up coming Snowies Training Camp and Blayney to Bathurst Race Weekend. Uncle Fester managed to smash through the infamous Dead Horse Gap last year and putting many people to the sword. With all the riding Uncle Fester has done this year, he is on track for another record time up Dead Horse Gap and the rolling hills of Tuscany in Italy! Race predictions for the Blayney to Bathurst Sunday ride? For the ladies who have signed up so far (Nat and Bomber), they will be finishing within 3 hours and for the gents... within 2hr 35mins! Yeah...

Of course, it is not all about riding, the committee actually enjoy the social side of things more then riding the bike! Ok, that is not quite true but we do enjoy the occasional Sunday lunch at Greengate and coming up on April Fools Day, a chill-laxing picnic at Bobbin Head. Given that it will be on April Fools Day, share something that you got your riding buddy to believe!

Pitt Town Pain (train)
Yesterdays ride proved to be a rather unsafe one for many. There were 6 crashes on the ride where we would have preferred none. We would just like to highlight a few points on safety to try to make the rides safer for all.

- When riding on the front of the bunch, it is your responsibility to control and direct the bunch. This includes calling all potholes and obstacles on the road. This must be done regardless of how fast you are going or how tired you are. It is not acceptable to ignore them. And part of your responsibility of being in the bunch is to pass this message back through the remainder bunch. If you are not willing to do this then ride at the back. Yesterday this was not done and riders hit huge potholes, nearly crashed and lost water bottles. This is unacceptable.
- If you are riding at 100% of your capacity then chances are you are not concentrating enough on what is going on around you. Dropping wheels and crossing wheels are symptoms of this and are commonly what leads to accidents. Safety is the highest priority on the road so make sure you ride within yourself and ride safely in the bunch.

The Weary Riders-

We report that all involved in the crashes are doing ok. JDS is more pleased about all the attention from nurses than upset about his torn shoulder ligaments. Drastique was heard commenting that since he broke no bones and did not ride home as Mike did, he is officially soft. JDS has since been spotted been wooing the nurses with talk about how many watts he can put out and how chicks dig scars. Mike Israel continued on like nothing ever happened. From the B bunch, Bruce also had a free ride home in the ambo. He is unfortunately  the worst off with a broken clavicle and we wish him a speedy recovery. Apparently he shared the same ambo one as JDS and they were heard having a man cry together in tune all the way to hospital. Get well soon guys! And Greg B needed a ride home too but thankfully he is ok. There were also 2 riders who can remain nameless) that had slippery falls on the bridge at the bottom of Galston, however they hurt their pride more than anything else. Another reminder to take it easy on slippery areas.
All these incidents serve as a reminder for all riders to remain vigilant out there on the road, to be predictable and sensible to ensure that you keep yourselves and your friends safe.

Special mentions-
Despite these unfortunate events occurring, there are a few people that need to be thanked for their support and compassion.
Aaron (from Manly Warringah) who was fantastic support to JDS, Doctor Julian H for his medical expertise and kindness, Kiwi Tony (must be for his quick wit, and just being great) and Matt Ashton. Thanks guys for waiting for the ambulance and helping out your mates. Special mention to Andrew (The bike collector) who ensured all bikes were picked up by himself or friends in cars. And for those we are not aware of who helped out the others especially in the B bunch, thank you also!

Photo below? Uncle Fester cruising with his Pinarello Paris... it will be making an appearance at this year's tour. (however some of those extra kgs he is carrying will not be in attendance! go UF:)

Rides for the week 19/03

Thursday  22/03    The Reeperbahn (3 Gorges)
                   6.15am Pearce's Corner
Friday    23/03    Snowies Training Camp
Saturday  24/03    Snowies Training Camp
Sunday    25/03    Snowies Training Camp

Blayney to Bathurst Weekend
Peloton Sports is proud to announce another fantastic weekend away but this time its full of RACING! Hooray. The racing committee has been hard at work planning the Bathurst Weekend
(20-22 April) where you can race in the State Hill Cimb Champs, Bathurst Crits and the Blayney to Bathurst Road Race. This weekend is for anyone who would like to race in one or all of these events. The Peloton Team will be setting up shop at Mount Panorama and be there to support your racing needs and cheer you on. We are heading up late on Friday so you will be well rested for your Saturday morning events, and then returning on Sunday afternoon after the road race. The Peloton Package for $300 includes Friday and Saturday nights accommodation, all breakfasts, Saturday dinner, pre-race bike transfer to Blayney on Sunday morning, mechanic, sagwagon and Peloton Cafe at Mt Panorama.

So far Nat, Bomber, Steve, Jon and a number of other have signed up. A little less conversation, a little more action, get on board and sign up to the weekend!

All you need to do is click here for the link to Turramurra Cyclery to pay secure your spot. Race entry is your own responsibility. This package will sell out rapidly and with limited accommodation available in Bathurst that weekend if you miss the cut you will miss out and may have trouble finding a place to stay so get in quick. We would love to see you there!
Peloton has had some great results at Bathurst over previous years and we hope to continue this year with more. And even if you aren't riding in the front of the A bunch, you can still race in a lower grade or opt for the shorter 70km option on Sunday instead of the longer 110km and 170km. All your friendly Peloton buddies will be there to go out eating, (not so much drinking), and celebrating with so join us for an awesome weekend.

April Fools Sunday BYO Bobbin Head Picnic
This year the Peloton Sports are introducing another new social event. Woo! We have decided to incorporate a Bobbin Head Social Picnic on Sunday after the ride into the calendar. The idea is that you bring along yourselves and any family or friends you have lying around at home and we drive (not ride!) to Bobbin Head and enjoy a social lunch type get together. This is a great way for cycling partners and kids to meet others in the same situation. BYO picnic basket full of post ride food and drinks and your fixie and join us. It's a fantastic opportunity to chill out and carve up laps around the bottom drop kids on their Kmart specials. What could be more fun??
The first will occur on Sunday 1st April from 12:30pm onwards. See you there!

Membership Renewals - Have you renewed?
It is time now where your Cycling Australia license should have been renewed. This must be done to ensure you are covered and is necessary when participating the club rides. These can be done easily via Cycling Australia (

Got a question or suggestion? Any feedback is more than welcome - drop us a line on email or have a chat to Lauren or Matt on the ride.