Slightly L shaped new concrete pathway req'd so rainwater runs into the existing brown metal drain at the bottom of below RHS picture
Remove all blue metal. A new concrete path is required to replace the existing blue metal evident in above two pics, although concrete path is not req'd on the LHS of the above RHS pic). The new concrete path will be approx 14 metres long and align with the LHS of the end of the existing concrete in above RHS picture. It needs to run to the LHS of the brown metal drain located at the bottom of the above RHS picture. The new concrete path needs to be slight higher adjacent the brick wall and slightly lower on the side closer to the boundary fence so that rainwater is channelled into the drain at the bottom of the above RHS pic, so that rainwater does not seep under the building because the lower level garage is in close proximity.
Concrete is not required beyond 50mm of the RHS of the above brown metal drain, contingent upon the new concrete path channelling rainwater into the above existing drain.
Concrete is not required where the vast majority of the blue metal appears in the above picture. However, all blue metal needs to be removed.
In the above picture, concrete is only required to run from the end of the existing concrete path (appears on the RHS) down to 50mm to the far side of the drain, in order to capture all rain water running down the slightly angled (away from the building) new concrete path.
At the higher side of the property, concrete is required in the small section of blue metal around the corner where the two white plastic valves appear (in above picture). |