Fourteen have booked 2 nights (Mon 18th & Tues 19th March) at The Carrington Hotel, Katoomba
You can cancel a booking, or postpone, provided at least 48 hrs notice is given prior to the booking date

Click on blue embedded threads below for those that provided (to assist others) their confirmed room booking and fee charged.

1 Alex Bab_c
2 Peter Me_rs (Share room)
3 Phil Johnst_n (Share room)
4 Don St_ry (Share room)
5 Nick Aubr_y
6 Anthony Johnst_n (Single room)
7 Peter Fox_ll
8 Clyde Hi_l (Single room)
9 Alan Jan_son  (Share room)
10 David Spenc_r   (Share room)
11 Frank Qu_nlan  (Share room)
12 John Sm_bert  (Share room)
13 John D'Ales_ndri  (Share room)


Seb Lentini  (Single room)

Summary requested by Ms. Tinker partially as we are not checking-in 'til around 7pm
Booked by Other attendee/s Nights Room type Guests

Peter Foxall

Alex Babic


Colonial Room


Peter Meers

John d'Alesandri


Premier Room


Phil Johnston

Don Story


Colonial Room


Anthony Johnston



Traditional Room

Seb Lentini   1 Colonial Room 8
Nick Aubrey Frank Quinlan, John Smibert 2 Colonial Room 11
Clyde Hill   2 Premier Room 12
Alan Jansson David Spencer 2 Premier Room 14


