Birthday Cake pics of Back9Hackers that chase golf balls around North Ryde Golf Course twice weekly hitting-off at SparrowFart

Bi-laws are not limited to:
"The BirthdayBoy buys his own birthday cake to share with his amigos."

Noteworthy 'compliant cake providers' in the last year are Smibes, Moose, Secco @˝, BankTeller, Geoff, Hackie, Ian, Frank, Foxy, Craig, TaxMan and Brian.

Best Own Oven Baked Cake Award goes to Secco for offering ˝ of his "Ginger & Walnut Carrot Cake".  But some credit goes to Nigella Lawson.
Alas, some of the purchased cakes 'look the goods', until you bite into an 'evaporation' due to a lack of eggs, fruit and rich flour.

SaBu Cafe, Cox's Road, North Ryde provided a monster sized banana cake for Anthony's 70th birthday, with no sugar ridden icing, for $40.  So large that Anthony had to take half home.




Below three pics at Seb's Caffe Incontro on Friday. 14th July celebrating something or anything


Below two pics are celebrating Nick A. entering this world in nudity 65 years ago

Below pics are making merry on BankTeller's 66th b'day


Peter Sext_n's measly contribution before he cut them in half, and they were stale

Din dins after Test Cricket against The Poms at The Gabba - Nov 2017 - A lot of empty glasses and Dead Marines

Don and Nick sunk to a new 'low', when they shared the purchase of a customary b'day cake

Smibe's didn't squib his obligation on Fri, 19th Oct recognising 69 N.O.

Golly, all he bought us were a few snags and a small Caffe per capita.  You'd think from this pic that Smibe's had displayed momentous munificence.  Or do we prostitute our principles lightly?

Someone above is pointing at the bestest, biggest cake ever - purchased from the Cheesecake Shop in Penshurst St, Chatswood

Ian's b'day

Nigella's "Ginger & Walnut Carrot Cake".  Thanks Nigella for helping Pete.

BankTeller should have had a career as a famous CakeBaker, instead of a sleazy, greedy BankRobber, after his sister showed him how to prepare the below recipe that got 'the thumbs-up'

Sheridan Rogers (daughter of Bob Rogers) Boiled Chocolate and Raisin Cake

Above is a 30 years old recipe

Below are the ingredients

Hackie 's yummy fruit-filled Apply Pie evidenced that he didn't pike-out like at least one other St Pius squib.
Why would some, or at least one folk, sell it/their Cred so cheaply?

Lots of 'good oil' in an ancient keg purchased from Ted's younger Bros, 34 years ago

Hackers' Xmas Party at familiar Sebs circa Dec 2020.  Disappointingly, only five guests paid due deference to the importance of the annual occasion.

Foxy ultimately made it to 70 N.O.  We celebrated it in Moose's garage

Hackie opened his wallet Big Time to commemorate his 70th B'day Bash at the re-named Café SaBu

Nick A's COVID delayed b'day cake on 9 Jan from the local, nearby cake shop scored a 4 out of 10 at best.  Lots of sugar but lacking eggs, flour and fruit. 
The Cheesecake Factory, Penshurst St, Willoughby has never let Craig or BankTeller down.

Alex and Don shared the provision of a b'day cake (on a quiet Tues) to commemorate their annual b'days back in 2021. 
It is a small pic, 'cause it was a small cake.  One can only muse that they have both fallen on hard times, or neither luv their 'Loyal Golfing Amigos', at least not much luv.

BankTeller's 72nd birthday - with all his friends present.  Two in the background seemed preoccupied

The 'left over' cake is homebound.  Buying this b'day cake from SaBu Cafe was a win-win.
Thanks to Alex's waiter skills to place each slice/portion of yummy cake on a paper napkin, we didn't dirty a lot of crockery plates, thereby reducing climate change.

A slice of Secco's b'day cake - 9 June '23. Hopefully in our twilight years no one forgets to celebrate 'clocking up yet another' with their 'Loyal Golfing Amigos'

Three Grump Old Grubs

Marvelous how Old Farts can 'put on' a Cheerful Noggin when the Kodak Brownie is pulled out

A framed pic of BankTeller's childhood heroes, not limited to Hoppalong Cassidy, Bomba the Jungle Boy and Rin Tin Tin.
Foxy's 'first love' is in the upper LH corner.  Annie Oakley could shoot the centre spade out of a 9 of Spades playing card (held by a brave cowboy) whilst standing on her charging horse, Target
Alas, petite actress, Gail Davis, passed away in 1997 unaware of her 'Secret Admirer' DownUnder.

BankTeller provided a marvelous banana cake (no fattening icing) to celebrate the dawn of his 73rd year on 'terra firma' upsetting folk that warrant torment.

Lots of Fake Faces (artificial smiles), except for one unassuming gentleman twds the back.

Above two pics at our Christmas Celebration B'fast at SaBu Cafe on Friday, 22nd Dec '23 - Hard to see many smiling faces - must've been a tough year for some.

Somebody of insignificance celebrated their 70th something birth cake last Friday 14th June '24.  Geoff's oranges were plentiful.