Summary of reforms sought in Qld

Below summary points sourced from Queensland gaming regulator urged to consider mandatory pokies preset spending limit, review underway

  1. A predetermined/set/locked gambling $ limit commitment prior to playing a poker machine on a particular day/night could provide real-time data on losses posted by poker machine gambling addicts.  Mandatory pre-commitment requirement on pokies players should be implemented across the more than 40,000 machines in Qld's pubs and clubs.  Losses on a particular date could therefore not exceeded an amount decided by gamblers before they sat down in front of a gaming machine. Queensland's Office of Liquor and Gaming (OLGR) must legislate to make pre-commitment mandatory in order for it to be effective.

  2. Federal government recently enacted a requirement for online betting companies to send their customers monthly statements on wins and losses.  But  almost nothing being put in place to equal it for conventional poker machine gambling.

  3. Further promotion of a gambler's right to seek self-exclusion from gambling at a particular gaming venue