Minns Government lowers poker machine entitlements in NSW, reduces cash feed-in limit on new machines  -  23 June 2023  Released by: Minister for Gaming and Racing

The NSW Government has reduced the number of poker machines able to be operated in the state by more than 3000.

Under regulation, pubs and clubs need to have sufficient gaming machine entitlements to legally operate poker machines, and these entitlements can be traded between venues.

The government has lowered the state’s cap on poker machines entitlements available to pubs and clubs across NSW by more than 3000, limiting it to entitlements currently in circulation.

The Independent Liquor and Gaming Authority has also approved a tenfold decrease in the cash feed-in limit for all new poker machines entering service from 1 July 2023.

The new limit will be $500, down from $5000, reflecting the government’s pre-election commitment.

NSW government has also already passed legislation that bans political parties accepting financial donations from clubs with gaming machines from 1 July 2023.

Prior to the election, the NSW Government committed to a number of changes to curb gambling harm and prevent money laundering, including:

  • increasing the forfeiture of gaming machines entitlements

  • implementing a cashless gaming trial of 500 machines

  • establishing an independent panel to oversee the cashless gaming trial.

Minister for Gaming and Racing David Harris said:

“We promised the people of NSW that we’d reform the gaming sector in a way that reduced gambling harm while future-proofing the industry.

“One of these commitments was to reduce the number of poker machines in this state – and this is an important step forward.

“Further down the track, we’ll also be changing the GME forfeiture scheme so that for every 2 entitlements traded, 1 will be forfeited – which will see numbers drop at a faster rate..”