Liquer & Gaming NSW - Six-Monthly Gaming Machine Data  -  Last updated 24 April 2023

·          Explanation of reporting    Reports

For public transparency and accessibility, we publish six-monthly gaming machine reports of the first and second halves of each year.

Note: Hotels are taxed on quarters ending March, June, September & December, while clubs and report on quarters ending February, May, August & November.
Explanation of reporting

Our gaming machine reports are published twice every year.

Published in March, covering:

·         Hotels, quarters ending September and December

·         Clubs, quarters ending August and November.

Published in September, covering:

·         Hotels, quarters ending March and June

·         Clubs, quarters ending February and May.

 These reports contain:

Electronic Gaming machine report by local government area (LGA)

For each LGA these reports combine the:

·         number of venues - clubs or hotels in the LGA

·         net (pre-duty) profit and tax

·         number of authorised electronic gaming machines operating in the area.

Note: The number of authorised electronic gaming machines figure

o    represents authorised gaming machines on a particular date, being the last day (or thereafter) of the later reporting quarter

o    can vary at any time depending on usual business activity such as purchases/sales, venue renovations, technical issues, environmental issues such as flooding etc

o    includes gaming machines that have been approved to be placed in storage at the venue

o    maybe the same or less than the number of gaming machine entitlements. Each Gaming Machine Entitlement (GME) held by a venue allows one Electronic Gaming Machine (EGM) to be authorised and operated. On any given day, not all entitlements are being used to operate gaming machines at venues in NSW.

To protect individual venues anonymity figures for LGAs with four or fewer venues are not provided. Data for these areas is amalgamated with neighbouring LGAs.

State rankings by gaming machine net profit report

For each club and hotel, these reports contain the:

·         licence number and licence name

·         suburb and postcode

·         local government area (LGA)

·         number of authorised electronic gaming machines

·         state rankings by net profit.

 State rankings by net profit per gaming machine report

For each club and hotel, these reports contain the:

·         licence number and licence name

·         suburb and postcode

·         local government area (LGA)

·         number of authorised electronic gaming machines

·         state rankings by net profit per gaming machine.