Sales []
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2018 3:05 PM
To: Philip Johnston <>;
Sales <>
Cc: Jasmine Fergus <>
Subject: RE: Invoice 273797
Hi Phil,
Thanks for your email. We are just starting to print out tickets, so you should
receive your tickets in the next few months. We guarantee that you will have
your tickets at least 6 weeks before the match, but as the Canberra test is the
last you will have them earlier than that.
You will receive an email from myself when tickets are being dispatched.
Kind Regards,
LESLEY RAYMER | Inbound Sales Coordinator
Cricket Australia | 60 Jolimont St | Jolimont Victoria
3002 |
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Philip Johnston []
Sent: Thursday, 12 July 2018 2:27 PM
To: Jasmine Fergus <>;
Sales <>
Subject: RE: Invoice 273797
28 June 2018, I remitted $2,080 via BPay pursuant to the CA invoice for tickets
to the Canberra Test - Invoice 273797.
When will the tickets be posted to Philip Johnston at 1305, 12 Glen St, Milsons
Point 2061?
Phil Johnston aka
0434 715.861
Jasmine Fergus []
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2018 9:01 AM
To: Philip Johnston <>
Cc: Jasmine Fergus <>
Subject: Invoice 273797
Thank you, Cricket Australia can now confirm
your invoice 273797 has been paid in
You will be notified by Cricket Australia when
your tickets have been posted. In the meantime,
if you have any questions please don’t hesitate
to contact us via
We look forward to seeing you at the cricket! |