Attachment 'G'

  • There were an estimated 36 million debit cards and 16 million credit cards in circulation in Australia in 2009. (Source: Euromonitor International, January 2010)

  • Reserve Bank of Australia "figures show mortgage, credit card and personal loan debts now stand at $1.2 trillion, up 71 per cent from just five years ago and equating to $56,000 for every man, woman and child in the country." (Source: Sydney Morning Herald, December 2009)

  • Debit card ATM withdrawals per account dropped 6.3 per cent in 2009 to 2.39 a month last year. That's compared with 2.55 in the previous year and 2.62 in 2006. (Source: The Australian, January 2010)

  • Australia’s total rate of cheque and payment card fraud has risen to 9 cents for every $1,000 of payments, up from 7 cents. (Source: Australian Payments Clearing Association, December 2009)

  • Australians spent $19.189 billion on credit and charge cards in October 2009. (Source: Reserve Bank of Australia, December 2009)

  • The average credit card account balance was $3,141 in October 2009. (Source: Reserve Bank of Australia, December 2009)

  • Total credit and charge card balances outstanding stood at $45.153 billion in October 2009. (Source: Reserve Bank of Australia, December 2009)