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Regulation involves enforcement by public sector agencies of controls and
restrictions on certain activities. NSW state and local governments
regulate many activities, including the health and safety of workplaces,
environmental management, construction and property development, motor vehicles,
and food, as well as licensing of occupations and skills.
The term “regulator” used here includes
public officials who assess applications, or perform inspectorial, investigative
or other compliance functions. It can also refer to third-parties that are
contracted by government to perform regulatory functions; for example, state
agencies may outsource assessment functions.
Contract regulators working for the NSW
public sector at the state or local government level are “public officials” for
the purposes of the Independent Commission
Against Corruption Act 1988.
The integrity of regulatory
functions is a matter of public interest. The power of regulators to
grant significant benefits to, or impose restrictions or penalties on,
members of the public – and the extra profits to be gained from avoiding
regulations – increases the risks of corruption. Regulators also have a role
in collecting and protecting government revenue.
Common corruption risks around
regulatory functions include:
a regulator failing to declare a
conflict of interest involving a person or business they are regulating
a regulator soliciting or accepting a
bribe or benefit to exercise their powers in a certain way
a regulator improperly providing
confidential information to a regulated entity
a person acting fraudulently in
relation to an application for a licence or permit.
Developing a strategy
Regulatory functions should automatically
be categorised as high-risk. A risk assessment of regulatory activities could
creating a process map to understand
the formal and informal regulatory processes undertaken by an agency,
including all the positions involved
reviewing the nature and adequacy of
accountability measures for individuals involved in regulation, including
around decision points, appropriate supervision, role segregations and
recordkeeping, and other points of particular vulnerability to improper
reviewing how well an agency informs
the public about both its regulatory role and the public's rights in terms
of its regulatory activities (action points from the review should be
incorporated into a corruption prevention plan).
Consider the following measures:
adding values or principles into a code
of conduct that can be used to guide regulator-client engagement
ensuring employees who are involved in
regulatory work understand their roles and responsibilities (for example,
through induction, formal training, mentoring, on-the-job training,
supervision, policies and publications)
communicating with the public about
what they can expect from regulators, the standards that apply and the
rights and responsibilities of those being regulated (for example, through
documents such as a statement of business ethics, a client service charter
or information brochures)
maintaining regular contact between
regulators and their supervisors in the field
assigning managers/supervisors to
accompany regulators on fieldwork on a random unscheduled basis without
prior notification
regularly reviewing completed matters
to test compliance with recordkeeping requirements and consistency of
holding periodic formal work reviews of
regulators’ work
segregating regulatory inspection work
from the role of allocating regulatory
assigning regulators to work in pairs
when they are conducting fieldwork
scheduling inspections so regulators
cannot choose the inspection targets and dates
ensuring computerised systems reflect
actual decision-making protocols so employees cannot close a matter or
change allocated tasks on the computer system without authority
prohibiting regulators from engaging
in any outside employment that would conflict with their regulatory role
having a policy to manage
declared conflicts of interest.
Outsourcing regulatory functions creates
particular risks for corruption. When outsourcing regulatory functions, consider
the following strategies:
analysing the risks for corruption
before outsourcing the function
defining in writing who will be
accountable for the work (remember that public sector agencies cannot
outsource corruption risks, but must take responsibility for managing these
risks even for an activity that is, itself, outsourced)
deciding and documenting the level of
contract management and performance measurement needed and who will be
responsible for monitoring it
exercising additional care with former
employees who bid for regulatory work
engaging contractors only after due
diligence has been done on their past work
establishing a system and an obligation
for contractors to disclose conflicts of interest
communicating standards of conduct to
contract regulators (for example, adherence to the code of conduct), and
providing information sessions and training
reminding contract regulators in
writing that they are within the jurisdiction of the Independent
Commission Against Corruption Act 1988
monitoring contractor performance
resolving complaints about contractors
Regulators often work alone and usually
have direct contact with those they regulate, inspect or investigate. These
factors make regulators vulnerable to pressures from the people and
organisations they regulate, including the pressure to engage in corruption.
Agencies should not assume their regulators know how to handle these pressures
or how to resolve ethical problems without practical guidance and support.
A practical preventative measure is to
conduct a community awareness campaign that explains what the public can expect
when dealing with the agency. Consider the following elements as a way to foster
a community awareness campaign:
establish a simple system for making
communicate in written form what the
public should expect when dealing with regulators, including what standards
apply, what fees and charges are payable (and to whom), what refreshments
are acceptable, and how to appeal against regulatory decisions
communicate definitions and examples of
corruption, and the penalties for engaging corrupt conduct, such as offering
gifts and benefits.
A number of ICAC reports provide details
about investigations into corrupt conduct involving regulators, such as:
Parramatta City Council – corrupt conduct associated with regulation of
brothels (August 2007)
Report on an investigation
into corruption allegations affecting Wollongong City Council Part 3 (October
Investigation into corrupt conduct of Sydney Water employees and others (March
Investigation into the corrupt conduct of Willoughby City Council officer (June
Investigation into the conduct of a Regional Illegal Dumping Squad officer
and others (June 2017).
The ICAC’s Report
on corruption in the provision and certification of security industry training (December
2009) and Investigation into false
certifications of heavy vehicle competency-based assessments by a Roads and
Maritime Services-accredited assessor (January 2014) deal with outsourced
assessment functions.
In addition, the following ICAC reports
deal with approaches to regulation:
Governance and regulation in the NSW Aboriginal Land Council Network (May
Election funding, expenditure and disclosure in NSW: Strengthening
accountability and transparency (December
Reducing the opportunities and incentives for corruption in the state’s
management of coal resources (October
The Commonwealth Office of Best Practice
(OBPR) has developed a publicly-available online course on regulatory impact
analysis and the skills required for better practice regulation. Information
about the NSW Government’s approach to regulation can also be found in the NSW
Department of Finance, Services and Innovation’s Guidance
for regulators to implement outcomes and risk-based regulation (2016).
The UK Committee on Standards in Public
Life has also released Striking the balance:
Upholding the seven principles of public life in regulation (2016).
Updated December 2018
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