Corporate Governance


Board of Directors


The role and responsibilities of the Board of

Directors are set out in the Board Charter. The

responsibilities include:

 The corporate governance of the Bank, including the

establishment of Committees;

 Oversight of the business and affairs of the Bank by:

establishing, with management, the strategies

and financial objectives;

approving major corporate initiatives;

establishing appropriate systems of risk

management; and

monitoring the performance of management;

 Communicating with shareholders and the

community, results of, and developments in, the

operations of the Bank;

 Appointment of the Chief Executive Officer; and

 Approval of the Bank’s major HR policies and

overseeing the development strategies for senior

and high performing executives.

There is in place a comprehensive set of

management delegations to allow management to carry

on the business of the Bank.


There are currently 12 Directors of the Bank and

details of their experience, qualifications, special

responsibilities and attendance at meetings are set out in

the Directors report.

Membership of the Board and Committees is set out



Nominations Remuneration Audit Risk

J T Ralph, AC Non-executive,


Chairman Chairman Chairman Chairman

J M Schubert Non-executive,


Deputy Chairman Member Chairman

D V Murray Executive Chief Executive Officer Member

N R Adler, AO Non-executive,



R J Clairs, AO Non-executive,



A B Daniels, OAM Non-executive,



C R Galbraith, AM Non-executive,



S C Kay Non-executive,



W G Kent, AO Non-executive,



F D Ryan Non-executive,



F J Swan Non-executive,


Member Member

B K Ward Non-executive,



Ms S C Kay was appointed as a non-executive

Director on 5 March 2003. In accordance with the Bank’s

Constitution and the ASX Listing Rules, she will stand for

election at the Annual General Meeting to be held on 31

October 2003.

The Constitution of the Bank specifies that –

 The Chief Executive Officer and any other executive

director shall not be eligible to stand for election as

Chairman of the Bank;

 The number of Directors shall not be less than 9 nor

more than 13 (or such lower number as the Board

may from time to time determine). The Board have

determined that for the time being, the number of

directors shall be 12; and

 At each Annual General Meeting one-third of

Directors (other than the chief executive officer) shall

retire from office and may stand for re-election.

The Board have established a policy that, with a

phasing in provision for existing Directors, the term of

directors’ appointments would be limited to 12 years

(except where succession planning for Chairman and

appointment of Chairman requires an extended term. On

appointment, the Chairman will be expected to be

available for that position for five years). Directors do not

stand for re-election after attaining the age of 70

Corporate Governance (continued)



The Board regularly assesses the independence of

each Director. For this purpose an independent Director

is a non-executive Director whom the Board considers to

be independent of management and free of any business

or other relationship that could materially interfere with the

exercise of unfettered and independent judgment.

In addition to being required to conduct themselves

in accordance with the ethical policies of the Bank,

Directors are required to be meticulous in their disclosure

of any material contract or relationship in accordance with

the Corporations Act and this disclosure extends to the

interests of family companies and spouses. Directors are

required to strictly adhere to the constraints on their

participation and voting in relation to matters in which they

may have an interest in accordance with the Corporations

Act and the Bank's policies.

Each Director may from time to time have personal

dealings with the Bank. Each Director is involved with

other companies or professional firms which may from

time to time have dealings with the Bank. Details of

offices held by Directors with other organisations are set

out in the Directors' Report and on the Bank's website.

Full details of related party dealings are set out in notes to

the Company's accounts as required by law.

All the current non-executive Directors of the Bank

have been assessed as independent Directors. In

reaching that determination, the Board have taken into

account (in addition to the matters set out above):

 The specific disclosures made by each Director as

referred to above;

 Where applicable, the related party dealings

referrable to each Director, noting that those

dealings are not material under accounting


 That no Director is, or has been associated directly

with, a substantial shareholder of the Bank;

 That no non-executive Director has ever been

employed by the Bank or any of its subsidiaries;

 That no Director is, or has been associated with a

supplier, professional adviser, consultant to or

customer of the Bank which is material under

accounting standards; and

 That no non-executive Director personally carries on

any role for the Bank otherwise than as a Director of

the Bank.

The Bank does not consider that term of service on

the Board is a factor affecting a Director's ability to act in

the best interests of the Bank. Independence is judged

against the ability, integrity and willingness of the Director

to act. The Board have established a policy limiting

Directors' tenures to ensure that skill sets remain

appropriate in a dynamic industry.


Directors participate in an induction programme

upon appointment and in a refresher programme on a

regular basis. The Board have established a programme

of continuing education to ensure that it is kept up to date

with developments in the industry both locally and

globally. This includes sessions with local and overseas

experts in the particular fields relevant to the Bank’s



The Board have in place a process for annually

reviewing its performance, policies and practices. These

reviews seek to identify where improvements can be

made and also assess the quality and effectiveness of

information made available to Directors. Every 2 years,

this process is facilitated by an external consultant, with

an internal review conducted in the intervening years. The

review includes an assessment of the performance of

each Director.

After consideration of the results of the performance

assessment, the Board will determine its endorsement of

the Directors to stand for re-election at the next Annual

General Meeting.

The non-executive Directors meet at least annually,

without management, in a forum intended to allow for an

open discussion on Board and management performance.

This is in addition to the consideration of the Chief

Executive Officer’s performance and remuneration which

is conducted by the Board in the absence of the Chief

Executive Officer.

The Chairman meets annually with the senior

executive team to discuss with them the Board’s

performance and level of involvement from their


Selection of Directors

The Nominations Committee have developed a set

of criteria for director appointments which have been

adopted by the Board. The criteria set the objective of the

Board as being as effective, and preferably more effective

than the best boards in the comparable peer group. These

criteria, which are reviewed annually, ensure that any new

appointee is able to contribute to the ongoing

effectiveness of the Board, have the ability to exercise

sound business judgment, to think strategically and have

demonstrated leadership experience, high levels of

professional skill and appropriate personal qualities.

The Committee regularly reviews the skill base and

experience of existing Directors to enable identification of

attributes required in new Directors.

An executive search firm is engaged to identify

potential candidates based on the identified criteria.

Candidates for appointment as Directors are

considered by the Nominations Committee, recommended

for decision by the Board and, if appointed, stand for

election, in accordance with the Constitution, at the next

general meeting of shareholders.

On appointment, a letter is provided from the

Chairman to the new Director setting out the terms of



Board policies relevant to the composition and

functions of Directors include:

 The Board will consist of a majority of independent

non-executive Directors and the membership of the

Nominations, Remuneration and Audit Committees

should consist solely of independent non-executive

Directors. The Risk Committee should consist of a

majority of independent non-executive Directors.

 The Chairman will be an independent non-executive

Director who should also chair the Nominations,

Remuneration and Risk Committees. The Audit

Committee will be chaired by an independent nonexecutive

Director other than the Board Chairman.

 The Board will generally meet monthly with an

agenda designed to provide adequate information

about the affairs of the Bank, allow the Board to

guide and monitor management and assist

involvement in discussions and decisions on

strategy. Matters having strategic implications are

given priority on the agenda for regular Board

Corporate Governance (continued)


 Remuneration systems will complement and

reinforce the Group’s leadership and succession

planning systems; and

 Remuneration and terms and conditions of

employment will be specified in an individual

contract of employment and signed by the executive

and the Bank. The relationship of remuneration,

potential short term incentive and long term

incentive payments is established for each level of

executive management by the Remuneration

Committee. For managers within the Bank potential

incentive payments as a proportion of total potential

remuneration increases with level in the

organisation. The structure for some specialists

differs from that which applies generally to executive


Incentive payments for executives, including the

Chief Executive Officer, are related to performance. Short

term incentives actually paid depend on the extent to

which operating targets set at the beginning of the

financial year are achieved. Half of the short term

incentive earned is paid in cash and the balance in two

instalments at yearly intervals in shares. These

instalments are only paid if the Executive is still in the

employ of the Bank on the relevant dates.

Vesting of options and shares allocated under the

long term incentive plan is directly related to shareholder

value, measured by Total Shareholder Return over a

minimum 3 year period, which requires the return to be

equal to or higher than the average return of peer

institutions for vesting to occur.

As approved by the shareholders at the 2000 Annual

General Meeting, vesting of options and restricted shares

allocated to executives is dependent on the Bank meeting

the performance hurdles in the plan.

The Bank has restructured its long-term executive

incentive plan, effective from the beginning of the 2003

financial year. Previously half the value of long term

incentive benefits under the shareholder approved Bank’s

Equity Reward Plan were paid in options, valued on the

Black-Scholes method, and the other half in Performance

shares valued at market price at the date of allocation.

These options and shares only vest to the executive

provided the prescribed performance hurdles are met.

From the beginning of the 2003 financial year options

have been eliminated from the remuneration package of

executives and the total value of the long term incentives

allocated under the Equity Reward Plan from that date is

in the form of Reward shares.

A further change introduced is that whereas

previously allocated options and shares vested upon the

average Total Shareholder Return of peer institutions

being exceeded, a sliding scale has been introduced so

that 50% of allocated shares vest if the Bank’s TSR is

equal to the average return, 75% vest at the 67th

percentile in the index and 100% when the return exceeds

the 75th percentile, ie. when the Bank’s return is in the top


Options and shares previously allocated under the

Equity Reward Plan will continue until they vest upon the

prescribed performance hurdles being met or they lapse.

Currently, restricted shares purchased on market to

satisfy incentives earned by executives are charged

against profit and loss as are incentives paid in cash and

in deferred shares. As from the beginning of the 2003

financial year, total remuneration, which includes the full

cost of the plan and also the distribution of shares to

employees under the ESAP, have been expensed against


Details of the remuneration paid to the Chief

Executive Officer and the five highest paid other members

of the senior executive team who were officers of the Bank

at 30 June 2003 are set out in Note 46.

Audit Arrangements

Audit Committee

The Charter of the Audit Committee incorporates a

number of policies and practices to ensure that the

Committee is independent and effective. Among these


 The Audit Committee consists entirely of

independent non-executive Directors, all of whom

have familiarity with financial management and at

least one has expertise in financial accounting and

reporting. The Chairman of the Bank is not

permitted to be the Chairman of the Audit


 At least twice a year the Audit Committee meets the

external auditors and the chief internal audit

executive and also separately with the external

Auditors independently of management.

 The Audit Committee is responsible for nominating

the external auditor to the Board for appointment by

shareholders. The Audit Committee approves the

terms of the contract with the external auditor,

agrees the annual audit plan and approves

payments to the Auditor.

 The Audit Committee discusses and receives

assurances from the external auditors on the quality

of the Bank’s systems, its accounting processes and

its financial results. It also receives a report from the

Auditors on any significant matters raised by the

Auditors with management.

 All material accounting matters requiring exercise of

judgement by management are specifically reviewed

by the Audit Committee and reported on by the

Committee to the Board.

 Certified assurances are received by the Audit

Committee and the Board that the Auditors meet the

independence requirements as recommended by

the Blue Ribbon Committee of the SEC of the USA.

In carrying out these functions, the Committee:

 Reviews the financial statements and reports of the


 Reviews accounting policies to ensure compliance

with current laws, relevant regulations and

accounting standards;

 Conducts any investigations relating to financial

matters, records, accounts and reports which it

considers appropriate; and

 Reviews all material matters requiring exercise of

judgment by management and reports those matters

to the Board.

In addition, the Committee ratifies the Group’s

operational risk policies for approval by the Board and

reviews and informs the Board of the measurement and

management of operational risk. Operational risk is a

basic line management responsibility within the Group

consistent with the policies established by the Committee.

A range of insurance policies maintained by the Group

mitigates some operational risks.

The Committee regularly considers, in the absence

of management and the external auditor, the quality of the

information received by the Committee and, in considering

the financial statements, discusses with management and

the external auditor:

 The financial statements and their conformity with

accounting standards, other mandatory reporting

requirements and statutory requirements; and

 The quality of the accounting policies applied and

any other significant judgments made.

The external audit partner attends meetings of the

Audit Committee by invitation and attends the Board

meetings when the annual and half yearly accounts are

approved and signed.

Non-Audit Services

The Board have in place policies and procedures

governing the nature of non-audit services which can and

cannot be undertaken by the Bank’s Auditors for the Bank

or its subsidiaries. These policies and procedures

incorporate approval by the Audit Committee of all nonaudit

services. The objective of this policy is to avoid

prejudicing the independence of the Auditors and to

prevent their developing undue reliance on revenue from

the Bank.

The policy ensures that the Auditor does not:

 Assume the role of management;

 Become an advocate for their client; or

 Audit their own professional expertise.

Under the policy, the Auditor shall not provide the

following services:

 Bookkeeping or services relating to accounting


 Appraisal or valuation and fairness opinions;

 Advice on deal structuring and related


 Tax planning and strategic advice;

 Actuarial advisory services;

 Executive recruitment or extensive human resource


 Acting as a broker-dealer, promoter or underwriter;


 Provision of legal services.

For non-audit services that are not expressly

prohibited, the following Audit Committee approval

processes apply:

 Pre-approved - the Audit Committee have preapproved

certain types of services that do not impair

Auditor independence up to a limit of $250,000 per

engagement; and

 Specific approval - all other services, including preapproved

services exceeding $250,000, require

specific formal approval by the Audit Committee, or

a member thereof under delegation, before the

Auditor may be engaged.

Non-audit services are defined as any service

provided by the external Auditor under engagement with

the Bank outside the scope of the external audit. The

scope of the external audit is outlined in the Bank’s annual

audit engagement letter.

The Bank currently requires that the partner

managing the audit for the external Auditor be changed

within a period of five years.


Ernst & Young was appointed as the Auditor of the

Bank at the 1996 Annual General Meeting and continues

in that office.

The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to appoint

and remove the chief internal audit executive in

consultation with the Audit Committee.

Risk Management

Risk Committee

The Risk Committee oversees credit and market

risks assumed by the Bank in the course of carrying on its


The Committee considers the Group’s credit policies

and ensures that management maintains a set of credit

underwriting standards designed to achieve portfolio

outcomes consistent with the Group’s risk/return

expectations. In addition, the Committee reviews the

Group’s credit portfolios and recommendations by

management for provisioning for bad and doubtful debts.

The Committee approves risk management policies

and procedures for market, funding and liquidity risks

incurred or likely to be incurred in the Group’s business.

The Committee reviews progress in implementing

management procedures and identifying new areas of

exposure relating to market, funding and liquidity risk.


The Bank has in place an integrated risk

management framework to identify, assess, manage and

report risks and risk adjusted returns on a consistent and

reliable basis.

A full description of the functions of the framework

and the nature of the risks is set out in the section of the

Annual Report entitled Integrated Risk Management and

in Notes 14 and 39 to the Financial Statements.

Nominations Committee

The Nominations Committee of the Board critically

reviews, at least annually, the corporate governance

procedures of the Bank and the composition and

effectiveness of the Commonwealth Bank Board and the

boards of the major wholly owned subsidiaries. The policy

of the Board is that the Committee shall consist solely of

independent non executive directors and that the

Chairman of the Bank shall be Chairman of the

Committee. The Chief Executive Officer attends the

meeting by invitation.

In addition to its role in proposing candidates for

director appointment for consideration by the Board, the

Committee reviews fees payable to non-executive

directors and reviews, and advises the Board in relation to

Chief Executive Officer succession planning.

Continuous Disclosure

The Corporations Act 2001 and the ASX Listing

Rules require that a company disclose to the market

matters which could be expected to have a material effect

on the price or value of the company’s securities.

Management processes are in place throughout the

Commonwealth Bank Group to ensure that all material

matters which may potentially require disclosure are

promptly reported to the Chief Executive Officer, through

established reporting lines, or as a part of the

deliberations of the Bank’s Executive Committee. Matters

reported are assessed and, where required by the Listing

Rules, advised to the market. The Company Secretary is

responsible for communications with the ASX and for

ensuring that such information is not released to any

person until the ASX have confirmed its release to the


Ethical Policies

Values Statement

The Bank demands the highest standards of honesty

and loyalty from all its people and strong governance

within the Bank.

Our values statement – “trust, honesty and integrity”

- reflects this standard.

Statement of Professional Practice

The Bank have adopted a code of ethics, known as

a Statement of Professional Practice, which sets

standards of behaviour required of all employees


 To act properly and efficiently in pursuing the

objectives of the Bank;

 To avoid situations which may give rise to a conflict

of interests;

 To know and adhere to the Bank’s Equal

Employment Opportunity policy and programs;

 To maintain confidentiality in the affairs of the Bank

and its customers; and

 To be absolutely honest in all professional activities.

These standards are regularly communicated to

staff. In addition, the Bank have established insider trading

guidelines for staff to ensure that unpublished price

sensitive information about the Bank or any other

company is not used in an illegal manner.

Our People

The Bank is committed to providing fair, safe,

challenging and rewarding work, recognising the

importance of attracting and retaining the best staff and

consequently, being in a position to provide good service

to our customers.

There are various policies and systems in place to

enable achievement of these goals, including :

 Fair Treatment Review systems;

 Equal Employment Opportunity policy;

 Occupational Health and Safety Systems;

 Recruitment and selection policies;

 Performance feedback and review processes;

 Career assessment and succession planning;

 Employee Share Plan; and

 Supporting Professional Development.

Behaviour Issues

The Bank is strongly committed to maintaining an

ethical workplace, complying with legal and ethical

responsibilities. Policy requires staff to report fraud,

corrupt conduct, mal-administration or serious and

substantial waste by others. A system has been

established which allows staff to remain anonymous if

they wish for reporting of these matters.

The policy has been extended to include reporting of

auditing and accounting issues which will be reported

directly to the Chief Compliance Officer. The Chief

Compliance Officer reports any such matters to the Audit

Committee, noting the status of resolution and actions to

be taken.

Governance Philosophy

The Board have consistently placed great

importance on the governance of the Bank, which it

believes is vital to the well-being of the corporation. The

Bank has adopted a comprehensive framework of

Corporate Governance Guidelines which are designed to

properly balance performance and conformance and

thereby allow the Bank to undertake, in an effective

manner, the prudent risk-taking activities which are the

basis of its business.

US Sarbanes-Oxley Act

On 30 July 2002, a broad US financial reporting and

corporate governance reform law, called the Sarbanes-

Oxley Act of 2002 (the SOX Act), was enacted. By its

terms, this Act applies to the Group because it has certain

securities registered with the US Securities and Exchange

Commission (SEC) under the Securities Exchange Act of

1934 (the Exchange Act).

Under the Exchange Act, the Bank files periodic

reports with the SEC, including an annual report on Form

20-F. Pursuant to the requirements of the SOX Act, the

SEC have adopted rules requiring that the Group’s Chief

Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer personally

provide certain certifications with respect to the disclosure

contained in the annual report on Form 20-F.

Some of the more significant certifications generally


 That based on their knowledge, the report does not

contain any untrue statement of a material fact or

omit to state a material fact and the financial

statements and other financial information included

within the report fairly present in all material respects

the financial condition, results of operations and

cash flows of the Group;

 That they have ensured that appropriate disclosure

controls and procedures have been put in place

such that all material information has been disclosed

and made known to them and they have evaluated

the effectiveness of those disclosure controls and

procedures as of the end of the Group’s fiscal year

and presented in the annual report on Form 20-F

their conclusions about the effectiveness of the

disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of

the most recent fiscal year;

 That in respect of internal controls over financial

reporting they have disclosed to the Group’s

external auditors and to the Audit Committee of the

board of directors all significant deficiencies and

material weaknesses in the design or operation of

those internal controls over financial reporting which

are reasonably likely to adversely affect the Group’s

ability to record, process, summarise and report

financial information, and any fraud, whether or not

material, that involves management or other

employees who have a significant role in the

Group’s internal control over financial reporting; and

 The annual report on Form 20-F discloses whether

or not there were any changes in internal control

over financial reporting during the period covered by

the annual report on Form 20-F that has materially

affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect,

the Group’s internal control over financial reporting.

The Group will in addition to providing these

certifications make the following disclosures in its annual

report on Form 20-F:

 The Group’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief

Financial Officer, with the assistance of other

members of the Group’s management, have

evaluated the effectiveness of the Group’s

disclosure controls and procedures as of the end of

the period covered by this report. Based on such

evaluation, the Group’s Chief Executive Officer and

Chief Financial Officer have concluded that the

Group’s disclosure controls and procedures are


 The Group’s Chief Executive Officer and Chief

Financial Officer have also concluded that there

have not been any changes in the Group’s internal

control over financial reporting that have materially

affected, or is reasonably likely to materially affect,

the Group’s internal control over financial reporting.

The SOX Act prohibits an issuer from extending or

maintaining credit, arranging for the extension of credit, or

renewing an extension of credit, in the form of a personal

loan to or for any director or executive officer of the Group,

unless one of the limited exceptions is available. Loans

maintained by the Group before 30 July 2002 are exempt

so long as there is no material modification to any term of

the extension of credit or any renewal of the extension of


The Group is also required to disclose in its annual

report on Form 20-F for the 2004 financial year, whether it

has adopted a written code of ethics applicable to its

principal executive officer, principal financial officer,

principal accounting officer or controller, or persons

performing similar functions.

Certifications and Disclosures

In respect of this annual report and as at the date of

this annual report, the Group’s Chief Executive Officer and

Chief Financial Officer make the following Sarbanes-Oxley

related certifications:

 That they have reviewed the report;

 That based on their knowledge, the report does not

contain any untrue statement of a material fact or

omit to state a material fact necessary to make the

statements made, in light of the circumstances

under which such statements were made, not

misleading with respect to the period covered by the


 That based on their knowledge, the financial

statements, and other financial information included

in the report, fairly present in all material respects

the financial condition, results of operations and

cash flows of the Group as of, and for, the periods

presented in the report;

 That they are responsible for establishing and

maintaining disclosure controls and procedures (as

defined in the US Exchange Act Rules 13a-15(e)

and 15d-15(e)) for the Group and have:

designed such disclosure controls and

procedures, or caused such disclosure controls

and procedures to be designed under their

supervision, to ensure that material information

relating to the Group, including its consolidated

subsidiaries, is made known to them by others

within those entities, particularly during the

period in which the report is being prepared;

evaluated the effectiveness of those disclosure

controls and procedures and presented in this

report their conclusions about the effectiveness

of the disclosure controls and procedures, as

of the end of the period covered by this report

based on such evaluation; and

disclosed in this report any change in the

Group’s internal control over financial reporting

that occurred during the period covered by this

report that has materially affected, or is

reasonably likely to materially affect, the

Group’s internal control over financial

reporting; and

 That they have disclosed, based on their most

recent evaluation of internal control over financial

reporting, to the Group’s auditors and the Audit

Committee of the Group’s Board of Directors:

all significant deficiencies in the design or

operation of internal controls over financial

reporting which are reasonably likely to

adversely affect the Group’s ability to record,

process, summarise and report financial data;


any fraud, whether or not material, that

involves management or other employees who

have a significant role in the Group’s internal

control over financial reporting.

Evaluation of disclosure controls and procedures

Our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial

Officer, with the assistance of other members of the

Group’s management, have evaluated the effectiveness of

the Group’s disclosure controls and procedures as of 30

June 2003. Based on such evaluation, our Chief

Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer have each

concluded that the Group’s disclosure controls and

procedures are effective.

Changes in internal control over financial reporting

No changes in our internal controls over financial

reporting occurred during the year ended 30 June 2003

that have materially affected, or are reasonably likely to

materially affect, our internal controls over financial


End page 33