Ann C. doesn't let on too much of what she does during the week.  ToothFairy  is the most punctual at arriving at the advertised start time, and always ready to roll out.  Her habitual discipline provides an insight that Ann is governed by procedures and timetables.  And is neither tormented or trendy.

An amiable, prepossessing and refined lady, who not only adds a touch of class to the "Muggs" but can ride a bike to boot.   

In late March '07 Anne will saddle-up for her 7th consecutive Sydney to the Southport in 7½ days which Rotary Club of Engadine stages.  The field has swelled to almost 100 cyclists Participants pedal between 120 to 155km a day.  The ride is a fund raiser for "Youth off the Street" which is run by Fr. Chris Riley, and generates about $100,000 pa due to generous contributions.  To date the charity has raised over $900,000 in donations. 



Ann, together with her partner, Geoff McK, are two of Sydney's eminent Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons - for laymen like me, Ann, who holds a Degree in Dentistry and other post-grad medical qualifications, operates on faces, sometimes following trauma.

On each of the last 12 years, Ann, Geoff McK, and a bunch of other anaesthetists and nursing staff from Oz and abroad, travel to Cebu in the Philippines each April on "Operation Restore Hope" to operate on people with facial deformities, who without such generosity, would not receive treatment which we take for granted.  Cebu, an island area of over 5 million people, has a very high incident of cleft lip and palate deformity.


The team photo for Operation Restore Hope 2003 

ToothFairy's new carbon fibre Giant with a 50/36 compact front crank

Ned and Ann at Mt White circa April 2007

SloshFest at Duo Montagnes - Sept '07