Rex 'n Pete at Otford Pie Shop overlooking the majestic Blue Pacific  -  July 2006

Don't know the origins of the surname Secombe.  Scribe thought there was a parallel between Rex Secombe and Sick 'em Rex, undoubtedly the bestest TV add ever.  But Rex shied away from that moniker where the unassuming, head down, foraging Echidna (prickly ant eater) seemed to come out on top

''We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere.

Is he in heaven?
—Is he in hell?

That demmed, elusive Pimpernel.''
—Sir Percy Blakeney (ch.12)


According to the quote in the box on RHS, some dude named Sir Percy Blakeney in chapter 12 of the play The Scarlet Pimpernel, uttered, "We Secombe here, we Secombe there.  Those Frenchies seek him everywhere............"


Fable has it that The Pimpernel avoided the macabre 'seriously daunting' guillotine, performed daring rescues and was a swashbuckling sword-fighter.  Rex patently has a good motor, hangs about the front of the Peloton and can pedal hard all day.  But with this label symbolizing a fable, he's got some work to do to rescue his occasionally flagging mates amongst Muggs

Like another tyro, Guy, Rex is experiencing a belated geography tour of the beautiful environs around Sydney.  He has been cycling for years, usually 60 to 70 km each Sunday, either solo or with a friend or occasionally with Bike North and has been a regular rider on the Gong ride (an addiction), and also Tour de Hills.  However, he's seen more cycle routes in 7 Muggs' rides than over years beforehand.

After cycling with a group at Young at Easter, doing long rides in peletons and then have a few days cycling the Rail Trails in North East Victoria, out of Myrtleford with another group, Rex decided that it was time go give Muggaccinos a go!!! after listening to BeanCounter every Monday morning ramble on about their rides.

The long Nosh Stops put him off at first.  However, he now enjoys the flexibility that the rides offer and has thoroughly enjoyed each Sunday over the last seven weeks, and has ridden up hills he didn’t think he could climb, had never ridden to West Head or Church Point before, nor Somersby, nor Peats Ridge, nor the reverse Gong ride back up Stanwell Tops!!

Pimpernel's aim is to become a fitter cyclist and continue to enjoy the Sydney surroundings and bonhomie that Muggaccinos offers.

Hailing from the Inner-West, when not cycling and plane spotting, Rex helps look after the garden and maintenance of the unit block in which he lives.

Originally a Banana Bender from Townsville, Rex pays regular visits to the North to catch up with family and friends.


Below is Rex's report on his cycle ride from Bolzano to Venice in mid-2004 which BNSW's Australian Cyclist didn't publish much to Rex's chagrin, 'cause he had so much fun on it.


From Saturday 29th May to Saturday 5th June, 2004.  I participated in a group cycle tour with RadReisen (Eurobike) from Bolzano to Venice.  Our group of ardent 15 cyclists included two tour guides with a support vehicle carrying our luggage and a trailer holding spare bikes.   Predominantly speaking German they hailed from Hamburg, Bavaria and East Germany.  There were also three people from Luxembourg, an American, with me the only Australian.

Our route of 350 km from Bolzano to Venice was mostly on cycle paths, e.g. from Bolzano to Trento there was a cycle path for most of the 70km and it was mainly down hill.  The terrain except for one day of hills was mostly flat or gentle undulations.  Not unsurprisingly, no one ever had cause to get off and walk!  

The route on the first day through the Adige River Valley was spectacular cutting through the snow-capped mountains on either side and verdant vineyards as far as the eye could see. 

At each city of interest, Trento, Verona & Venice we had a guided tour, in both German and English.  At the other stops, Denezarno, Veniza and Padua our guides gave a briefing on the main churches and places of interest.

The tour included half board and some city tours, half board, meant dinner bed & breakfast in either 3 or 4 star hotels, which is welcome luxury after a day’s ride.

Lunch was organized by our guides and it was either a picnic or depending on the weather a Trattoria somewhere in the countryside.  This was the only extra cost apart from alcoholic beverages.  I can recommend a good quality grappa as an ideal nightcap.  Our entire group was spoilt 24 hours a day with our only chore being to cycle, eat and drink.

The bikes can be hired from Eurobike, 21 speed touring bikes, very simple, sturdy and easy to ride.  The back up vehicle included a trailer with spare bikes in case of breakdowns. 

Language was not a problem as almost half the group and the guides spoke very good English, and the one’s who didn’t were keen to learn English, and in particular were fascinated with Aussie slang.  Also the whole group were trying to learn a few words of Italian along the way.  The group was very harmonious, all seemed to like a party, have a joke so consequently much lightheartedness and fun.

I highly recommend Eurobike for being well organized, providing good equipment and excellent tour guides.  We were all made to feel comfortable and nothing seemed to be a problem to organize or fix. 

The two guides took it in turn to drive the bus with our luggage or to cycle with us and guide us each day, so we didn’t even have to worry about navigation or maps.


I will never forget cycling over a hill on one hot day, to see a beautiful picnic set up on a table under some trees, or to cycle up to a Trattoria in the countryside, to be met by wonderful hosts with open fires (on the odd wet and cold day) and then to indulge in a three or four course meal with the obligatory jug of vino.  Who says drinking and cycling don’t mix.  It didn’t seem to bother any of us, probably because after lunch we only had an hours cycling before the hotel and a siesta.

As one of the group from Luxembourg commented, “there are so many vineyards in Italy, we will have to help them drink some of this wine while we are here.”

BOLZANO;  the ferry ride from the top of Largo di Garda to the bottom (4) hours spent zigzagging across the lake; our cycle tour of Vernoa, and then cycling back to the hotel, as a peleton of 15, late in the evening, after dinner, all with our lights on through the old city.  This was a magical experience; the University City of Padua & of course Venice.

It was truly a great week of fun, relaxation, breathtaking scenery, food, company, wonderful guides and of course some cycling.   A typical day, was a 9am start, morning tea at 10.30am, lunch at approx. 12.30pm, hotel by 3 or 4pm.

Thoroughly recommend this type of touring, although next time I would prefer a more taxing ride on a few of the days.   As the Italians would say it was molto bene!!!  Email address for Eurobike is .          

Issues:  There was some difficulty in getting information in English and also my Tour Guide Kit was in German.  This was not a problem for me as both Tour Guides spoke very good English. 

Italian Hotels, 3 and four star were excellent, but beware there is always something amiss, and as we found out, insist that things get fixed, e.g. throw a tantrum and bang the shower head that’s not working on the front desk, and magically a plumber arrives to fix it.  This was what one of our tour party, Terese, from Luxembourg had to do to get action.

From then on each hotel got rated as either First Class or Cattle Class, with shrieks of laughter over the dinner table.  They liked that bit of our slang which came up in passing when they asked about my trip over to Europe!!!!!!!  

Climbing final tree covered section to Tourist Rd on final day of 4th Berry KOM Challenge - Nov 2007