Eric, the former Fat Man
is a pedal Bludgeoning Behemoth, who once extended the bathroom scales over 100kg.  The infamous Bottom Bracket Frame-Breaker with an ox’s heart previously rec’d two replacement frames under an original bike warranty, such is the punishment he bestows on his bikes.

A spinal fusion required insertion of a couple of bolts in his lumbar region in ‘85.  However, the prosthesis hasn’t stopped the former Frigidaire on Two Wheels, from completing the last eleven 200 km Audax Alpine Classics in Bright over the Aust Day long w'end, interspersed with  Fitz’s Challenge, and more recently 210km Fitz's Epic which Eric contends is materially more demanding than the Bright 200km Audax Alpine Classic.

Eric is a rumbustious chap who thinks he's distinguished, 'cause he tries to look distinguished - a Falstaffian figure seemingly epitomizing mirth 'n merriment until he slips into his Arian whingeing 'n whining mode which he contends 'ignorant Australian' confuse for constructive criticism and clever counsel.  In conversation, please don't bring up The War.   Because this Old Krout has an sanguine recollection of an altar boy named Adolph ie. "that Austrian did a marvelous job in unifying a lot of countries to a common cause."
After whinging and whining for many years "about I can't afford it", the Bulbous Bloke 
dusted-off the moths and shelled out big bucks on a hand-made Paul Hillbrick, state of the art, treadley.  However, it is now almost 5 years old, so the former FatMan will likely find an excuse to indulge in a new treadley, because his extraordinary cycling resolve is only surpassed by his ego not to be out-done.



Eric, from his best side, trudging up the steepest section of Tawonga Gap - circa 2005 Audax Alpine Classic.  Scribe's old red jalopy is in the background.  Bank Teller was in pursuit of snaps of appealing asses.  Alas this isn't one of them.



A seriously under-nourished PapaBear "holding court" at Mt White - Oct '06.  Arno is patently bemused.  Samurai and DishPig are more circumspect.  New chum, Todd (RHS), who is keen to tackle the 2006 150km Fitz's Challenge, marvels how Eric can exhibit such enthusiasm to again embark upon another torturous 210km Fitz's Epic





PapaBear after completing his 12th 200km A.A.C. 'on the trot' which might be a record