
Jean, banker with CitiGroup, hails from Mauritius, albeit many moons ago.  Jean occasionally rode with Muggs around 2000 when he had the moniker of DoDo in recognition of one of Mauritius icons, the extinct DoDo bird.   However, a year or so back, Jean and his wife, Denise, purchased the Italian La Lupa Ristorante 332 Darling St, Balmain 9818.1645.

Jean contends that there isn't much glamour to owning a restaurant, even in cosmopolitan Balmain, primarily 'cause Denise regularly consigns him to Squaw Chores scrubbing dishes in the mess.

Bank Teller attended a Sydney Audax Christmas Party at La Lupa in 2005 and the decor and furnishings are befitting the artistic so-piss-tication of Muggs' cyclists.  We had a function at La Lupa in early '06, but next time Muggs are celebrating, the birthday, marriage or divorce of a crew member from the Inner West, we'll hold it at La Lupa to see if Jean really is the kitchen's dogsbody.

DishPig is as tough as teak having peeled-off a 300km Audax ride, even though finishing with a descent of Macquarie Pass in the pitch dark.  Jean rode the 2006 200km Audax Alpine Classic last January in a heat wave when they were dropping like flies, and had the good sense to call it quits at the 130km turnaround.  Bank Teller again has a booking at Bright Caravan Park for Muggaccinos' "2007 Tour de Victorian Alps" for the 5 nights leading up to and incl 22 Jan '07, 'cause pristine Bright is the Mecca of endurance cycling and the annual pilgrimage for the Audax marshalls the largest annual contingent of cyclists who get their jollies from climbing serious hills.  In the days leading up to the 200km Ball-Tearer, the cafes in the pristine town of Bright in the foothills of the Vic Alps are agog with chatter about 'inter alia' what else is being manufactured in carbon and all the latest cycling hype.

Jean takes a Nosh at Lisarow Subway during a Palm Beach ferry to Wagstaffe for Muggs' 123km Central Coast ride

KitchenSlave climbing out of Brooklyn