Folk law has it that Curmudgeon was an ill-tempered codger full of resentment and stubborn, cantankerous notions. Peter Y. below surmises that some of his mates see a resemblance. To early to tell. But Pete sure can hammer on a bike. Curmudgeon got his first bike at 40 - a reconditioned second hand 10 speed clunker roadie. Second bike at 50 - a halfway decent roadie with obsolete 14 speed kit. Third bike at 55 - a very nice 27 speed Specialized Sequoia Tourer. Pete's got the bike, now to get the legs. Tries to ride once per weekend throughout the year, plus Big Rides (5 so far), Gong Rides, Tour de Hills etc. Views himself as part of a distinct demographic - a grey bearded, ABC listening, bike riding old fart, still occasionally achieves PBs. Trained as a civil engineer, drifted into I.T. by chance, and has been there for the last 20+ years. Presently works for a non-profit organisation as a one person I.T. department. On the domestic front, shares home at North Epping with Anne who doesn't ride a bike, and two daughters who are couch potatoes. |