2007 San Francisco "12km Bay to Breakers" 
No P.B. with 2hr 21min of soaking up the ambience amidst a decidedly good natured, fun loving 60,000 crowd.

Kenyans dominate 96th annual Bay to BreakersMan dies at finish line

San Francisco Chronicle "60,000 leap into Bay to Breakers - Giddy footrace has nudity, beer -- and serious athletes"

Getting to the Start

Pre Race antics

Clowning around waiting for the 8am Start

The Elvis Lives and The Hooters below were the largest teams

My mate, Gene, carrying-on pre-race, with Ron and Jim in the background

The Hooters

The Budweiser was flowing pre-race

Two English nurses.  One from London, with the other from "up North"

They sure were amenable to strangers

The Race Start Gun was about to go off as the police motor cyclists lead the leaders off

Hung like a horse

The latter part of the run approaching The Breakers is thru a city park

One mile to go for Phil, and Gene's buddy, Dick Sites, who provided us digs at his apartment in San Francisco

Don't remember too many parks on the run to Bondi.

The finish line on a crystal clear late Autumn day, although the wind off the ocean stirring the red flags had a bite to it.


