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Swimmer Participant Protocol and Liability Acknowledgement
1. Historie of B&B
The Bold and the Beautiful swim squad was established
by Pacific Jules (Julie Isbill) and Jenny Knapman in
the Spring of 2008 when four lasses swam the inaugural 7am daily swim
"to Shelly Beach 'n back" from outside the Manly Surf Pavilion
in what
burgeoned into B&B.
Julie proved to be the driving force in labeling and establishing
B&B and was awarded
the inaugural 'Manly Sportsperson of the Year Award' on Australia Day in 2012. Julie has since moved to Perth to further her studies to
become a medical doctor. A
handful of
Volunteer Assistants, not limited to John, Ian
and Shaun, have
"steered the ship",
on an "all care, but no responsibility" basis, over recent years,
where participation numbers have proliferated.
‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹ 2nd pic is Pacific Jules on a B&B
visit from Perth in 2012
2. B&B culture
words typify the ethos of B&B:
Inclusive - everyone is welcome provided s/he knows their swimming limitations
and can comfortably swim 1.5km in the surf conditions on each day s/he opts to
swim with B&B.
- of fellow B&B swimmers and Cabbage Tree Bay
Aquatic Reserve.
* Discipline - all
B&B swimmers participate according to the below protocols
and accept personal liability for their participation, because -
* "no
your head" around 7am, when most of use enter the domain of
lots of Fishies for over 3 billion years -
Homo sapiens has only lived outside East Africa for around 75,000 years (we
are the new boys on the block); and
B&B relies upon a handful of
workaholic Volunteer Assistants to "steer the ship",
take all the daily swim pics, maintain the Blog, present the awards and organise the monthly
restaurant night, usually with a guest speaker.
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3. B&B swimmer
Each day of the year,
B&B swimmers marshal outside the Manly Surf
in time for the 7am swim
"to Shelly Beach 'n back".
On days such as Australia Day and Boxing Day, over 400 swimmers usually
participate in the 7am 1.5km swim, with a further contingent of
that swim over to Shelly Beach at
6:30am, because "time is of the essence"
Federal Treasurer, Scott Morrison, wants them at their desk "bright eyed and bushy tailed",
not long after "Sparrow Fart" to get his budget
And Malcolm would agree, as Malcolm generally
reaches agreement with his "broad church".
Whereas, in late Winter when the water temp
can slip down to a less-than-pleasant 16 degrees circa, on a less-than-ideal damp morn', under
overcast skies, with lumpy seas, there would likely be several
handfuls of B&B Junkies who muster outside the Manly Surf Pavilion intent upon starting each day by "attending their church service",
followed by a caffeine fix and social intercourse
'in situ' or at nearby Bluewater Restaurant. Up to
half of B&B's perennial swimmers refrain
from neoprene protection, even in
4. Window of swim start times to
ensure "Let's Go" sounds at Shelly around 7:20am
Depending on the speed of swimmers (slow,
average or fast), B&B swimmers enter the water from
6:55am and
not after 7:05am out of courtesy to the customary call at Shelly Beach around 7:20am to
Let's Go.
All but the very slow swimmers will swim
to The Point (about 100 metres from the shoreline and beyond The Breakers)
and wait until the Volunteer Assistant for that morning's Shelly swim
to call out
loudly Let's Go
(usually around 7:06am), whereupon the Assembled Throng that are
Treading Water at The Point
and engaging in meaningful chitchat, will then swim the remaining 650 odd metres to Shelly Beach and wait for the
Slower swimmers usually tread water twds the front of the
Assembled Throng at
The Point to steal a lead.
A few Trundler Swimmers
(who fought the good fight in the old days) that usually enter the
water around 6:55am, do not wait at
The Point for the
customary Let's Go. Rather they
Soldier On at
Military Medium to
Shelly Beach in ample time to participate in the Happy Birthdays to you... and the
7:20am circa Let's Go.
It is incumbent upon any swimmer that enters
the water, before 7am and after 6:30am, to "Keep to the LHS", so they do not
"Clash Heads" with any swimmer that is
returning amongst the 6:30am B&B swimmer
throng that swims from 6:30am "day, after day, after day", and all
regular swimmer know that.
Photo HERE of swimmers waiting at
The Point. |
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Overhead photo HERE of the ocean between Manly Surf
and Shelly Beach with a thicker dotted small black arrows along the normal
swimming route to Shelly Beach, and a thinner dotted red arrows along the
LHS of the normal route but avoiding the rocks at
Fairy Bower.

Above and
below pics of The Rocks at Ferry Bower
Mitigation strategy to facilitate the 7am swimmers returning from Shelly Beach
circa 7:20am and avoid a
Head Clash which might trigger litigation under the common law tort of
negligence because the same laws of negligence that apply when driving a motor
car, also apply when riding a bicycle and probably also swimming into a returning throng that
habitually takes off from Shelly Beach around 7:20am
"day, after day, after day."
In Australia we drive on the LHS of the road.
When walking on a footpath we walk on the LHS so as not to collide with a
pedestrian coming from 180 degrees. When swimming laps at Manly Olympic Pool, we
swim up the LHS of the lane and return up the LHS.
Out of Respect & Safety
for other B&B swimmers, any
B&B swimmer that does not think that s/he
will arrive at Shelly Beach before 7:20am, will swim
on the LHS of the course to Shelly Beach, so as not to impede returning swimmers
as Let's Go is usually hailed around
7:20am, depending on how many swimmers are having their birthday and
ceremoniously splashed. In a Big Swell, swimmers
entering Shelly Beach along the LHS should stay away from
The Rocks
near Fairy Bower
that don't have any
Soft Bits.
Older folk are more vulnerable to suffering a
subdural hematoma in
from a
Head Clash which may not become evident for
a couple of weeks after a Head Clash.
Hence, the need for any SlowCoaches that won't arrive by
7:20am to swim on the LHS into the northern end of Shelly Beach, so that they
are not in the 'firing line', but to be careful to avoid
The Rocks
near Fairy Bower
if a
Big Swell is running.
If a B&B swimmer who commenced the return
leg after hearing Let's Go, suffered a
Head Clash with a swimmer swimming against
the returning throng, and the
B&B swimmer who was swimming with the throng,
subdural hematoma,
s/he could litigate the swimmer who was swimming towards Shelly and against the
direction of the returning throng. A magistrate might determine that the Defendant
(the causer of the
Head Clash) had been negligent by effectively "driving on the wrong side of the road".
Alternatively, if you are late arriving at Manly Surf Pavilion, then you could 'high tail' it around to Shelly Beach to swim back.
Risk Warning: If you have tender feet, there is a
150m patch of rough, spiky old bitumen and another short patch of prickly concrete 'en route' to Shelly.
If you are too late to start from the Manly Surf Pavilion, you are too late to enter from the
Stainless Steel Staircase.
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6. Risk mitigation for when
the ocean isn't
flat 'n balmy
If a Big Swell
is running and it is lowish tide, we may opt to walk about 250 metres around to
Stainless Steel Staircase
(see pic on RHS)
in the more
sheltered Cabbage Tree Bay and enter the ocean there.
If there is a highish tide and a
Big Swell is running, entering from the
Stainless Steel Staircase is a No No,
Large Pounding Waves
could smash you against a wall that doesn't have any
Soft Bits
(see lower pic on RHS), whereupon we may
opt to walk across to the bay side and swim there. Or walk around to
Shelly Beach and swim back to the Manly Surf Pavilion.
The height of the tide, size and direction of the swell all impact which is a safer swim.
On other occasions if there are Blue Bottles
or tiny
Jimble Jellyfish in Cabbage Tree Bay, we may opt to swim up towards
Queenscliff Beach and not across to Shelly Beach.

Can someone use Photoshop to insert an 'x'
with notation 'Staircase' in above pic at the location of the
staircase. |

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The Rocks on LHS
of the return leg to Manly Beach - just past The Point (refer 2nd
Risk Warning) |
7. Risk Warning
Below are warnings to mitigate
physical, and possible mental, injuries when joining the daily B&B morning swims:
It may be dangerous to enter
(or leave) the water from the
Stainless Steel Staircase in Cabbage Tree Bay at
Highish Tide in a
Biggish Swell, because
Large Pounding Waves
have been known to break against The Rock Wall that doesn't have any Soft Bits.
the rocks at Fairy Bower in a Big Swell.
On the return leg if a Big
Easterly Swell
is running, swim well
away from The Rocks on the LHS just past
The Point, because
Large Pounding Waves
can wash swimmers towards those
Rocks. If you always ‘breathe to the right’, then ‘breathe to the left’ every 15 breaths or so, as
you approach The Point, and glance over at those
that don't have any Soft Bits.
Don't wear worn-out foggy old swim goggles 'cause it is harder to determine
just how close that you might be to those
that don't have any Soft Bits.
Swimmers in
6:30am swim should enter the
water at Manly Beach in time to return to Manly Beach by 7am. Hence, some
participants will commence before
6:30am in every such swim and nearly all
participants will commence
6:30am in rough seas.
Swimmers that commence
the 7am B&B swim prior to 7am should
swim to the LHS of the route to Shelly Beach to avoid causing a
Head Clash with a swimmer/s returning
from the
6:30am B&B swim.
Swimmers in the 7am that wear
flippers should delay commencing the return leg from Shelly Beach (for up to
30 seconds from Let's Go when the
Assembled Throng
is large) until the
initial surge has "moved off", so that swimmers that wear flippers
mitigate Flippering another swimmer
in the Noggin, because a
Flipperer could cause an injury to
another B&B swimmer, not
limited to damaging a pair of goggles.
The per annum
fatality rate from shark attacks in Australia over the last 50 years is a
fraction under two deaths each year. The average fatality rate has increased over
recent years particularly along the North Coast of NSW and around Australia's SouWestern Coastline.
Per capita, Sydney beaches evidence one
of the lowest shark attack rates in Australia, seemingly because
Great Whites, Hammerheads and Tiger sharks are not known to frequent Sydney
waters. Notwithstanding, a shark attack could occur in Cabbage Tree Bay which is abundant with healthy
Fishies. And such an
attack could occur on a B&B morning swim,
particularly as there are a lot of B&B
swimmers on a lot of mornings.
8. A collaborative 'share your thoughts approach' to achieve consensus regarding
B&B swimmer's
Duty of Care
to each other
B&B swimmer
Each B&B swimmer owes a
Duty of Care
to each other B&B swimmer, not to -
cause a Head Clash
by swimming into the
B&B swimmers as they approach Manly Beach; or
(b) 7am
swimmers as they return from Shelly Beach,
by swimming on the LHS on the route to
Shelly Beach (as explained in Section 5.
'Mitigation strategy' above); or
(ii) delay B&B
swimmers commencing the return leg from Shelly Beach around 7:20am each morn'
by swimming into the path taken by returning swimmers, but rather by swimming on
the LHS of the route to Shelly Beach
(as explained in Section
5. 'Mitigation strategy' above).
Any B&B swimmer that believes that the
Duty of Care owed by any of the
Volunteer Assistants
is any greater than that owed by each B&B swimmer to each other
B&B swimmer, should -
(A) send an email to the
B&B 'Contact' email
address (at the upper RHS of the
B&B website) that explains the reason/s for holding such a belief and
request an email response; and
(B) inform
by face-to-face Chit-Chat
(at least once)
Volunteer Assistant
on a 7am swim that they participate in of their rational regarding each
Duty of Care
to each other
swimmer and any additional
Duty of Care
that s/he may believe that a Volunteer Assistant
owes to other
B&B swimmers.
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