Westpac Group is proud to have been a partner in the creation of Jawun Indigenous Corporate Partnerships in 2001.

Founded in Cape York Peninsula, Far North Queensland, under the leadership of Noel Pearson, Jawun is a community engagement model. Under the model, corporate employees are seconded to Indigenous organisations for an agreed period of time, usually six weeks, to share their skills and contribute to building the sustainability of those organisations.

Success is shared both ways. The Aboriginal organisations benefit from the practical assistance provided by the corporate secondees. Corporate secondees benefit from enormous personal and professional growth during their time spent within Indigenous communities.

Since 2001, more than 620 Westpac Group employees have contributed more than 80 years’ worth of time to Indigenous organisations through Jawun secondments.

Our employees have undertaken secondments with organisations located in:

  • Cape York (Queensland);
  • Inner Sydney and Central Coast (NSW);
  • Goulburn Murray (Victoria); and
  • Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (NPY) lands of Central Australia.

The word Jawun comes from the language of the Kuku Yalanji rainforest people of Far North Queensland. Jawun means "family or friend". This honour was bestowed on Jawun by Senior Kuku Yalanji Elder, and now to hundreds of participants, "Uncle" Ronnie Harrigan.

Empowered Communities 

In 2013, the leaders of eight Indigenous regions announced the formation of a collaborative approach to address reform and engagement with government, known as the Empowered Communities initiative.

Westpac Group is also supporting Empowered Communities through its partnership with Jawun.

We are committing to support employees to undertake extended 12-week secondments (nine employees annually over three years) to support this initiative. Our Chief Executive Officer of Australian Financial Services, Brian Hartzer, is also on the Empowered Communities Steering Committee.

Visit jawun.org.au

View Karyn's Story

Secondment Partners