Verbal and Written Representations by current and former Commonwealth Ministers which support Corporate Philanthropy and Community Business Partnerships

The Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership to assist Communities and Vulnerable People:  Last updated:

*        To promote a culture of giving and volunteering in Australia

*        To foster a culture of philanthropic giving and investment in Australia.


The Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership (the Partnership) has been re-established to promote a culture of giving and volunteering in Australia. The Partnership is chaired by the Prime Minister, the Hon Tony Abbott MP, and the Deputy Chair is the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Scott Morrison MP. The Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, the Hon Christian Porter MP, is a member of the Partnership.

The Partnership brings together community and business leaders to advise the Australian Government on practical strategies to foster a culture of philanthropic giving and investment in Australia.

The Australian Government has provided $5.98 million over four years to re-establish the Partnership. On 18 October 2014, the Prime Minister and the former Minister for Social Services, the Hon Kevin Andrews MP announced the membership of the Partnership.

The Partnership terms of reference, member biographies and further information can be found at the Community Business Partnership website.


Should you have any further enquiries about the Partnership, please contact (link sends e-mail).

The Former Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership

The former Partnership was established in 1999 and operated to 2007. The Partnership included a group of prominent business and community leaders appointed by the former Prime Minister, the Hon John Howard OM AC, to advise the Australian Government on community business collaboration, philanthropy and corporate social responsibility.

Below are extracts from the Prime Minister's Community Business Partnership website which support Social Investment and Corporate Philanthropy


Philanthropy is the planned and structured giving of time, information, goods and services, influence and voice as well as money to improve the wellbeing of humanity and the community. For further information please see the Philanthropy Australia website.

Minister Morrison is personally committed to the importance of community:

“In our family, it has never been what you accumulate that matters but what you contribute.”

(Minister for Social Services, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, in the House of Representatives, 14 February 2008)

“The Prime Minister’s Community Business Partnership has a critical task. It is working hard to uncover the key barriers to giving. This will help to unlock private and corporate wealth that could be funneled into achieving positive social outcomes. The Partnership will help shape an enabling environment that will encourage social investments and build capacity in the community sector. Reducing red tape for the sector will be critical in achieving this.”

(Minister for Social Services, the Hon Scott Morrison MP, January 2015)

"Minister for Social Services the Hon. Scott Morrison announced $650,000 over three years for Philanthropy Australia to run an annual Community and Philanthropy Partnerships Week." -

            "When you have the government, the community and the corporate sector acting creatively together you actually end up, often, producing a much better service, a much more creative service, and one much more tailored to local communities."

(Then Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, at Australian Davos Connection's Philanthropy Summit in Sydney - 19 April 2009)