Australian Employment Covenant

The Australian Employment Covenant (AEC) is a national industry-led initiative which will bring Australians together to break the vicious cycle of unemployment and poverty amongst Indigenous Australians.

The AEC advocates a „learn or earn policy? for all Australians who have the capacity to work. Nowhere is this more critical than to those members of the Indigenous community who currently exist on welfare.

The AEC is the first initiative of its kind and represents a significant commitment to providing the majority of Indigenous Australians, who are capable of and prepared to work, with a real opportunity to achieve their full potential as productive members of Australian society.

The AEC is a three-way commitment between the Australian Government, Employers and Indigenous people.

1. 50,000 sustainable jobs for indigenous Australian's.
2. 50,000 workplace mentors.
3. 50,000 indigenous job seekers specifically trained for a guaranteed job.

“It is now up to each of us, every Australian. As a collective force we can and will improve the lives of Indigenous people by giving them a direct avenue to the tremendous benefits of having a job, of feeling useful to ourselves, our family and our country.”

For more information, visit