Defined Terms and Documents      'Aboriginal Teenager Life Skills' RTV Social Inclusion Early Intervention Programme 

Example VETASSESS Literacy, Numeracy, English Writings and Readings and Numeracy tests

Test 1 - Literacy

Usually a 30 minute test containing multiple choice questions that assess the ability to work with words, sentences and other written text; for example, vocabulary, spelling, grammar, sentence construction and written comprehension. Questions are typically set in nursing contexts, but correctly answering does not require nursing experience. A dictionary is not permitted. 

Each question has five alternative answers and you are required to select the one correct answer.

You are also required to mark your answer in the appropriate place on the Answer Sheet provided with the question booklet.

Example 1: Which word or phrase correctly completes the following sentence?

The nurse … upset when the patient was admitted.

A. will become
B. went
C. were 
D. is
E. became

Correct answer: E

Example 2: Which word is spelt correctly?

A. syrinje
B. sirinje
C. syringe
D. surringe
E. serringe

Correct answer: C

Example 3: Which word has the same meaning as the word medication?

A. doctor
B. surgery
C. tonsillitis
D. drug
E. nurse

Correct answer: D

Example 4: Which word or phrase best starts the following sentence?

… going to the operating theatre.

A. Were …
B. Sam and I are …
C. Sam and I is …
D. Sam and me are …
E. Me and Sam are …

Correct answer: B

Example 5: Nurses must strictly follow health and hygiene standards. Which word or phrase has the same meaning as the underlined phrase?

A. abide by
B. ignore
C. think about
D. clarify
E. agree with

Correct answer: A

Example 6: Read the paragraph below and answer the following three questions.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) suspended the licence of Pan Pharmaceuticals after TGA inspectors uncovered serious quality and safety breaches in various items made at the company's Sydney manufacturing plant. The TGA also announced a recall of over 1300 natural medicines manufactured by Pan that will be collected and destroyed. These include vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements. An Australian Medical Association spokesperson supported the recall and stated that "it would take some time to restore consumer confidence in the products they've been purchasing over the counter".

Question: What will recall of the manufactured products result in?

A. inspection of quality and safety breaches
B. identification of quality and safety breaches
C. collection and destruction of faulty products
D. manufacture of products that seriously breach quality and safety standards
E. restoration of consumer confidence in products

Correct answer: C

Question: The person or organisation responsible for the recall is called ...

A. the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
B. the Australian Medical Association.
C. the Australian Medical Association spokesperson.
D. Pan Pharmaceuticals.
E. a consumer.

Correct answer: A

Question: An 'over the counter drug' is purchased ...

A. from a doctor.
B. from the Australian Medical Association.
C. with a prescription.
D. without a prescription.
E. with restored consumer confidence.

Correct answer: D

Test 2 - Numeracy

Usually a 30 minute test containing multiple choice questions which assess the ability to work with numbers and to solve problems involving numbers; for example, calculations involving arithmetic, measurements, patterns, interpreting graphs, shapes and space. Questions are typically set in nursing contexts, but correctly answering does not require nursing experience. Use of a calculator is NOT permitted.

Each question has five alternative answers and you are required to select the one correct answer.

You are also required to mark your answer in the appropriate place on the Answer Sheet provided with the question booklet.

Example 1: One (1) metre (m) is equal to ...

A. 10,000 cm
B. 1,000 cm
C. 100 cm
D. 10 cm
E. 1cm

Correct answer: C

Example 2. Calculate the pulse rate (heart beats per minute) of a patient if the patient’s heart beats at 10 beats every 10 seconds.

A. 10
B. 20
C. 60
D. 100 
E. 120

Correct answer: C

Example 3. A patient is prescribed 90 mg of a drug. The drug is only available in the form of 20 mg tablets. How many tablets are required?

A. 180 
B. 90
C. 20
D. 9.5
E. 4.5

Correct answer: E

Example 4. The weight of a patient was reported as 70 kg. The weight was rounded to the nearest 5 kg. What is a possibility for the actual weight in kg?

A. 64 kg
B. 68 kg
C. 76 kg
D. 80 kg
E. 85 kg

Correct answer: B

Example 5. 4/3 written as a mixed number is ...

A. 12
B. 3½
C. 3¼ 
D. 1 1/3
E. 1¼

Correct answer: D

Example 6. The table below shows the number of X-rays taken in a small hospital during a one-week period.

Day Count Frequency
Monday ///// / 6
Tuesday /// 3
Wednesday // 2
Thursday // 2
Friday //// 4
Saturday / 1
Sunday   0
Total:   18

How many X-rays were taken on Monday?

A. 6 
B. 4 
C. 3 
D. 2 
E. 1

Correct answer: A

Example 7. If a casual nurse is paid $21.50 per hour, how much will they earn for an 8 hour shift which has a compulsory half-hour, unpaid lunch break?

A. $182.75
B. $172.00
C. $161.25
D. $155.25
E. $150.50

Correct answer: C

Example 8. Use the following formula to calculate a, if c = 20, d = 10 and e = 2.

a = c - d

A. 15 
B. 12 
C. 8 
D. 2½
E. 2

Correct answer: D

Example 9. If 10% of a number is 100, what is the number?

A. 10
B. 100
C. 1,000 
D. 10,000
E. 100,000

Correct answer: C

Example 10. 431 x 16?

A. 4,316
B. 4,896
C. 6,366
D. 6,896
E. 8,316

Correct answer: D

Example 11. If a medicine is mixed three parts water to one part solution, and this made 80 ml of medicine. How much solution was used?

A. 10 ml
B. 20 ml
C. 30 ml
D. 40 ml
E. 180 ml

Correct answer: B

Example 12. - 2 x   (3+7)

A. - 50
B. - 22
C. - 15
D. - 8
E. 22

Correct answer: A

Using the following graph answer Examples 13 and 14.


Example 13. How many children travelled to school by train and tram?

A. 5
B. 6
C. 10
D. 12
E. 15

Correct answer: D

Example 14. How many more children travelled to school by bicycle than bus?

A. 10
B. 8
C. 6
D. 4
E. 2

Correct answer: B

Using the following pie chart answer Example 15.


Example 15. Which is the most popular method of travel to school?

A. Walking
B. Bicycle
C. Car
D. Train
E. Tram

Correct answer: C

Test 3 - English Writing Skills

This is a 45 minute test requiring different types of written responses to specific topics. Each writing task has a purpose and requires you to provide a written response that meets the requirements of the task. You may be asked for your viewpoint on a given topic or you may be asked to read a passage and answer the questions following.

To prepare for this test, we suggest you read newspapers and magazines and practise writing what you have read about. Ask a tutor or teacher or someone with excellent English skills to read your writing and give you feedback.

The topics usually do not require specific knowledge.

Reading and Numeracy