No border to Dr Ray Hodgson's healing


Ray Hodgson

HE'S a doctor committed to his patients and students - not just in Australia but in developing countries around the world where conditions are at their most challenging.

Dr Ray Hodgson is an obstetrician and gynaecologist who takes his skills and experience to disadvantaged women in Nepal at least twice a year.

"We are very privileged in this country with the women's health we have," Dr Hodgson said. "(But) the state of women's health in developing countries is appalling.

"Every day, 1000 women in the world die as a result of being pregnant and 99 per cent of those are in developing countries. In Nepal it occurs in women who are relatively young. The average age is 28.

"That shocks a lot of people in Australia. It's an awful statistic and they're leaving behind orphans. There are very few doctors in Nepal who can do the surgery to fix the problems."




Dr Hodgson makes the trip from Port Macquarie Base Hospital with a medical team which includes a scholarship winner from the clinical school where he teaches. This medical sojourn for Prolapse Down Under has been going on for three years.

They provide treatment for woman who would normally not receive it inside a surgical treatment camp.

"Everyone can help us correct that imbalance, whether we are a doctor, nurse or lay person," he said. "People can volunteer to work over there or contribute through donations."

Janis Dick nominated Dr Hodgson for the Pride of Australia award's Care and Compassion Medal while working with him as an administrator at the Port Macquarie Campus of Rural Clinical School. "He goes above and beyond for his medical students," Ms Dick said.

"To say that the students think he is a legend would be an understatement.

"The competitiveness amongst the students to get his scholarship is something to behold."