About us

ABC Factual and Documentary commissions programming for ABC TV, ABC2 and ABC Multiplatform across the following genres:

  • History
  • Contemporary
  • Science
  • Natural History
  • Religion and Ethics

Our aim is to engage large numbers of Australians in content that enriches their lives, and to ensure that ABC Television is the place to find the best Australian stories told by the best Australian story-tellers.

We commission a broad range of styles: observational documentaries, drama-documentaries, presenter-led documentaries, first person narratives and formatted series, and we’re always interested in new forms and hybrids.

The ABC is an advertising free taxpayer-funded public service broadcaster.

Who's Who

Steve Bibb
Head of Factual
Matt Scully

Matt Scully
Commissioning Editor, Science and Natural History

Sandra Graham
Unit Co-ordinator, Factual

Andrea Ulbrick

Andrea Ulbrick
Commissioning Editor, Contemporary and Religion & Ethics

Anita Brown

Anita Brown
Commissioning Editor, Factual and Documentary

Nicky Ruscoe

Nicky Ruscoe
Development Producer, Factual and Documentary


ABC Factual and Documentary commissions programming for ABC TV, ABC2 and ABC Multiplatform across the following genres:


Contemporary factual content on ABC 1 seeks to explore the ever-changing experience, diversity and complexity of modern Australian life. We’re interested in the people and places that make Australia what it is today, as well as interrogating the issues that affect and concern us all right now.

We are looking for intelligent, entertaining content and a range of approaches including observational documentary and presenters who take us on a journey of significance. Proposals should stand out in their ambition, editorially and creatively. Context is important, but the present tense experience is critical.

We’re also looking for formatted documentaries, social experiments and campaigning series.

Commissioning Opportunities

Relevant and engaging documentary series or one-offs
Revelatory and thought provoking presenter led opinion films
Occasional feature documentary slots

Recent Programming:

Supplying a proposal to us

ABC Television can only commission ideas from independent production companies. If you're an individual with an idea and need to find a production company, please click here.

            "In order to find a production company, we suggest that people do some research about the companies who produce the type of programmes that you have an idea for. A great way of doing this is to watch similar programmes on TV and note down the company names at the end of the programme.

            Most of these independent companies are listed either in the Yellow/White Pages, or in a business directory called “Encore” (published through Reed Business Information)."

All proposals should be emailed to the Development Producer - details below. We do not accept hard copies of proposals.
In the first instance a fully fleshed out treatment is not necessary, but initial submissions should aim to articulate a clear and well-substantiated rationale for the project, as well as a short outline of the story and/ or thesis. We receive many proposals on interesting subjects without any explanation as to how they would work as a television program.
If you are a new filmmaker without a lot of broadcast experience, we'd still love to hear from you. However, we might suggest you work with a team who can support you through the production and delivery process.

What to submit:
A 2-4 page document is the most effective way to send us ideas as that way we can respond quickly as to whether we have an interest in the idea, and/or if it's a priority for the current slate.

Your submission should provide answers to the following questions:

  • Please submit a one line, one paragraph and a short 1-2 page synopsis. (A good reference guide for what is a synopsis/outline can be found on the Screen Australia website ).
  • How will it work as a television program? An outline of the concept in terms of how you conceive it working on screen.
  • How could your idea work on other ABC platforms?
  • Are you looking for development or presale funding?
  • Which channel are you submitting an idea for?
  • Which documentary slot you are submitting an idea for?
  • Who are the key creative talents on board the project? (include CVs)

If we require further information or documentation to support your idea we will follow this up with you.

We will acknowledge receipt and registration of proposals by email. Your proposal will be subsequently assessed by a Commissioning Editor and the department's Manager of Development within a timeframe of four to six weeks from acknowledgement.

Due to the volume of proposals received we cannot return any materials sent in to us.

All proposals and general queries should go to the Unit Coordinator.

Nicky Ruscoe
Development Producer
ABC Factual
GPO Box 9994
Sydney NSW 2001
Email: ruscoe.nicky@abc.net.au

Receipt of your proposal will be acknowledged; we aim to respond in 4-6 weeks. We look forward to hearing from you.

For further information about ABC documentaries please visit: www.abc.net.au/tv/documentaries/programmakers

For Acquisition enquiries please visit: www.abc.net.au/tv/independent/completed