The Bullsheet      Sunrise in 6:00am    

Sunday, 6 Sept '18 - 8am from Hornsby for Brunch at Glenorie Shopping Centre  -  69km  -  ETR 12:50pm   


Ride Organiser: Phil Johnston aka BankTeller 0434 715.861 [1st Acceptor], Jean aka ChiliDog  [2nd Acceptor], Pete aka CampyAficinado [3rd Acceptor], Eric aka PapaBear [4th Acceptor], ...... are starting at 8am from Hornsby.

Grant aka BeanCounter   Lea aka SlowLea, Matt aka GreenMonkey, John aka L'Etape, Kev aka TexDubbo, Terry aka Navigator, Chris aka Recalcitrant BankTeller  Ron aka Draughtsman, Tony aka Publican,  Lea aka SlowLea Bill aka Glasgow, Tony aka Yorky Jane aka NeoLuddite [2nd Acceptor], Barry aka Bazza [2nd Acceptor]  . George  aka Englishman  Terry aka Navigator



If you want to join us, please e-mail Bank Teller and he will add your moniker above.

Rollout Hornsby by 8:15am. Ride North 11km to Berowra Waters Rd. Descend to Berowra Waters Ferry.  Ascend twds Galston. Right head West along Mid Dural Rd.
Right up Old Northern Rd to Glenorie for 1st Nosh Stop. 
Return to Hornsby by retracing down Old Northern Rd to Mid Dural Rd.  Left thru Galston.  Then 2.5km out 'n back along rustic, bucolic Crosslands Rd.  Descend and ascend Galston Gorge.


Nth from Hornsby to Berowra Waters Rd 11.0 km
Left and descend to Berowra Waters Ferry 16.1 km
Ascend from ferry along Bay Rd and Arcadia Rd 26.7 km
Ahead onto Galston Rd to Galston 29.0 km
West into Mid Dural Rd 31.0 km
Right into Old Northern Rd 33.3 km
Arrive Glenorie shopping centre and cafe 43.0 km
Retrace down Old Northern Rd 47.0 km
Left into Mid Dural Rd 55.3 km
Pass thru Galston shops 57.6 km
Continue ahead onto Crosslands Rd 60.8 km
Ahead into rustic, bucolic Crosslands Rd to the start of dirt road and return 62.3 km
Retrace Crosslands Rd and turn left into Galston Rd 64.3 km
Descend and ascend Galston Gorge to Pacific Highway and turn right 66.0 km
Turn left onto Bridge Rd 68.0 km
Turn right onto Jersey St 69.0 km

Jean aka ChiliDog and Jane aka NeoLuddite started at Nth Turra' with BankTeller, but Jean had a 'serious attitude disorder', a crestfallen shadow of his former tenacity and brilliance. At Jean's behest, we agreed to re-group at PitS.
Alas, when we assembled outside PitS there were a lot of Mungo Wackos on motor bikes making lots of noise, and driving way too fast, so much so that BankTeller phoned Hornsby Police station at 9:43am.  He told the Constable that there was some Wacko dangerous motor bike driving around PitS.  And asked was Hornsby Police aware of that.  He told the constable that he had twice written to the NSW Police Minister and the NSW Police Commissioner about two death within three months, both on weekends, of motor bike riders over the 3.85km road section between Brooklyn Rd and PitS.  The Constable politely retorted that the Police have been conducting police patrols. BankTeller said that police patrols were ineffective and 'labour-intense-costly'.  BankTeller asked the Constable why the Police do not employ cost-effective technology and install discrete mobile radar cameras in the bush and post out the fines in the same manner that other States in Oz and offshore do, in order to discourage speeding in a cost-effective 'technology-manner' and save lives.  He iterated that there had been two motor bike fatalities over the 3.85km windy stretch between Brooklyn Rd and PitS in the last 12 months.  There will be more fatalities because of the hubris evident in mass hysteria of motor bikers with metal caps making sparks fly on the bends and their Compadres filming at those corners to post on YouTube.  Hopefully a road cyclist wont be amongst further fatalities on this Mad Cap 3.85km of madness. 
Jean and Jane opted not to 'run the gauntlet'.  I suggested to Jean that he ought to book an appointment with his analyst.  Jane retorted,, "Wouldn't it be better if Jean saw your analyst".  I told Jane that my analyst won't take on a 'hopeless case'.

At PitS a few years ago