www.Muggaccinos.com     The Bullsheet

Sunday, 11 July  -  Tour de Richmond, Bowen Mountain, Bellbird Hill Kurrajong - with 2 of the toughest climbs in NSW:

i)          Turramurra BY 8:15am via M2 to Marayong station, Iron Horse to Richmond, Bowen Mountain-Kurrajong loop, Iron Horse to Marayong, M2 to Turra' - 102km - ETR 4pm; or

ii)         Dural BY 8:30am via Annangrove Rd to Riverstone station, Iron Horse to Richmond, Bowen Mountain - Kurrajong loop, Iron Horse to Riverstone, cycle back to Dural along Annangrove Rd - 90m - ETR 3:30pm


Ø    Ride Organiser: Phil Johnston  9498.3684 hm      Ride Leader:  Brian Willis

Ø    Hardcopy these directions and bring on Sunday

Ø   Expend 10 min studying the broken black clockwork pencil line (starting at 5 o'clock on the compass) in the PDF of 33km "Bowen Mountain/Kurrajong loop" to familiarize with the below 2nd 'n 3rd Legs

Ø   Ride two abreast on single lane roads at own peril and get off the road at Sag Stops

Ø   Cycling without Public Liability cover is as silly as driving without 3rd Party - join Bicycle NSW for PL insurance, so that all Muggs are better protected

Ø   When passing a fellow Mugg, always provide a metre clearance.  If you can't, or are passing on the inside, you MUST call out loudly eg. "passing inside tight" etc


We commence by 8:15am from the snotty North Shore suburb of Turramurra and after 27km  - 4km on Kissing Point Rd, 1.9km thru Browns Water Hole, 15km on M2 and 6km to Marayong station - we climb aboard 9:38am
train to Richmond arriving 10:08am
Whereupon we commence a challenging 48km clockwise loop, starting with an easy 12km, to then scale 2.95km Bowen Mountain @ 7.63o.
After a 10km dart Northish, we slog it 6.25km up Bellbird Hill @ 7.22o to an elevation of 570m.  Man, we are out in the veritable boondocks
We then descend to bucolic Kurrajong/Richmond, catch the train from Richmond back to Marayong, followed by 27km cycle back to Turra' station, where we end-up back amongst the LOMBARDs (Lots of money but real a real dickhead) at Turra' late-arvo. 
-  ETR 4pm.

Or commence from Dural by 8:30am and pedal 21km via Annangrove Rd to Riverstone station, catch 9:51am train to Richmond - meeting the Turra' brigade on same train. 
Thence complete 48km Mt Bowen/Bellbird Hill loop. 
1:48pm Richmond train to Riverstone
arriving 2:16pm.
21km to Dural via Annangrove Rd - ETR 3:30pm.

a)       Two alternate 1st Legs to Richmond
i)        From Turramurra car park via M2 to Marayong station, thence train to Richmond station26km:
8:15am up Rohini St to Pac H'way, turn R and 20m later L to descend Kissing Point Rd. to Browns Waterhole, M2 to Marayong station to catch the 9:38 train [joined by cyclists which commence from Dural at Riverstone station at 9:51am] arriving Richmond at 10:08am.

Detailed instructions for Turra' to Marayong station:

Cycle 60m up Rohini St to the H'way and R at lights.  50m later L at lights into Kissing Point Rd and commence step descent shortly crossing Comenarra Parkway at lights and proceed to end  of Kissing Point Rd.  Take R fork onto cycleway path to Browns Water Hole (caution steep decent with sharp turns, causeway may flood) followed by a short steep climb to M2.  We pass through a narrow 20m tunnel and Sag Stop (3 min) before joining M2 on south side.
Passing 2 on and 2 off roads, we cycle 15kms to where Old Windsor Rd meets Abbott Rd and continue straight along Abbott Road.  R into Johnson Avenue at lights for Sag Stop (5 min).  1.1km later L into Vardys Rd. at the roundabout, crossing Sunnyholt Rd at the lights. 
Approaching Marayong Station we cycle under the railway bridge and L at roundabout and 75m later pull-up with Marayong Station 50m in front of you for Sag Stop (30 min) on train to Richmond and pedal 50m NW to Richmond Park. 



ii)    FromHills Tourist Info Centre” car-park (656B Old Northern Rd Dural – UBD 131 - on LHS just after "Porter Scenic Lookout" and before Dural Country Club) to Windsor 35km:
8:35am -

  • L cycling Nth up Old Northern Rd for 1.2km,

  • L into Wyoming Rd for 700m,

  • into Langford Rd/Davey Rd for 1.6km, 

  • L into Derriwong Rd for 500m, 

  • R into Wirrabara Rd for 600m, 

  • R into Pellit Lane which soon veers L for 180m,

  • R into Kenthurst Rd for 1km,

  • L into Annangrove Rd for 10.5km, 

  • R into Windsor Rd for 2km, 

  • L into Garfield Rd East for 2.9km to Riverstone station,

where, after purchasing a snack at the Riverstone Milk Bar we meet the Turra' brigade on the 9:51am train Sag Stop (19 min on train) which arrives Richmond at 10:08am.

2nd Leg: Richmond, Bowen Mountain, Kurrajong Heights, Bellbird Hill, KurrajongRichmond
-  48km


10:10am depart Richmond station pedal 2.5km NWW along March St/Kurrajong Rd twds Nth Richmond, passing St Peter's Church and cemetery and Pugh's Lagoon where water birds might be seen.  

Ahead over the North Richmond Bridge crossing the Upper Hawkesbury River.  
700m through North Richmond shops on Bells Line of Road.

Left at the first set of traffic lights onto Grose Vale Rd.  

It's 8km NWW along Gross Vale Rd to the Bowen Mountain Rd turnoff comprising:

*        2.5km to Grose River Rd on LHS whilst climbing North Richmond Hill and into the country side with views over the Sydney Plains and rural scenery with dairy cows and orchards, passing historic St John of God Hospital

*        2km to Bells Rd on RHS

*        3.5km to Bowen Mtn Rd on LHS.

The Start of the 2.95km KOM Climb is the Left into Bowen Mountain Rd crossing Carters/Westerby Rd, thence Gunbower Rd/Serpentine Lane, then passing Grandview Lane on LHS.

Right up Wattle St for 250m.  Ahead into Bellbird Cres for 250m  Left onto Lieutenant Bowen Rd for 250m to Bowen Reserve where there is a huge Bunya Pine and amenities (toilets, seats, BBQ ).
Sag Stop
(10 min) amidst magnificent views all the way to the Big Smoke.


Retreat 50m along Lieutenant Bowen Rd.

Right into Bunya Cres for 250m. 

Right into Pamula Cres for 350m.  

Left into Bowen Mountain Rd for 1.9km.

Left into Westerby Rd for 1km;

Ahead into for 3km along Gross Vale Rd/Old Bells Line of Road taking you to the bottom of famous Bellbird Hill

Left into Bells Line of Road for 500m to "Little Wheeny Creek" sign - 5 metres before concrete bridge which is Start of 6.15km KOM Climb - elevation 452m - ave gradient of 7.2o with sections >10o:

5km up Bells Line of Road;

Left into Warks Rd for 1.15km to Bellbird Hill/Kurrajong Heights KOM.


Retreat 1.15km down Warks Rd;

Left into Bells Line of Road for 11km to Richmond Bridge;

Ahead for 2.5km ESE along Kurrajong Rd/March St to Richmond station arriving around by 2:05pm to aboard the 2:18pm (or 3:18pm) train from Richmond Sag Stop to -

(i)         Riverstone alighting 2:37pm (or 3:37pm); or

(ii)        Marayong alighting at 2:46pm (or 3:46pm)

a)       Two alternate 4th Legs home after alighting train

Alight at Riverstone station at 2:37pm.


(i)        Pedal 21km from Riverstone to Dural via Annangrove Rd

2:40pm  -

bullet NE along Garfield Rd East for 2.9km,


R into Windsor Rd for 2km, 


L into Annangrove Rd for 10.5km,


R into Kenthurst Rd for 1km,


L into Pellit Lane which soon veers R for 180m,


L into Wirrabara Rd for 600m,


L into Derriwong Rd for 500m,


R into Langford Rd/Davey Rd for 1.6km,


R into Wyoming Rd for 700m,cycling Nth up Old Northern Rd for 1.2km


R into Old Northern Rd for 1km to Dural Tourist Info Centre - ETR 3:15pm [90km]

(ii)        Pedal 25km from Marayong station to Turra' station.


    Alight at Marayong station at 2:46pm.

  • Right  into Quakers Rd for 100m,

  • R in Vardy's Rd for 4.1km,

  • R into Johnson Ave for 1.1km,

  • L into Abbots Rd/M2 for 15.1km,

  • L at Optus Tower down/up Brown's Waterhole for 1.8km,

  • Ahead up Kissing Point Rd for 4km

  • R ay Pacific H'way for 50m

  • Left into Rohini St for 200m

  • Left into Turramurra station carpark.

   ETR Turramurra station 4pm.

Ant's Blackheath pics

Ant's Blackheath pics - 1

Ant's Blackheath pics - 2

Ant's Blackheath pics - 3

Ant's Blackheath pics - 4


Bank Teller's rap-up of Sat, 3 July, St Ives, Duffy' Forest, West Head, Bayview Marina 'n home  - 82km - 7 starters

Rolf aka Malvern Star, Colin, Richard, Marc, John, Nerida 'n Bank Teller  rolled out of St Ives car-park on another corker of a Winter's morn'.  Alas, Marc was stricken with a flat  shortly into our ride which ended his morn'.

RHS shows a local lizard  goanna  climbing a tree at West Head immediately beneath us.

Below pic of Richard, Scribe, Nerida aka Ned and Rolf aka Malvern Star at West Head.



Whippets rap-up of Sunday 4 July, (USA Ind, Day - Unwind Stress Alternate Ind Day)

Scribe's explanation for the FerryBoat 'no-show' The FerryBoat from Brooklyn Wharf was cancelled on Sat night by the FerryMan, but Scribe only found out on Sunday morn'.  Scribe had 'phoned the Hawkesbury River Ferries on Sat seeking to confirm that the ferry was running.  After leaving a voice-mail the FerryMan 'phoned Phil on Sunday morn' announcing that due to no explicit bookings, he pulled the pin to cut costs.  On Sunday morn' Scribe left messages on Samurai and Navigator's cell 'phones.  So we need to book beforehand next time.

Following on from Bank Teller's above clarification, our route became ‘Turra’ to Brooklyn & return - 82km’, whereupon after a most pleasant breather on the water's edge at the serene Brooklyn Pier, which included Heineken, NoPlay ‘n Stoker, Ward Nurse, Adam ‘n Eve, Nerida, Karen, Pacific Pete, our relaxed crew settled in to unwind, not wanting to move on. 

The Nth Turra, Shopping Centre was a quiet affair, what with Scribe AWL.  Whippet, waited for cars to be reparked, bikes to be assembled while we welcomed new chum, Karen, who had arrived early from the East/Sub, ready to start, as this small elite crew of 12 were not ready to role out. 

Our disorderly start continued as we were unaware of what lay ahead, this was a ride ‘n cruise to nowhere, up a creek without a paddle.  Sadly, the route times allowed for the Brooklyn leg had been pruned beyond a social canter, so this Muggs’ ride was now a high speed race to catch a ferry wasn't even runnin'.  It was now impossible for some regular riders to get to the pier by 11am. 


Our first climb to Kalkari seems just a little hill, as we powered on to be greeted by Graeme, Keith, Doug & others on a separate BN Ride.  First in Tornado followed by Adam, Arno, escorted The Whippet, just ahead of the Tandem with NoPlay ‘n Linda, a power spinning duo.  Pacific Pete, who’d started from Hornsby, was finished his first pot of tea before the Turra group arrived at the Brooklyn Pier.

The Red Herring Conspiracy; This small contingent of 11 had missed the boat, alas ‘who paid the FerryMan’  was, the sub-standard leaky old boat in for repairs, rough seas, nerr!  Just nobody told the FerryMan that it was Muggs’ paying customers running late.  The decision now was to head back to PitSky, where the leather bike brigade were in large numbers.  Peter had more pressing matters to attend & opted to return to Turra'.  Adam, Whippet, ‘The  Tandem Train’ all powered up the 3.85km climb to be out classed by Tornado with a time of 10:47.

‘’The Muggs"‘ managed to snavel a table in the shade to cool off at PitSky, which was packed on this most pleasant sunny morning with a most pleasant view to the North.


Scribe   4 July 04